ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #23

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He has an obligation to keep his findings confidential? Not if that's not a contractural clause. Not saying it isn't in the contract, but who knows?
Ask Courtney Love what happens when a PI hired to find the truth finds evidence against the person who hired them! And these parents aren't even who hired them. I just hope LE comes out and puts this on the right path soon, although they may already have in my opinion by not contradicting Klein. I guess we shall see.
I wonder why the parents aren't suing the FBI, SB, etc?
I also say, hey, bring on the lawsuit. Then everything will be brought out on the table.
Its so interesting to me that many people feel that Klein is just saying what LE has already said, but in his own unique way of speaking. And then so many other people feel he is just out there making up all kinds of stuff off the top of his head. That letter from Browning is something else! The Dillards undercover meeting. I don't even know what to think about that. Just when you think this case can't get any farther odd or off track...

It's really unbelievable, isn't it! The cast of characters in this mess is just crazy. I can't even imagine what's going to happen next.... :scared:
But what if that person discovers someone in the family was, ahem, less than truthful? Are they supposed to continue representing them and just forget about the iffy bits? Carry on regardless because of who paid their fee? Lie for money?

Isn't that what lawyers do??

There's an irony in here somewhere...

Oh how I LOVE this post. Spot on.
It's really unbelievable, isn't it! The cast of characters in this mess is just crazy. I can't even imagine what's going to happen next.... :scared:

People are going to be standing facing walls in Dillard's waiting for someone to whisper "999" in their ear!
Since Klein acts like he solved the case and knows where LE can find the body. Then Klein should move on to his next case.

Jmo. Why is he waiting for the fbi to grant him permission for anything.

Is that much snow on the ground on these hot March days where Klein can't actually be searching right now without waiting for the blessing of the sheriff.

Did the fbi tell Klein that he can't search right now.

Imo. How many feet of snow is on that campsite right now. Didnt the cops check a 60 mile sq foot radius already.

So where does Klein want to check at. And why not head up there right now; Especially since its probably not that much snow there at the moment.


There's still quite a bit of snow there. He doesn't need to be putting himself or his team at risk going off on some half-baked recovery effort when, if the baby's body is up there, it will still be there in a few months after the thaw. I'm pretty sure the SAR team appreciates him not running off half-cocked.

I'm no Klein fan, either, but I can at least appreciate the commonsense approach to not putting other people's lives at risk needlessly.
Its so interesting to me that many people feel that Klein is just saying what LE has already said, but in his own unique way of speaking. And then so many other people feel he is just out there making up all kinds of stuff off the top of his head. That letter from Browning is something else! The Dillards undercover meeting. I don't even know what to think about that. Just when you think this case can't get any farther odd or off track...

I have just gone back and read that part because I only skim read it. Someone is taking the p and I can't believe this is happening when it is about a missing two year old.

Has anything like this happened before in a missing child case in the US?
Its so interesting to me that many people feel that Klein is just saying what LE has already said, but in his own unique way of speaking. And then so many other people feel he is just out there making up all kinds of stuff off the top of his head. That letter from Browning is something else! The Dillards undercover meeting. I don't even know what to think about that. Just when you think this case can't get any more odd or off track...

yeah..n it makes me re-think going to the mall
People are going to be standing facing walls in Dillard's waiting for someone to whisper "999" in their ear!


Sorry. Couldn't resist. :)
Lol. And that's why I live in California. Lol.

But are you stating that no child should be looked for on a cold snowy day.

Shouldn't a search team in cold and snowy states be prepared for searching in these conditions. Jmo.

The search parties in these areas are not off the hook.

Unless you advocate killers to kill in the winter time since there will never be any searches.

A live child? You bet SAR would be out there searching for a live child. But I can't imagine anyone here is seriously arguing that a 2.5/3 yo child has managed to survive all these months alone on that mountain. If DeOrr is up there, he's not alive. And it's really not appropriate to demand that SAR teams go up there in potentially deadly conditions to recover a dead body (and possibly need rescuing themselves, putting that many more people at risk).
He has an obligation to keep his findings confidential? Not if that's not a contractural clause. Not saying it isn't in the contract, but who knows?
Ask Courtney Love what happens when a PI hired to find the truth finds evidence against the person who hired them! And these parents aren't even who hired them. I just hope LE comes out and puts this on the right path soon, although they may already have in my opinion by not contradicting Klein. I guess we shall see.
I wonder why the parents aren't suing the FBI, SB, etc?
I also say, hey, bring on the lawsuit. Then everything will be brought out on the table.

As things stand right now, even if LE was not happy with Klein, I don't think there is anything that they can do about what he has done and said thus far. It is extremely unlikely that LE has shared any of their investigation with Klein. Klein has made it clear that he has conducted his own investigation and the conclusions that he made were based on data from his own investigation. Because of that, I am pretty certain that the First Amendment protects him for what he has disclosed publicly thus far. Not that it makes it right, it just makes it legal. imo.
This is like being in the middle of a hornet's nest!

I really do wonder how that contract read.
I guess we can hope and pray that if DeOrr is up there and they find him in the spring thaw that the cold winter has kept him well preserved. Of course he went missing like in July so there were most likely a few months before winter hit that area. UGH So frustrating, I again do not know what to believe any usual with this case.
Is it normal for one lawyer to represent three different people on the same case?

I wonder mostly because I can imagine a scenario where JM's defense is a conflict of interest with VDK's defense, you know? It seems pretty clear that LE is looking to eventually charge them, I can't imagine that they could use the same lawyer at that time, could they??
Based on the informality & almost emotional tone of that letter I am questioning its authenticity. Saul from breaking bad would have managed to include a letterhead & be far more consise. Also, the other news outlets here aren't shouting it from the rooftops like they do every other breaking thing in this case.
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