ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - # 25

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i'll change the subject.

was this covered? at 2:21 in the video, DK says the following (it's not paraphrased, I listened to it over and over and over...and over):

"I mean...right from the git-go I...I got a missing child...signs don't mean nothin'. No trespassing, I don't care. If it's your land, I'll be respectful but...I don't care".

any thoughts on this statement? because...well...???

alarm bells rang for me because i immediately, as the poster above me said, thought that the area around where they camped would have been federal or state land. so i started thinking that maybe if DeOrr was buried somewhere far away from the campsite nearer civilisation (nearer Leadore?), then that may be where DK saw his "no trespassing" signs......
You know what I wish? An interviewer that would ask questions like:

If he never went anywhere without his blanket, how come you're holding it and he's not attached to it?

If you were up there 1000 times more than the police, how come DK says they were up there every time he was up there?

What the hell happened in the hours before during and after his disappearance, please spell it out real slow, with complete sentences. Where were the four adults, where was DeOrr? Please draw a picture on this whiteboard as though you are in Judge Judy's courtroom
my thoughts are the same as yours.

- where are there private homes up there. because that's where they searched, not down mountain in leadore. by their own and LE's admission.
- why would he put it out there that he trespassed, and where did he trespass
- what 'signs' are up in those mountains anyway aside from campground and possibly hunting markers
- who would be so dumb as to 'hide' their child on private property (wait don't answer that) or even mention the thought of it being a possibility...
considering that you have an enormous uncharted national forest in which to do so, at your fingertips (trucktips)...
You know what I wish? An interviewer that would ask questions like:

If he never went anywhere without his blanket, how come you're holding it and he's not attached to it?

If you were up there 1000 times more than the police, how come DK says they were up there every time he was up there?

What the hell happened in the hours before during and after his disappearance, please spell it out real slow, with complete sentences. Where were the four adults, where was DeOrr? Please draw a picture on this whiteboard as though you are in Judge Judy's courtroom

Perfect!! Exactly what needs to be asked! Who asks "how are you holding up, how are you surviving" questions with no meaty questions about details? And I laughed out loud at Judge Judy's courtroom.
Perfect!! Exactly what needs to be asked! Who asks "how are you holding up, how are you surviving" questions with no meaty questions about details? And I laughed out loud at Judge Judy's courtroom.

Put those two in front of Judge Judy - I bet she could get some answers.
So, you think SB would casually release information to the public referencing the FBI with no basis?

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I think SB is being very careful about what he releases. I believe he is not used to so much media attention and is certainly not used to so many picking apart every word he says and assigning meaning to those words. I believe he is dedicated to this case and to finding DeOrr. I believe he is a good sheriff and a good law enforcement officer. He has worked in this rural, remote, wilderness county for a long time.

I have every confidence in SB's ability to solve this case.
i'll change the subject.

was this covered? at 2:21 in the video, DK says the following (it's not paraphrased, I listened to it over and over and over...and over):

"I mean...right from the git-go I...I got a missing child...signs don't mean nothin'. No trespassing, I don't care. If it's your land, I'll be respectful but...I don't care".

any thoughts on this statement? because...well...???

My thought when I heard this was are there no trespassing signs in a National Forest? What signs is he blithering about?

Sorry, redundent..looks like this has been described already.
This latest interview has me kind of worried that VDK and JM are feeling confident that they won't be charged in DeOrr's death. They seemed a bit flippant - criticizing LE and the public and acting like they were victims. It's interesting that they didn't mention the upcoming searches after the snow melts. I wonder if they are worried.

I'm concerned about this as well, makes me think little Deorr may be no where near Leadore. I hope LE knows more than VK and JM think they know.
i'll change the subject.

was this covered? at 2:21 in the video, DK says the following (it's not paraphrased, I listened to it over and over and over...and over):

"I mean...right from the git-go I...I got a missing child...signs don't mean nothin'. No trespassing, I don't care. If it's your land, I'll be respectful but...I don't care".

any thoughts on this statement? because...well...???

Very interesting observation, so we have :

-private land

Well that wouldn't be anywhere near the campground, would it?
my thoughts are the same as yours.

- where are there private homes up there. because that's where they searched, not down mountain in leadore. by their own and LE's admission.
- why would he put it out there that he trespassed, and where did he trespass
- what 'signs' are up in those mountains anyway aside from campground and possibly hunting markers
- who would be so dumb as to 'hide' their child on private property (wait don't answer that) or even mention the thought of it being a possibility...
considering that you have an enormous uncharted national forest in which to do so, at your fingertips (trucktips)...

Maybe this area is near Idaho Falls, no where near Leadore.
You know what I wish? An interviewer that would ask questions like:

If he never went anywhere without his blanket, how come you're holding it and he's not attached to it?

If you were up there 1000 times more than the police, how come DK says they were up there every time he was up there?

What the hell happened in the hours before during and after his disappearance, please spell it out real slow, with complete sentences. Where were the four adults, where was DeOrr? Please draw a picture on this whiteboard as though you are in Judge Judy's courtroom

I suspect the interview and questions were orchestrated by JM/VK lawyer'. They
kept up the abduction storyline in case DeOrr isn't found, and if a neglect charge
is ever filed against the two suspects, well... DeOrr was being watched by a trusted
adult. And, if there was an accident, they know nothing about it.
i'll change the subject.

was this covered? at 2:21 in the video, DK says the following (it's not paraphrased, I listened to it over and over and over...and over):

"I mean...right from the git-go I...I got a missing child...signs don't mean nothin'. No trespassing, I don't care. If it's your land, I'll be respectful but...I don't care".

any thoughts on this statement? because...well...???
I think I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down.
I'm concerned about this as well, makes me think little Deorr may be no where near Leadore. I hope LE knows more than VK and JM think they know.

I still think there is a possibility that something was disposed of in town.
I agree with most of your scenario but I think VDK would have been driving the truck. The hits (luminol) were on VDK's truck, or am I confused? I don't think GGPA would be driving VDK's truck and I'm not sure JM would cover for GGPA. I think she'd cover for VDK, though. Just wanted to add my two cents. The truck theory is still high on my list too. (I think GGPA heard the commotion or has an idea about what happened (maybe saw some clean-up), thus the reason he has "direct knowledge.") MOO.

Yep, happy to go with that angle too (told you I was changeable!)
We're not back on the "less-than-truthful" vs "lied" subject again are we? It'll be mountain lions next! :gah:

I think either VDK or GGPA could have been driving - for example if one of the vehicles just needed moving a short distance either could have jumped in to do it. I also think JM would lie for both of those men term. in her life. JMO
Well "less than truthfull" is a useful term... It means I'm not calling you a liar but you haven't told the true story or the whole story.
So maybe less than truthful means it's not the whole story.
Exactly. What signs? There shouldn't be any "private property" signs where he'd be searching.

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Rural Idaho is somewhat unique in that there is much private property along state/federal lands. It's not uncommon to see a piece of privately held land in the middle of a national forest, BLM land, state parks and so on. Much of it was owned prior to the surrounding lands coming under state or federal control.

So yes, searchers could have very well come across no trespassing signs. I used to spend summer & fall weekends in an area similar to Timber Creek in Eastern Idaho. We would go fishing and exploring and had to be mindful of where we were so not to trespass on private property.
OK I have been reading here for years and never had any intention of posting anything. And yet, here I am....

I hope I'm doing this all right and not breaking any rules. I am in awe of the posters here and am super nervous to finally do this. You guys don't miss anything and I have been waiting for this topic to be discussed. I am posting a link to the Idaho Courts showing a case filed against JM on 7-6-2015, only five days before little DeOrr gets disappeared. It's for nearly $12,000.00. I have always wondered what exactly could have happened that would push someone into such a state where they could beat their precious 2 year old to death. So I am imagining JM at home with DeOrr, maybe having a bad day. DeOrr might be tired, cranky, on her last nerve. Then she is informed somehow (I don't know the service protocols for Idaho) that a case for $11,958.02 has been filed against her. I have no idea what the case was about, but I have a nagging suspicion it was for medical bills for DeOrr's birth. I have been wrong plenty of times and could very well be completely off-base with this one too. But in my mind, the knowledge of owing that much money and having no defense to the case (Default Judgement) could have sent her into a frenzy. And on top of all of it, there is DeOrr, making her day miserable. I can imagine to someone with few coping skills, that might very well have sealed DeOrr's fate.

I apologize if this has been brought up before and I missed it. I have read about 80% of what is posted here about DeOrr, but I do miss stuff.
Well "less than truthfull" is a useful term... It means I'm not calling you a liar but you haven't told the true story or the whole story.
So maybe less than truthful means it's not the whole story.

I agree that could have happened, but LE didn't name GGPA a suspect, just VDK and JM... GGPA has "direct knowledge," according to Klein. I could be wrong, but my feeling is that he has an idea what happened, but my gut tells me that JM (or VDK, for that matter) would not cover for him. He is her grandpa, but we don't know anything about how close their relationship is. It would take a tremendous amount of loyalty for her to cover for him and I just don't feel it... MOO.
OK I have been reading here for years and never had any intention of posting anything. And yet, here I am....

I hope I'm doing this all right and not breaking any rules. I am in awe of the posters here and am super nervous to finally do this. You guys don't miss anything and I have been waiting for this topic to be discussed. I am posting a link to the Idaho Courts showing a case filed against JM on 7-6-2015, only five days before little DeOrr gets disappeared. It's for nearly $12,000.00. I have always wondered what exactly could have happened that would push someone into such a state where they could beat their precious 2 year old to death. So I am imagining JM at home with DeOrr, maybe having a bad day. DeOrr might be tired, cranky, on her last nerve. Then she is informed somehow (I don't know the service protocols for Idaho) that a case for $11,958.02 has been filed against her. I have no idea what the case was about, but I have a nagging suspicion it was for medical bills for DeOrr's birth. I have been wrong plenty of times and could very well be completely off-base with this one too. But in my mind, the knowledge of owing that much money and having no defense to the case (Default Judgement) could have sent her into a frenzy. And on top of all of it, there is DeOrr, making her day miserable. I can imagine to someone with few coping skills, that might very well have sealed DeOrr's fate.

I apologize if this has been brought up before and I missed it. I have read about 80% of what is posted here about DeOrr, but I do miss stuff.

I have thought about that too and have wondered how many additional life stressors there were in the days leading to the camping trip and on the camping trip. Changes. Child payments. Relationship strife. Who knows. No shortage of stress in life.

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