GUILTY FL - Calyx, 16, & Beau Schenecker, 13, shot to death, Tampa, 27 Jan 2011 #6

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Mornin' :seeya:

I slept late but since trial starts late I am ON TIME TODAY! Whoopeee! :giggle:
IMO, there was a lot of evidence presented by the defense that had no relevancy, and we heard it over and over again. Based on the definition of legal insanity in Florida law, I'd have to find her guilty too. Dr. Stein's testimony made that especially clear, but all of the relevant evidence pointed in that direction.

It's a terrible situation, and I just hope that whatever the jury decides, JS will remain under the care of mental health professionals and away from the general population.

Nice chatting with everyone. :seeya:

I so agree, janx.

When the defense experts tried to make every thought she ever had into a delusion .......they lost me right there. It was rather ridiculous.

Tampa Bay Times Live ‏@TBTimesLive · 1m
Back in the courtroom for closing arguments in the #JulieSchenecker case. More people in the audience than ever. #ScheneckerTrial
6:44 AM



Closing arguments to begin at 9:45 in #ScheneckerTrial . WATCH LIVE NOW:
I can't believe I'm on the fence here ... she is seriously ill. But there's something bothering me about the notes she left for her husband. Although she says she's 'so sorry' to him she also left the snarky remark about Beau in his parking space and to come home they are all waiting.... She clearly wanted him to find them all dead when he got back. I'm not really sure how to think about that. :/
Gloria Gomez, FOX 13 ‏@ggome13 · 1m
Observation: lead detective in case sitting in the gallery along with Parker Schenecker & #JulieSchenecker family all here too
Waiting for #JulieSchenecker to make it into CR. Pros Jay Pruner will do closing and PD Jennifer Spradley will to it for defense.

Was hoping it'd be the guy on the defense.
I can't believe I'm on the fence here ... she is seriously ill. But there's something bothering me about the notes she left for her husband. Although she says she's 'so sorry' to him she also left the snarky remark about Beau in his parking space and to come home they are all waiting.... She clearly wanted him to find them all dead when he got back. I'm not really sure how to think about that. :/

There's something bothering me as well. I can't put my finger on anything exact though. It's a few things that are throwing me off. I am in NO way saying she's innocent nor am I blaming PS...I do believe he thought he was doing the right things to help her. I just can't help but feel that there's much more to this family dynamic and their marriage that we aren't hearing. I do feel that Parker leaving for Qatar created the perfect storm. It had obviously been brewing since her car accident and continued to brew until he left. I don't believe she was completely sane when committing the murders. She was in the midst of a psychotic break, her thoughts of wrong vs right were skewed. I just don't know how to feel here. She's very ill and has been for quite some time. Leaving her alone with the children and all of life's hassles when she had just spent weeks in bed in a depressed state wasn't a call I would've made. Jmo here. Like I said, this one has me wondering.

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I can't believe I'm on the fence here ... she is seriously ill. But there's something bothering me about the notes she left for her husband. Although she says she's 'so sorry' to him she also left the snarky remark about Beau in his parking space and to come home they are all waiting.... She clearly wanted him to find them all dead when he got back. I'm not really sure how to think about that. :/

I am clearly not on the fence and feel very comfortable with my opinion that she should be found Guilty of First Degree Murder.

The last doctor who testified wrapped it all up in a neat bow for me.

Everything she did beginning five days before the murders until she executed the murders took clear cognitive thinking. She accomplished everything she set out to do. I no more believe she was planning on committing suicide anyway.

I have no doubts whatsoever that she was not insane at the time and she did know how to calculate and plan all of this out to a tee. All of that takes clear cognitive thought to plan this out and then execute it.

All the things she did to cover it up also has convinced me she is not legally insane. How she lied to Beau about it being a toy gun.... to how she crept up behind Caylx and lied why she was there. How she put the vehicle in the garage knowing her murdered son was inside of it even though she had never parked there before. How she knew she had to return from the casino at a certain time. All of her own words and actions shows me she is one evil, cunning, and manipulative murderer.

The last forensic psychiatrist that testified for the State (the cute lady with the glasses) was, in my opinion, devastating to JS's case. She seems very familiar with the case and all its players and backs up all her conclusions with multiple examples.

So if MI didn't cause JS to kill her children what are we left with? Was it just evil and anger that made her do it? We hear cases of husbands committing suicide after killing their families and we generally say "he was just evil. If he wanted to kill himself fine, but why did he have to kill the family"?

BBM. There's something that bothers me...about the sole female expert to testify being the most adamantly insisting *JS was sane.* Is she judging JS more harshly than the male docs? (Or are they going "soft" on JS because she's a woman?)

JS requested Dr. Stein to be her psychiatrist, (she doesn't realize that would be impossible?! Is that a delusion?)

Maybe JS opened up more to Dr. Stein because she's female, a possible explanation for the tears during testimony. The doc used the female connection to get more from JS (and then turned on her.)

IMO the fantasy/plan to murder her children and commit suicide was forming in JS's mind for years prior to the ultimate outcome. I believe that those thoughts fueled her addiction, her MI and her deteriorating relationships. JS let herself go because the effort required to keep her head above water was too great. I do believe that she was insane, (maybe not in the legal sense.) I think she let herself "go there." Sadly, it's too late to go back.
Gloria Gomez, FOX 13 ‏@ggome13 · 2m
Waiting for judge and jury to show up #JulieSchenecker
Good Morning Everyone!:seeya:

My thoughts and prayers are with Beau and Caylx today. May justice be done.

I wish that Florida had enacted the same laws that my own state of Georgia has enacted.

During the Hemy Neuman murder trial he was found Guilty but by reasons of insanity. No longer are these kind of defendants able to get out one day. Their sentences are consistent with the offenses they have committed. HM received LWOP.

He will remain in prison for the rest of his life serving out his punishment for planning and executing the murder of Rusty Sniederman. However throughout his life he will be seen and cared for by mental health professionals and will be given medication to make sure his mental condition remains stable.

This way it ensures that the defendant is never allowed back out in society where they could harm another person. His jury also believed he certainly knew right from wrong even though they felt he suffered from mental illness and that is why he was sentenced to LWOP.

So it serves two purposes. Punishment and mental health support while incarcerated.

There have been cases where the defendant was able to fool the doctors and fooled jurors too and they were let out rather quickly after being found NG by the reason of Insanity. Some even went on to commit other violent crimes ..even murder.

I have looked at this case without an emotional attachment. Imo, the defense didn't prove she was mentally ill at the time she did these crimes and that she did not know right from wrong. I would have to vote Guilty of first degree murder.

The 2nd degree and even manslaughter charge is a farce and would be a slap in the face to the two victims. This was certainly no crime of passion. This is one of the coldest long drawn out premeditated homicides I have seen recently.

I have discounted all the evidence that I considered just filler and really had no relevancy. I have looked at the evidence that was presented 5 days prior to JS carrying out these homicides and through when she was arrested and interviewed.

I have no doubt in my mind she absolutely knew what she was doing and she certainly knew it was wrong. So whatever the verdict is I will accept it as I do any other although my opinion of what the verdict is or should be.......will remain the same. That is the great thing about this country. None of the public has to agree with the verdict rendered by 12 people in any case.:)

But this is a Florida jury and who in the heck knows how this will all end. Why there seems to be so many quirky people on juries there has always fascinated me.


I have watched this trial everyday (lots of RL catching up to do soon) and you have summarized my feelings exactly. For me the option of guity and insane would be fine which seems like what the Neuman option was.

For anyone watching this I don't know how this typ of case can be anything other than a big wake up call for how little we understand mental illness and how so many family and professional people need education. It has been said over and over "no one say this coming" and this is the heart of the problem. As I listened to the case and all those docs...she gave clues on a daily one wanted to hear is human nature. I will be alot more sympathetic to families with serious mental illness issues and pay more attention to laws and organizations trying to make a difference in this field.
Waiting for #JulieSchenecker to make it into CR. Pros Jay Pruner will do closing and PD Jennifer Spradley will to it for defense.

Was hoping it'd be the guy on the defense.

I fear Jennifer's droning will put me to sleep again.
Tampa Bay Times Live ‏@TBTimesLive · 1m
The detectives who interviewed Schenecker after her arrest are in court today to watch the closing #ScheneckerTrial

Tampa Bay Times Live ‏@TBTimesLive · 5m
#JulieSchenecker appears in court for closing arguments in her murder trial. Photo by @DW_Times #ScheneckerTrial

Jeff Patterson ‏@WFLAJeff · 7m
It's a packed courtroom as people anticipate start of closing arguments in #ScheneckerTrial
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