MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #6

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I haven't commented on this topic at all... but I have been following along.

This is what I have been afraid of. Some will want an officers head over this (and it doesn't matter which one), won't be happy until an officer loses their life. That will feel like "justice" to some. Sad, very very sad.

That type of 'justice' is mentality. Very scary.
Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, said she did not understand why police did not subdue her son with a club or stun gun. She said the officer involved should be fired and prosecuted, adding that “I would like to see him go to jail with the death penalty.”

LOL! I mean, I'm really not laughing because it's not funny. But, the only way that Officer Wilson could have "won" in her eyes would have been for him to turn a blind eye to MB's actions.

If he would have used a club, he would have hit too many times and then it would have been police brutality.
If he would have used a stun gun, he would have pressed the button for 1 second too long.
If he would have *advertiser censored* then blah blah blah.

Why doesn't she back up and take personal responsibility and say, "if my son wouldn't have stolen those cigars, things could have gone a lot differently. If my son would have complied with the officer's request, he would be here today."

The lack of personal responsibility (hers and MB's) really sickens me to the core of my being. It's exactly what's wrong with the world today.

This isn't about race. It's about accepting personal responsibility for one's actions. You wake up every morning knowing that you have choices. You know that each choice you make has a consequence- good, bad, or otherwise. Those choices are yours alone to make. YOU decide whether to be a criminal. YOU decide whether to continue the cycle of poverty. YOU decide what to do with your life. Is it tough to make some of those choices? OH YEAH! It's called life. Put your big girl/boy panties on and deal.
The number of jurors varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Relative to this case I've heard numerous lawyers state this will have 12.

FWIW, I never heard of only 3, 6 is the smallest GJ of ever heard of.

I thought it seemed small and now I can't find where I read it.
I think it's very odd too that Ferguson, which is 2/3 AA, has an overwhelmingly white police force, city council, mayor, etc. While he's in town today, Eric Holder should annouce civil rights charges against whomever has prevented Ferguson's black citizens from voting.

Huh? Not understanding this.
Did anyone else see the sign from a couple of nights ago? It said : “You’ve Killed Our Kind 4 Years But Won’t Sacrifice 1 Cop For Justice & To Save A Community & These Businesses”

. What do they think this is? Some medieval civilization that "sacrifices" people to appease "the race gods"?

SMH! If it's justice, we won't have to sacrifice anyone!!! Good grief!! :facepalm:
I think it's very odd too that Ferguson, which is 2/3 AA, has an overwhelmingly white police force, city council, mayor, etc. While he's in town today, Eric Holder should annouce civil rights charges against whomever has prevented Ferguson's black citizens from voting.

Someone prevented them from voting? :waitasec:

Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, said she did not understand why police did not subdue her son with a club or stun gun. She said the officer involved should be fired and prosecuted, adding that “I would like to see him go to jail with the death penalty.”

I will never understand why her son acted the way he did. So it's ok to rob, disobey the law, lunge at a police officer, then the officer is suppose to simply use a "stun gun".. why should police officers use stun guns while citizens can use real guns???? I understand that this issue is all about an unarmed black teen so he wasn't carrying a gun, but I'm still trying to make a point, not that anyone cares about my point.. :hand::D
Wilson's orbital blowout fracture should be enough for him to shoot to kill because his vision would certainly have been affected and that would be the only way he could defend himself. At the point Wilson's vision was decreased he would definitely have feared for his life. It is possible the shots to the arms were meant for center mass, but visual problems affected Wilson's ability. Bad call by MB!
I personally think the shots to his arms were to stop him and he possibly did not stop.
Anyone else watching CNN?

Popsicle everytime you post something like I scramble trying to find what you are watching and often can't. Can you post the links too?

(duh...just dawned on me you meant don't have a TV).
I thought it seemed small and now I can't find where I read it.

I think it was a tweet?? I remember something about it saying one juror was 'of color' which I thought was odd wording.
LOL, I think that's wonderful. Did you see the way the middle officer turned his head to look? I can almost image his surprise/thoughts. WTF

It was playing music too...Marvin Gaye at one point
I told myself I wasn't going to get involved in this thread (lol), or this whole mess because it boils my blood.. But here I am, doing what I didn't expect to do, POST!!! lol I think this whole thing has gotten sooooooo far out of hand, AND I now think that these protesters are protesting just to jump on the CRAZY TRAIN WRECK!!!! I think they just want to get out there and act like idiots just to be a part of the idiot riot...

A black teen was killed and I believe it was for good reason and NOT because he's black. Most police officers don't just go around shooting people unless they have good reason to. What ever happened to when a police officer asks you do to something like get out of the street and walk on the sidewalk, YOU DO IT instead of starting a fight. I don't believe every police officer is a "dick" if you will.... But if you start acting like one yourself, well expect some kind of trouble. Sorry, this is how I feel...

So if you make a cop mad it's OK for him to shoot you?
Mid Oct. target date for conclusion of GJ presentation. Doubt if this will set well with MB supporters.
Here is my question about the GJ proceeding. Is the prosecuting attorney to act as a prosecuting attorney or as a defense attorney? I really don't know how they handle it. Someone posted earlier the Missouri statute on justification. It clearly states that justification is a defense that the DEFENDANT has the burden of injecting into a case. If I'm reading that right, it is not the prosecuting attorney's job to put on the witnesses/evidence that support the cop's version. If I'm reading that right, it is the prosecuting attorney's job to put evidence in front of the GJ that support charges, not evidence of a defense to the charges because technically there is no defense until it has been raised by the defendant which can't happen until there are charges in the first place. If I'm reading that right, there is no way an indictment isn't handed down IMO unless the prosecutor doesn't do his job and that will lead to more craziness.

Any prosecuting attorneys or lawyers who handle mainly criminal work or anyone out there that can educate me on this? On the one hand, it would seem unfair to not give the whole picture. But on the other hand, it doesn't seem right that a prosecuting attorney would act as defense counsel either. Maybe I am reading the statute wrong.

4. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue of justification under this section.
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