GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #4

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What if......
Her husband Told law enforcement I told her to get her things and leave.
there is a difference between the police internally considering someone a person of interest or a suspect, and the police publicly naming a person of interest or suspect. the fact that they have not publicly named anyone as such does not say anything about the state of the investigation.

it could be that the facts of the case do not yet meet the burden of publicly naming anyone, or that they are outright lying (in the best interest of the case) when they say they cannot do so.
As a horse trainer, you don't show up to a horse show without a horse. Riders bring their own horses. The rescue would know if Erin had made plans to haul her horse or done so.

You're making sense and, as I typed, the same thought crossed my mind (that Erin would need to bring her horse to a competition event if SHE WERE TO PARTICIPATE). I left the post thinking maybe, among the horse world people, they might enjoy taking in events even if they're not participating.
We also don't know what the horse rescue people know or don't know because, other than giving a brief acknowledgment about Erin and the adoption story, we don't know what they think (relative to Erin AND others who volunteered there).

Also, riding bareback is a far cry from participating in horse shows. We have no evidence Erin participated in horse shows.

Going to gently go out on a limb and say that if media "honored" everyone, there would be no reporting of the truth, because for every fact, somebody might get hurt.

Who said anything about honoring EVERYONE? My nose is out of joint now. WS is a victim friendly site and I thought the article was a nice piece about Erin, highlighting her strengths and goodness.
Bareback off of me now please.
imo if you could get anyone involved with this investigation to speak off the record they would tell you that there has most definitely been a crime committed here...
imo if you could get anyone involved with this investigation to speak off the record they would tell you that there has most definitely been a crime committed here...

"A source close to the Sheriff’s investigation revealed that Corwin, who is three months pregnant, had apparently been having an affair with another married Marine and investigators believe that pregnancy was from her lover, not her husband. The source noted that investigators have interviewed all the parties involved and said while their stories have checked out, the other Marine’s story is full of contradictions, and they do not believe they will find Erin Corwin alive."
thanx for reminding me about that story MB, i forgot just how unambiguous the statements in it were.
And yet they are going to great expense of funds, personnel and equipment to search Joshua Tree park 3 weeks after she disappeared. Sadly, I doubt very much they are looking for her wandering around out there.
My understanding from another post on here is someone within has spoken anonymously what was exactly said I am unsure. I found the other post and read the link and that radio station is being bombarded with comments now as far as their stating the information that they did. As if things are not bad enough they are going to say what they did. Unbelievable! Let's just look at this story that they have released from both sides of the coin. A.) They do have a inside source or B.) By stating such a story as they have their website visit ratings will go sky high because of visitors enraged and leaving comments which in turn looks great on paper for website stat purposes when they go to sell advertising for their station. You be the judge on this one.
You don't know how funny this post is to someone who was under the impression you were a man! (Which is weird because I looked at your fb link when you posted it, so I know the picture is of your missing cousin. It's funny how we assume things at times without even realizing we are doing it. No wonder some of these cases get convoluted if other people think the way I do!! lol)

Ack I did the the same thing, I looked at " his" :facepalm: facebook too, I was stunned at how much "he" (his avatar) resembled his cousin.:thinking: But he is a she.:drumroll:
My understanding from another post on here is someone within has spoken anonymously what was exactly said I am unsure. I found the other post and read the link and that radio station is being bombarded with comments now as far as their stating the information that they did. As if things are not bad enough they are going to say what they did. Unbelievable! Let's just look at this story that they have released from both sides of the coin. A.) They do have a inside source or B.) By stating such a story as they have their website visit ratings will go sky high because of visitors enraged and leaving comments which in turn looks great on paper for website stat purposes when they go to sell advertising for their station. You be the judge on this one.
I personally believe the article. But I'm always happy to eat crow. If EC wasn't having an affair, that seems to leave one person most likely to have harmed her. Is this what you're thinking? Do you have any thoughts or evidence on this, without sleuthing anyone?
Another reason I keyed specifically on Ivanhoe, and it may not be the only one of this type, but I was immediately struck by "free drop and ascent on rope of 270'."

Living (if they survived that drop) would have no way out. No ladders in Ivanhoe. Deceased in a mine only people with the right gear to explore would go in, and based on the times explorers have gone in, many months at least before a body would be accidentally discovered.

Some of the other mines indicate ladders in at least some areas and don't all look to have easy, uncovered access.

I haven't done my homework as far as reading up on the mines, so maybe this is a dumb question, but can they just send cameras into these mines to look for her?
Ack I did the the same thing, I looked at " his" :facepalm: facebook too, I was stunned at how much "he" (his avatar) resembled his cousin.:thinking: But he is a she.:drumroll:
Yes, I'm a female. I've had different avatars here at WS in the past, but once Mark's case became a thread, they seemed silly and irrelevant, so now Mark is my permanent avatar until he's found.
Here's one of my old avatars which is much closer to how I look:
Yes, I'm a female. I've had different avatars here at WS in the past, but once Mark's case became a thread, they seemed silly and irrelevant, so now Mark is my permanent avatar until he's found.

He's lucky to have you on his side.
It's time for robotics and drones with cameras to play a part in mine exploration in cases like this.

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Yes, I do but I am keeping my thoughts to myself. I am not sleuthing this case at all but I will say this much my heart goes out to her family. Actually I have been spending my time on Missing Children. I found one yesterday and reported it and it was verified this was indeed the teen and today I have been working on a young man whom I am almost 98% certain it is him which I just reported to 1-800-missing. My intentions on this forum is to help find missing loved ones that is all. I have stood in this young ladies Mother's shoes for the past 8 years so I understand without a shadow of a doubt the sheer fear, pain, and frustration that goes along with a missing loved one. That is why I took it upon myself to go to school to become educated on how to do what I am doing today.
Good questions! Maybe drones not sure I do not know the area at all to say yes or no. But with technology today a drone maybe a definite possibility I would think and with the military in on the situation who better to use a drone then them.
My understanding from another post on here is someone within has spoken anonymously what was exactly said I am unsure. I found the other post and read the link and that radio station is being bombarded with comments now as far as their stating the information that they did. As if things are not bad enough they are going to say what they did. Unbelievable! Let's just look at this story that they have released from both sides of the coin. A.) They do have a inside source or B.) By stating such a story as they have their website visit ratings will go sky high because of visitors enraged and leaving comments which in turn looks great on paper for website stat purposes when they go to sell advertising for their station. You be the judge on this one.

So, you're asking us to choose between the idea that an otherwise reputable news station obtained sources and reported the news, or whether they just made up stuff for a few more hundred hits to their website?

To reasonable people, that choice is fairly clear.
To clarify military duty and who can pull them: If it's his/her regular assigned daily duties, then he/she has to show up and cannot sell that to someone else to do for him/her. It's only additional duty like KP or Guard or CQ duty that can be taken by someone else for a price.

So if JC was scheduled to work that day, he either had to show up or be at sick call. There is no phoning it in and staying at home. You don't show up because you are sick, you need to show you weren't there because you were at sick call.

It would be pretty hard for JC to have gotten out of regular duty. CL for that matter as well. However, my experience was when you are "short" on your ETS, you played fast and loose with the rules you have had to live by. IME.
It's time for robotics and drones with cameras to play a part in mine exploration in cases like this.

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Might be they already are, at least in places that are feasible. Then again, nothing quite like boots on the ground and choppers in the air for eyes/cameras on and quick determinations of where they need to look closer and those they can eliminate and move on.

Am sure they are using every resource they have available to them, and important Erin is found. For her family's sake and also as evidence to support criminal prosecution.
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