NH NH - Elizabeth Marriott, 19, Durham, 9 Oct 2012 - # 8 *S. Mazzaglia guilty*

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As it appears that the bags tied around Lizzi's neck strangled her to death, and that the state's star witness has testified to tying the bags around Lizzi's neck....doesn't this change things?????
Hi, everyone, did they say break or lunch, anyone know?
As it appears that the bags tied around Lizzi's neck strangled her to death, and that the state's star witness has testified to tying the bags around Lizzi's neck....doesn't this change things?????

there was rope first
How can you say no doubt that the bags tied tightly around her neck killed her? Dont you think strangulation with a rope had something to do with it?

The testimony about a rope being involved hasn't been proven, imo. The marks around Lizzi's neck, according to both Roberta and Paul were directly under the bags that were tied tightly on her neck.

There was no sign of ropes in the apartment or on the body according to the same two witnesses. Did police find the ropes anywhere? Maybe I missed this part of the testimony.
As it appears that the bags tied around Lizzi's neck strangled her to death, and that the state's star witness has testified to tying the bags around Lizzi's neck....doesn't this change things?????

I do not see how it is even possible that the bags tied around her neck strangled her to death. That really makes no sense.
Rewatching Ramos during break.

Did anyone else catch that he called Liz Marriott "Lizzie McGuire"?
Get the feeling he spent a lot of his time watching shows like that, considering the charges against him? :snooty:
(Lizzie McGuire was a show on Disney Channel about a young teen girl played by Hilary Duff).

PS- It is about 5 minutes into his testimony.
Camera person should not be showing this :eek:

ETA- The pictures of the dead as examples on screen
Except they had a body in JA---

True. And there was proof Travis struggled. But there is no evidence with poor Lizzie whether she struggled.. These 2 are animals, hope S.M. goes away for a long time. I bet they drugged Lizzie with something maybe that's why they chose apple juice for the color.
As it appears that the bags tied around Lizzi's neck strangled her to death, and that the state's star witness has testified to tying the bags around Lizzi's neck....doesn't this change things?????

I believe she was strangled with rope and the bags were put on later.
Yes, no doubt that the bags tied tightly around her neck killed her. I thought Roberta had indicated she removed the bags with a box cutter she always carries. Then Paul indicated Roberta handed her box cutter to SM who cut the bag off. Then under cross, Paul changes his story to indicate that although Roberta handed the boxcutter to SM, he ripped the bags off.

There is a truth about these bags that is very carefully being avoided by all that were in that apartment that night, imho.

I don't believe the bags killed her, but yes, the story of how the bags were removed has evolved, and agree completely with your last statement.
This is why I do not believe the bags are what was used to strangle her. If the bags were tied that tightly around her neck they would have cut Lizzi while cutting the bags off imo.

Agree. Anybody see the hanging/strangulation scene in 'Girl with a Dragon Tattoo'? The guy is being hung but the bag around his head affords him some air and he continues to struggle.

IMO rope was used to strangle Lizzi, incapacitate her and the bags were to make sure she was dead.
Dr. Duval has shown two photos of women who were victims of homicidal ligature strangulation. You can barely see a discolored line on either of them. Dr. Duval says she knows they died of strangulation because she removed the ligatures herself and did the autopsies on both of them...

by Jen Crompton/WMUR 8:54 AM

Read more: http://livewire.wmur.com/Event/State_vs_Mazzaglia#ixzz356KVmG5h
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