FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse nightclub, Orlando, 12 June 2016 #1

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CNN timeline: [video]http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/12/us/orlando-shooting-timeline/index.html[/video]

Security did everything they could, club was protected, still couldn't stop it.

An officer working extra duty in full uniform at the club responds.
He and two officers nearby open fire on the shooter, and a gun battle ensues.
The shooter goes inside the club, where a hostage situation develops.

Thank you to these officers for doing what they could though.

They must have felt angry and helpless and I know nothing of gun fights, but I hope they're not boing too hard on themselves.
Are people really not sure why he targeted a gay nightclub? Um, he's a homophobe. It's really not that big of a mystery.

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the san bernadino ones started shooting at a place they were familiar with
New name added to deceased victim list. They are all so young. RIP :(

Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34 years old

Stanley Almodovar III, 23 years old

Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, 20 years old

Juan Ramon Guerrero, 22 years old

Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36 years old

Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22 years old

Luis S. Vielma, 22 years old

I really think the "lone wolf" theory is what ISIS wants us to believe. I firmly believe they are training killers to go out one by one and take out as many people as possible. It's just my opinion, but I think we need to get away from lone wolf theories where ISIS is concerned. There's a whole lot more in the background that we aren't seeing that goes on.


I find your post extremely frightening. But right on track.
Imo (& I wish I was completely wrong) there are going to be more attacks.

This slaughter at the Orlando club, Pulse, was evil beyond comprehension. What did any of those people there that night do to him ? Oh, that's right, NOTHING.
He had no right to take their lives.
Heartbreaking for their families and loved ones !

Interesting to me that when it's Islamic terrorism, claimed by the terrorist, why people feel the need to assign OTHER reasons for the mass murder.

That has always mystified me too. We know what this was. The government knows what it was. I see no upside to calling it anything other than an Islamic terrorist attack. I see a lot of risk if we turn a blind eye to the very real threat posed by Islamic terrorists within our border.
There have been several posts talking about mental health.

Believe me,I agree that mental heath issues are often behind mass shootings but in this case, and the other terrorist attacks, the people behind them could very easily be sociopathic and therefore would never benefit from any mental health intervention.

Trying to help someone change through talk therapy who has a personality disorder is like trying to get someone to change the color of their eyes through talk therapy. It doesn't work.

Just look at the way ISIS does business. Sex slaves, burning people alive and other assorted aberrations.

Definitely a major mental problem for these people. The only treatment I see as being useful is a bullet to the head. JMO
One thing I heard on Fox News TV was that it is pretty still at the scene....quiet. But what could be heard are the victim's cellphones going off as loved ones tried to connect.

So sad....
I live here. I used to work just blocks from where the shooting took place. The Dunkin Donuts you see next to Pulse is where I had lunch almost every day. I worked two blocks from the hospital and next door to the me office. I'm not really sure how I'm feeling right now. I went to Facebook as soon as I saw the news to check on my gay friends from Disney. One had planned on going to Pulse last night but was tired so he stayed home. All my friends that frequent the club are safe. That does not mean it doesn't affect me. My friends lost friends in this attack. My heart breaks for their pain. Right now I am feeling a bit numb. I'm so tired of Radical Islamists being called anything but that term. I'm tired of the violence. I'm ready to find a cave somewhere and load it up with food and some guns and ammo and just go hide away from everybody. I guess I need time to actually figure out what I think.

So, for you too, it has a "different" feeling to it , than other mass shootings we follow. As a therapist I can tell myself "of course this is different for you than something that happened 500 miles away", but then it is like , no it is not, 50 people being slaughtered 500 miles away- it is just as horrible, so why does this feel so different .

And then when the death count was upped to 50 it was like Oh terrific, biggest mass shooting (and we have a horrible history here in America with this) in the history of US - little Mickey Mouse us ....and here we are.

CNN did a thing Terror In Orlando"- just hit different , sounds awful, than "Terror in Aurora"
I did not see that video for some hours. However the angle was just not close. My first thought was god that sounds like Watertown in the Boston Marathon, BUT they had they guys out in open on a quiet street,

I thought what the h@ll are they doing---- they are just firing away- we know the murderer never stepped outside the bldg- so they were just shooting bullets at some building that has an outside bar? The outside bar has a chain link fence around it . WTH?

The murderer was inside , they could not see him and aim - so what they were blairing away at ??

That is what I am asking ??

Ahhh, gotcha. I think the gunman was shooting at the fleeing club goers and the officers were attempting to cover them. That's jmo. One person said that as he as running another man fell forward and he reached to help him up and his arm fell in half. He took his shirt off to tie around it and drug/carried him to safety. I'm loosely quoting here. I took it to mean that the gunman was shooting at them as they ran from the building.
I really think the "lone wolf" theory is what ISIS wants us to believe. I firmly believe they are training killers to go out one by one and take out as many people as possible. It's just my opinion, but I think we need to get away from lone wolf theories where ISIS is concerned. There's a whole lot more in the background that we aren't seeing that goes on.

I do agree that there are many sleeper cells already in this country plotting and planning to kill as many of us as they can.

Strangely, it was just a couple of days ago there was another thread concerning a terrorist who was found working at one of our airports and had been for years, iirc. I said then it wasn't a matter of IF they would strike us again but when.

I have read many articles over the recent years about Muslims buying up a lot of acreage in rural areas and then they will put up tall fences where no one can see in and even when helicopters fly over they have everything hidden under tarps or roofs. I believe right now on our soil they are being trained how to be ISIS terrorists.

I have also said several times that the one thing that Muslim extremists have is patience. They will lay low for years or even decades all the while plotting to kill us behind the walls of their homes.

The FBI has investigations going in every state in the nation and those are just the cases they know about.
ISIS also has no problem blindfolding young men and throwing them off buildings if perceived to be gay.
Nice way to gather followers to your cause. (major sarcasm intended)

Wanted to add that for years there have been articles on the news sites and on tv about bombings , mass shootings, and other acts of terrorism by ISIS..but they mainly seemed to happen in other countries. Now it's reached the shores of the U.S.
Despite the Sept. 11th attacks --I feel we have become too complacent and even fallen asleep , and need to wake up.

Curious if this was planned months in advance, or if ISIS is taking credit because it looks good for them in some twisted way ?
We think it's directed towards the LGBT community, what about the fact that it was Latino night? Maybe that plays into why Pulse. MO
Probably safe to say that the guy arrested in Santa Monica isn't an ISIS wannabe.

Perhaps a wannabe terrorist of a different ilk.

Santa Monica police have identified the heavily-armed suspect they said had told police he was headed to L.A. Pride as James Wesley Howell of Indiana.

Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks tweeted that Howell told arresting officers he was heading to L.A.'s gay pride and had "wanted to harm" the event.

I think there are a lot of things we need to be talking about. He targeted a gay nightclub, so we need to talk about homophobia. He pledged allegiance to Isis so we need to talk about radical Islamic terrorism. And he legally bought a gun despite being investigated by the FBI, so we need to talk about guns. However, everyone is going to divide themselves into 1 or 2 of those camps and just start bickering. People will ignore a big factor of this to promote their agenda...

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I totally agree, it's ALL of the above!
Re: Pulse pats down patrons :

Asked neighbor who goes a lot :

[FONT=wf_segoe-ui_normal][FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]Re: Have you ever been patted down prior to entering pulse??[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=wf_segoe-ui_normal]



[FONT=wf_segoe-ui_semilight]Today 6:31 PM

No I haven't

There are so many variables that could have had a much different result, but Tricia has already told us to keep the comments about gun control off of this thread so I will do as I am told.:D

But cops don't carry around AR-15s in their back pocket. I will say that much.

This is a good time for me to explain the gun control issue.

If we allowed this thread to take on the topic of gun control guess how fast it would not only go down hill but how fast the victims and the event today would be left in the dust? I would guess within 5 posts.

If I thought it would do any good to discuss gun control I would have a whole forum on the topic.

Thing is, as I have found out from doing this for over 14 years, you are not going to change anyone's mind. All that is going to happen is people will end up getting angry, our mods will explode from the amount of time they have to spend trying to keep the conversation civil, I will get a mailbox full of complaints from both sides saying the mods are being unfair, I will get threatening emails at some point, I could go on and on with the negative.

I know this because we have tried it in the past.

The whole reason for Websleuths is so you can discuss topics related to true crime. Don't you think if there was any way I could allow a gun control topic I would have done so already?

Hopefully, this will help clear things up.

There is no need to comment on this post. Please stay on topic.

The LE officers that were on the scene/involved in the shooting this morning have all been suspended pending a thorough investigation. It is standard practice in officer-involved shootings. It was on CNN a while ago. Something like 11-15 police and 3 or 4 from the sheriff's office.

Suspended? Or on administrative leave? I'm pretty sure that "suspended" is a pretty big black mark on your record, while administrative leave is .... well.... purely administrative.
One thing I heard on Fox News TV was that it is pretty still at the scene....quiet. But what could be heard are the victim's cellphones going off as loved ones tried to connect.

So sad....

I know, can't even imagine!
They did question him but decided he was not a threat. So I guess he wasn't honest during his interview.

If these FBI investigations of suspected terrorists depend on the subject being honest, they might as well cancel the entire program right now.
How come when these events happen in Europe it is presented to us by the media as a full scale terror operation. When it happens in North America it is always presented as "lone wolf attacks" ?

Also of note, the tsarnaevs and the 9/11 patsies and this guy all had previous "interactions" with federal agents.

The observations you make when you don't take everything MSM says at face value...... in other words, think for yourself.... look at all events happening around world, and begin connecting dots.
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