Trial Discussion Thread #31

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After Prof Simpson mentioned it an article yesterday, I have been searching high and low for a crime scene photo that clearly shows the 'tea/coffee mugs/cups' that should have been there if we believe Oscar.

I can't seem to find one? If there were no coffee mugs and tea cups - where did they get to if Oscar insists no-one went downstairs after they went up to bed?

I stick to my story that they never went to bed at all. It was non stop sniping and niggling from the minute the 'hurdle overcomer' Oscar entered that home just after 18:00.

If anyone can find the mugs - please post a link?

I think there is a mug on the left hand bedside table in the 2 photos shown in Van Rensburg's testimony on Day 11 Part 1 (displayed at around 56:00 in
I found the cup. It's a funny square one, on the right hand side of the bed. I want to see if I can find one on the left now. In Oscar's testimony, didn't he say they took the plates out and Reeva asked if he wanted a warm drink then brought it up to him - but he didn't mention if she made herself one too?


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Samantha Taylor

I find her testimony valid because she was with him in the two years where he was gong through the most amount of pressure.
I seen people post and media call her ‘bitter, or scorned’ or, in a terrible term used by a FM, that she’s a “shrew’ (nasty and completely inappropriate).

Pistorius needed to label Taylor a liar and discredit her testimony - like he did to ev'one - yet by doing so it revealed his antipathy and condescension towards his girlfriends.

She was ‘screamed at in front of others’ in his angry outbursts. Yet at only seventeen/eighteen her older famous boyfriend was: shooting out of moving cars; antagonistic towards police; making his friends lie about shooting in a crowded restaurant and going against her wishes from jealously or egotism to start a physical and legal fight with a rival.

He also said Taylor lied about how long it took him to put on his prosthetics. She stated it could take him about 4minutes. While Pistorius can put his prosthetics on quickly, there are plenty of interviews where he talks about how his legs would “chafe and give him enormous blisters on his stumps”. It seems that in normal situations putting his stump socks on carefully and whatever padding needed could easily take minutes to do rather than seconds he claims.

I think it takes him much longer to put his running blades on than his walking legs. It his running blades that cause him blisters so I read some while back.
That's gotta be the most embarrassing thing I've ever heard in my life.............10 out of 10 on the cringe worthy scale that's for sure :please:
Re the video.....
Wow his voice broke. Why would you cry relaying what you said to an intruder!!!!

He was remembering what he SHOUTED TO REEVA!!!!
The mugs definitely exist in the bedroom. Were they tested for DNA (or lipstick!) to find who drank from which one, or did OP run upstairs to switch them over? If they weren't switched it would be pretty conclusive as to who slept where (if they showed Reeva's cup was not on the right hand side).

Thank you for the post and link. It's very interesting. I'd love to know more about how they obtained the data. Any idea where I might find this information?

DDI are the company responsible. On our (SA) 'OscarTrial' channel, their research is regularly spat out. Let me find their website link and perhaps you can find more detail.

Media monitoring services.

Sorry I can't give you more, but I'm going to have a scrawl through more of their 'Twitter' activities.
I found the cup. It's a funny square one, on the right hand side of the bed. I want to see if I can find one on the left now. In Oscar's testimony, didn't he say they took the plates out and Reeva asked if he wanted a warm drink then brought it up to him - but he didn't mention if she made herself one too?

Thanks for the photo . It is so easy to read press reports and then get the wrong idea .
I have learnt not to believe a lot of things that I read in the press without verification . It is hard enough trying to keep on top of facts presented in court :)
Have you checked the video link I gave earlier? You'll see it then.

Yes, but I didn't see any photos. I'll check again. I suspect I know where I might have gone wrong, as numbers are involved. :)
Thanks for the photo . It is so easy to read press reports and then get the wrong idea .
I have learnt not to believe a lot of things that I read in the press without verification . It is hard enough trying to keep on top of facts presented in court :)

That's why it bugged me so badly - I hate reading something and then not being able to find the 'back up'.

I hadn't given the mug a 2nd thought until Prof Simpson commented on it.

I am relieved to have seen the mug. One less thing to worry about.

Leaving me with only 1568 remaining 'issues' to be crossed off before I can even contemplate Oscar's version being anything other than a lie.
Found it! (I had made exactly the mistake I thought I might have).

It is hard to be certain, but it does look like there is a white cup standing on top of the magazines, if you look carefully.

Incidentally - I though Reeva's 'warm drink' question a little odd. I would have expected something more specific: 'You want a cup of hot chocolate? Herbal tea?'

As it is of course, there is no way police could have checked the contents of the cups to verify events (for example, if Reeva never drank hot chocolate, but there was a cup with residue of chocolate on the left side of the bed....). A 'warm drink' is just too generic. :(


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I can see where one might think that but you also have to consider...

1. There was blood spatter and blood smears found on the front of the magazine rack, indicating that it was indeed in that toilet room. She came to rest on top of the rack, the blood from her head dripped in to the toilet and the blood from her arm dripped on to the floor forming that pool.

2. There are no smudge marks in the pools of blood or the droplets of blood indicating that this rack was slid around the room.

3. There are no stump or foot marks in the pools or droplets of blood that would indicate that Oscar was "shuffling" around trying to pick her up. I think he walked in, hoisted her up and took her out. I don't think he struggled to lift her at all. There's just no physical proof of that.

4. Also, the wood plank appears to be exactly where it would have fallen out of the door. If Oscar was shuffling around with her in his arms, he would have likely disturbed that piece of wood.

Those are my observations when I look at this scene.

image here where the mag rack has later been [re]moved...

note: no blood in floor area where pt say mag rack was. i.e. area is masked from blood by mag rack
note: blood in join between wall and floor where mag rack ended.
note: blood drops on floor where oscar 'version' says mag rack was.

yet another op red herring/diversion/lie.


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