FRAUD - Tammy & Sidney Moorer in Heather Elvis case, hearing held 17 Dec 2018

I agree that it's difficult if not impossible to picture TM teaching these kids anything but home schooled kids have to be tested to insure that they are actually learning something at home and I believe she would have to take them to a facility for the testing. I don't know about SC but that is how it's done where I live. Any locals have any idea about how home schooling works in SC?

I don't live there but I found an article that explains the laws. They are required to do the state testing.

From article:
South Carolina homeschool law
How to Homeschool Legally in SC.

"Compulsory attendance – Between 5 and 17 years of age.

Parents must have at least a high school diploma or GED.

Parents need only test if they are homeschooling under local school district supervision. Those homeschooling with a homeschool association need not test.

180 instructional days per year, each at least four and one-half hours long.

Curriculum includes, but is not limited to, the basic instructional areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies and in grades seven through twelve, composition and literature."

It goes on to list 3 options parents have to homeschool.

This is what is says about testing requirements and parent responsibility

6. Students must participate in the annual statewide testing program and the Basic Skills Assessment Program approved by the State Board of Education for their appropriate grade level. The tests must be administered by a certified school district employee either with public school students or by special arrangement at the student’s place of instruction, at the parent’s option. The parent is responsible for paying the test administrator if the test is administered at the student’s home; and
7. Parents must agree in writing to hold the district, the district board of trustees and the district’s employees harmless for any educational deficiencies of the student sustained as a result of home instruction.

At any time the school district determines that the parent is not maintaining the home school program in keeping with the standards specified in this section the district board of trustees shall notify the parent to correct the deficiencies within thirty days. If the deficiencies are not corrected within thirty days, the district board of trustees may withdraw its approval.

It is a good article with lots of info.

Sent from my celery phone using Tapatalk.
I agree that it's difficult if not impossible to picture TM teaching these kids anything but home schooled kids have to be tested to insure that they are actually learning something at home and I believe she would have to take them to a facility for the testing. I don't know about SC but that is how it's done where I live. Any locals have any idea about how home schooling works in SC?

I'm in SC. There is a gentleman at my job who's wife homeschools their children. You have to become a member of a "homeschooling network" of some kind, you can choose your Curriculum, but have to take them in for periodic testing. They also attend a facility for things like science lab, etc. And the "network" has social events, etc... The kids I know are definitely well ahead of the curve with one currently attending college as an 18 year old sophomore.
I'm in SC. There is a gentleman at my job who's wife homeschools their children. You have to become a member of a "homeschooling network" of some kind, you can choose your Curriculum, but have to take them in for periodic testing. They also attend a facility for things like science lab, etc. And the "network" has social events, etc... The kids I know are definitely well ahead of the curve with one currently attending college as an 18 year old sophomore.

Unfortunately - if those kids were never in public school there's a good chance the state never looked into their schooling.

I know of plenty of families whom move here, homeschool, and the county/state have no idea they are here and have children (of course they're also not receiving state services or anything like that.)
I'm in SC. There is a gentleman at my job who's wife homeschools their children. You have to become a member of a "homeschooling network" of some kind, you can choose your Curriculum, but have to take them in for periodic testing. They also attend a facility for things like science lab, etc. And the "network" has social events, etc... The kids I know are definitely well ahead of the curve with one currently attending college as an 18 year old sophomore.

I would say the same. All the kids that I've known who were home schooled,were very bright and well educated.
I would say the same. All the kids that I've known who were home schooled,were very bright and well educated.

I've known very bright home-schooled kids, mediocre students who were home-schooled, and one who could barely write a simple sentence. It really depends on how much effort the parent is able and willing to put into it and the quality of the curriculum they choose. Most parents who take it on (including my cousin who home-schooled her son) work very hard at it and spend considerable time on it. Based on what we've seen reported, I don't know if that was the case with the Moorers.

Anyhow, back on topic with the new charges; I wonder why TM hasn't had a bond hearing on these charges.
Agree. IMO Tammy homeschooled her children for the wrong reasons. It seems as if she did so to fly under the radar by keeping a low profile. I don't think she liked to get up early, or answer to anyone. If she was trying to hide a problem with alcohol, she may have preferred less contact with people who are reporters in the school system.

Not to mention, being able to take those vaca's whenever she liked. I can't remember, had she home schooled them from the beginning, or was this a more recent development?
Sidney had a bond hearing on the fraud already?

Apparently he did according to his online docket.

Moorer, Sidney Stclair Bond Returnable Court Event 10/31/2014-08:30 06/04/2014-09:00
Moorer, Sidney Stclair Bond Hearing Event 06/03/2014-14:00 06/04/2014-18:30
Moorer, Sidney Stclair Archived Document Filing 06/03/2014-00:00 06/04/2014-00:00

I think Tammy did too. You might have to re-enter their information at link.

Moorer, Tammy Caison Bond Returnable Court Event 10/31/2014-08:30 06/04/2014-09:00
Moorer, Tammy Caison Bond Hearing Event 06/03/2014-14:00 06/04/2014-18:30
Moorer, Tammy Caison Archived Document Filing 06/03/2014-00:00 06/04/2014-00:00
The Moorer's (TM & SM) are nothing but grifters. Always looking to make $$ via some scam. Defrauding the government would be a fun game for them. There isn't an honest bone between them. They are the epitome of 'trash.' SC is making sure that in case they don't get convicted on the murder charges, they can and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law on the other charges. Either way they are not getting out of jail anytime soon (if ever).
I recall TM posting on the Disboards about homeschooling. Her children were enrolled in an on-line school. I don't get the impression she was all that involved with their homeschooling since she also posted about sleeping in while they were doing their lessons on the computer. I also remember her posting about not being able to take a particular trip or cruise because the kids had to do state testing.

She wrote often on the Disboards about "not trusting" anybody with her children, but I'm not sure what it was exactly that she didn't trust about teachers and schools. That her kids would be molested? Or that they would be taught things she found objectionable? It's not as if she was religious and that was her concern. I really don't know what her trust issue was, but she made the point several times on the Disboards that she trusted no one with her children.

I agree with Emma Rose's post above. She didn't want to deal with schools, period. She didn't want to wake up early to take kids to school. She didn't want anybody to get close enough to become aware of her addictions. And most importantly, she didn't want anyone in her family outside of her absolute control. The woman is a raging control freak, and I believe that's what lead her to murder. How dare Sidney become involved with another woman!? He was strictly her puppy.
Not to mention, being able to take those vaca's whenever she liked. I can't remember, had she home schooled them from the beginning, or was this a more recent development?

Hey Knox, I think they may first have been in the public school system. I thought I read one of her posts on disboards that she pulled the kids out over some issue I cannot recall now. I tried searching for that specific post, but came up empty. Hopefully, someone here that is more familiar with the disboards could find it. Wish I could have located it!!
I thought they were doing homeschooling in order for them to work on One Tree Hill etc...
I recall TM posting on the Disboards about homeschooling. Her children were enrolled in an on-line school. I don't get the impression she was all that involved with their homeschooling since she also posted about sleeping in while they were doing their lessons on the computer. I also remember her posting about not being able to take a particular trip or cruise because the kids had to do state testing.

She wrote often on the Disboards about "not trusting" anybody with her children, but I'm not sure what it was exactly that she didn't trust about teachers and schools. That her kids would be molested? Or that they would be taught things she found objectionable? It's not as if she was religious and that was her concern. I really don't know what her trust issue was, but she made the point several times on the Disboards that she trusted no one with her children.

I agree with Emma Rose's post above. She didn't want to deal with schools, period. She didn't want to wake up early to take kids to school. She didn't want anybody to get close enough to become aware of her addictions. And most importantly, she didn't want anyone in her family outside of her absolute control. The woman is a raging control freak, and I believe that's what lead her to murder. How dare Sidney become involved with another woman!? He was strictly her puppy.

You said it well! I was just over on disboards this afternoon trying to find a post I read awhile back about the Moorer kids attending public school at one point. I left that site frustrated because I couldn't find it, but did read a post about the trip they were going to take, but couldn't because the children had tests. The were supposed to be going to Hawaii, and as much as Tammy tried to finagle a way around the tests, in the end the trip had to be cancelled. The post I read today was one that Tammy was saying she was still mad she didn't get to go and it was some time after the fact. She definitely sounds like someone who is pushy to get her way, and doesn't live it down when someone tells her "NO".
I thought they were doing homeschooling in order for them to work on One Tree Hill etc...[/QUOTE

Oh Ty Sstarr - that is right! I think Tammy had told the public school that she was taking the kids out of class to work on One Tree Hill and the school hassled her about it, so I think that may have made her decide to homeschool.
The Disboards moderation can be inconsistent. At times, they will delete threads and posts that contain quarrels between members, but other times, they leave things alone. If you're looking for specific posts and can't find them, it's possible that they were deleted by the mods.
You said it well! I was just over on disboards this afternoon trying to find a post I read awhile back about the Moorer kids attending public school at one point. I left that site frustrated because I couldn't find it, but did read a post about the trip they were going to take, but couldn't because the children had tests. The were supposed to be going to Hawaii, and as much as Tammy tried to finagle a way around the tests, in the end the trip had to be cancelled. The post I read today was one that Tammy was saying she was still mad she didn't get to go and it was some time after the fact. She definitely sounds like someone who is pushy to get her way, and doesn't live it down when someone tells her "NO".


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