NH NH - Elizabeth Marriott, 19, Durham, 9 Oct 2012 - # 8 *S. Mazzaglia guilty*

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10 seconds you become unconscience from ligature strangulation. The bag tied tight would have rendered her unable to fight or scream.
ligature strangulation according to this expert. Fits with discoloration of face, mark on neck, twitching of body. :( takes several minutes to die.
oh how terrible this mental picture must be for lizzi's loved ones........

:rose: just cannot imagine :(
She says the scientific community has used videos that people have filmed of their own hangings, to study the process of strangulation.

by Jen Crompton/WMUR 8:22 AM

Read more: http://livewire.wmur.com/Event/State_vs_Mazzaglia#ixzz356CJtGHc

My world just tilted 10 degrees more to the crazy after reading this. Do they also see if they can catch flying bullets?

Wait a minute is it people killing themselves or scientists filming themselves?

Ligature furrow leaves indentation on t neck

Common in hanging victims

Unless using soft ligature

I believe Paul had said he saw "indentation" on her neck at the place where the bag was tied very very tightly.
My world just tilted 10 degrees more to the crazy after reading this. Do they also see if they can catch flying bullets?

Wait a minute is it people killing themselves or scientists filming themselves?

People have filmed their own suicide is the way I understood it.
I was out and am trying to start the feed -- are they on a break?

Ligature furrow leaves indentation on t neck

Common in hanging victims

Unless using soft ligature

I believe Paul had said he saw "indentation" on her neck at the place where the bag was tied very very tightly.

Yes, no doubt that the bags tied tightly around her neck killed her. I thought Roberta had indicated she removed the bags with a box cutter she always carries. Then Paul indicated Roberta handed her box cutter to SM who cut the bag off. Then under cross, Paul changes his story to indicate that although Roberta handed the boxcutter to SM, he ripped the bags off.

There is a truth about these bags that is very carefully being avoided by all that were in that apartment that night, imho.
According to Duval: losing consciousness is the first thing, within seconds, and then these rhythmic movements short after, changes in posture of he body… arms and legs can be rigidly extended and then flexed upwards… there’s seizure activity in this .. and the last is several minutes… 2 to 4 minutes or so… that’s the duration in hanging filmed and observed sequence of events… ultimately the victim dies because the heart stops.

by Jen Crompton/WMUR 8:30 AM

Read more: http://livewire.wmur.com/Event/State_vs_Mazzaglia#ixzz356FVh1hn
There's a break called... I believe that Lizzi's family was just told that they may choose to NOT be in the courtroom for the upcoming testimony.

by Jen Crompton/WMUR 8:31 AM

Read more: http://livewire.wmur.com/Event/State_vs_Mazzaglia#ixzz356FdHPpE
A very emotional day for Lizzi Marriott's family so far... her Mom having to testify ... that tore them all up... and now having to hear very graphic testimony about the literal process of death by strangulation.

by Jen Crompton/WMUR 8:32 AM

Read more: http://livewire.wmur.com/Event/State_vs_Mazzaglia#ixzz356FmLsYk
Thank you Queen. I just think the parents of Lizzi are the ones suffering the most in this and for the State to subject the mom to verify no seizures? Couldn't a life long friend or a family physician, anyone else testify @ no seizures? I just don't like putting mom in this position.

If my daughter were murdered, you can bet I would want to be on the stand in front of the Jury. It would be painful, but I would want to be heard. Did she say the state didn't give her a choice?
:facepalm: i'm tellin' ya........BIG HAT.........no cattle:rolleyes:

I remember in J.A. trial the number of stab wounds and gun shot wound made a difference in how depraved the murder was. Maybe they have to show how depraved these 2 were to get M1. Same with O.P. 4 Shots not just 1 or 2 or 3.
I remember in J.A. trial the number of stab wounds and gun shot wound made a difference in how depraved the murder was. Maybe they have to show how depraved these 2 were to get M1. Same with O.P. 4 Shots not just 1 or 2 or 3.

Except they had a body in JA---
Yeppers, Chellly, :seeya: it's in a bat-chit-crazy class of its own... but I won't miss it too much -- Naive Nelly here still shakin' & shiverin' about googling clean-laundry-it's-Tuesday-whipping. :eek:



:giggle: Born! Too funny you are :)

:coffeecup:G'Morn all
Yes, no doubt that the bags tied tightly around her neck killed her. I thought Roberta had indicated she removed the bags with a box cutter she always carries. Then Paul indicated Roberta handed her box cutter to SM who cut the bag off. Then under cross, Paul changes his story to indicate that although Roberta handed the boxcutter to SM, he ripped the bags off.

There is a truth about these bags that is very carefully being avoided by all that were in that apartment that night, imho.

This is why I do not believe the bags are what was used to strangle her. If the bags were tied that tightly around her neck they would have cut Lizzi while cutting the bags off imo.
IMO this is vital information in determining what you would expect to see in a strangulation vs suffocation.
Yes, no doubt that the bags tied tightly around her neck killed her. I thought Roberta had indicated she removed the bags with a box cutter she always carries. Then Paul indicated Roberta handed her box cutter to SM who cut the bag off. Then under cross, Paul changes his story to indicate that although Roberta handed the boxcutter to SM, he ripped the bags off.

There is a truth about these bags that is very carefully being avoided by all that were in that apartment that night, imho.

How can you say no doubt that the bags tied tightly around her neck killed her? Dont you think strangulation with a rope had something to do with it?
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