WI - Sylville Smith, 23, fatally shot by Milwaukee PD officer, 13 Aug 2016 *Arrest*

Well, one thing is certain. This neighborhood will be far worse off than it was 48 hours ago, when the sun rises.

A bank, an auto parts store, a beauty supply store, a gas station-- all of which will most likely not rebuild and come back to that area.

I wonder how the residents will handle this turmoil?

Will they turn in the ones who are responsible for the 6 homicides and 9 shootings in the last 24 hours? Will they turn in the ones responsible for the rioting today and tonight? Will they "peacefully protest" the violence by their "citizens" in their neighborhood in the past 24 hours? Will they protest against the violence targeting the police who were trying to keep the peace? Will they march in the streets protesting the "civilian" violence that caused 9 shootings and 6 homicides in the past 24 hours? Will they protest the riots that have further destroyed their neighborhood? Or will they protest the police, trying to keep the peace, and calm/ control/ disperse the rioters. Will they protest against the firefighters, who could not respond to the many fires, because of protracted gunfire and unsafe conditions by the rioters?

Or will they "protest" the almost certainly justified shooting of a career criminal who engaged an officer, with a stolen gun?

Hmmm. I think I know the answer.
I happen to enjoy Milwaukee myself except for the idiots who find any excuse to loot, block traffic, set fires, beat up innocent people and cause general mayhem.
Looks like Milwaukee is the most segregated city in America.


I wonder how all of this turmoil will be handled?

Hopefully, to start, parents will heed the advice of the mayor and alderwoman and get their children home if they are out. They are right that we don't need any more loss of life.

Beyond that I'm having trouble putting my thoughts into words. I feel for the people who have lost their businesses, cars, etc. I'm sure some of those people probably depend a lot on their cars to get to jobs, get kids to school, etc. I feel for the reporter who was senselessly beaten, and for the officer in the hospital who was injured protecting this neighborhood. I feel for the people who are afraid to leave their homes.

I want to know what occurred with the police shooting earlier. I feel for people of all races who struggle through poverty or addiction, who are victims of discrimination, who lack opportunity and feel hopeless or forgotten. But I will not condone violence, intimidation, or bigotry, from anyone to anyone. And I really don't care if that makes me uncool in the moment. I care much more about the world we are leaving our kids.
At a news conference, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett stated:

Police spotted a suspicious vehicle and they stopped the vehicle. As they stopped the vehicle, two individuals fled from the vehicle. One started heading west, another started heading east. A Milwaukee police officer with six years experience started chasing the individual who was running to the east. He ordered that individual to drop his gun. The individual did not drop his gun, held the gun, or I don’t know that for a fact, but had the gun with him. The officer shot several times. The individual was shot in the chest and one in the arm…that individual who is a 23-year-old man has died. The officer was wearing a body-camera. It is my understanding that the body camera was operating.


I am personally disgusted to my core with the tweets and comments (not here!) on the web that are JUSTIFYING, CONDONING, and CELEBRATING this extreme level of violence and rioting. Good grief-- DISABLED people, almost certainly local (poor) citizens, in a van, were targeted intentionally with bricks and rocks. Really?? Really???

How on earth can ANY human being justify this level of depraved violence because of some fantastically warped and insane idea that a violent criminal should not be pursued or killed by law enforcement? I don't even want to share oxygen with people who condone, celebrate, and justify this kind of savage, primitive, depraved criminal behavior. These people, these rioters, are irretrievably "broken" human beings. They cannot be fixed. They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be placated. They cannot be rehabilitated. They cannot live among peaceful people. Every reasonable person should be disgusted and horrified at their behavior. They are not "protesters." They are primitive, savage, barbaric criminals. They all belong in prison, for as long as the law allows us to separate them from society.
Hope has to be made possible. Otherwise, nothing to lose. I am sure plenty of people are too afraid to say or do anything. They hope to get out of the violence themselves. Most people want better lives for their children, but it is almost impossible to move. Moving costs a fortune,

We have to start imvesting in infastructure. We need things such as the CCC or WPA. There is plenty to be done .
Hope has to be made possible. Otherwise, nothing to lose. I am sure plenty of people are too afraid to say or do anything. They hope to get out of the violence themselves. Most people want better lives for their children, but it is almost impossible to move. Moving costs a fortune,

We have to start imvesting in infastructure. We need things such as the CCC or WPA. There is plenty to be done .

This is exactly what we need. But we also need to dismantle some of the hateful rhetoric and false narratives that give rise to this violence.
Fox6 reporter identified as A.J. saying about 10 shots fired near Auer. I think he said near 35th and Auer but not 100% sure on that.
Hope has to be made possible. Otherwise, nothing to lose. I am sure plenty of people are too afraid to say or do anything. They hope to get out of the violence themselves. Most people want better lives for their children, but it is almost impossible to move. Moving costs a fortune,

We have to start imvesting in infastructure. We need things such as the CCC or WPA. There is plenty to be done .

These "people" are rioting because there is a need to invest in infrastructure??? Rioting because there are no CCC and WPA programs? I'm incredulous.

No, I completely reject that idea. No, they don't "hope to get out of the violence themselves". Really? They create extreme violence because they want to escape violence? That is not even a reasonable place to have a conversation.That is simply another ludicrous idea that attempts to condone and justify their violent behavior.

These people are rioting because they are criminals who have no self control, and want to create as much mayhem and destruction as they can. They think it's "fun" and "empowering" to hurt people and destroy as much as they can, especially if police cars or officers or vulnerable people are the target. They are rioting because they are savage, criminal, and barbaric individuals, IMO. They are not rioting to "fix" anything, or "protest" anything valid. They belong in prison.

There is nothing anyone, or any "program", or any government, or any amount of money or handouts, or social "ideas" can do to fix all that is wrong with the rioters, IMO. They need to be removed from society, IMO, for as long as possible.
I hope he is right that the body camera was working and that it caught the whole incident on video.

As do we all. It is good that LE is surveilled while doing their job. It is only a shame that criminals, many long-time, career criminals, are not held to the same standards. At all costs we must be sure the "rights" of criminals and savages are protected. I can only wish someone were protecting my rights and the rights of law-abiding citizens as conscientiously.

As do we all. It is good that LE is surveilled while doing their job. It is only a shame that criminals, many long-time, career criminals, are not held to the same standards. At all costs we must be sure the "rights" of criminals and savages are protected. I can only wish someone were protecting my rights and the rights of law-abiding citizens as conscientiously.


The camera is going to show what it is going to show. If it truly was a bad shoot it won't justify the violence that happened tonight, but it would still be an injustice that cannot stand. Do you think any of the rioters will feel differently if the officer was defending him or her self? I honestly wonder.
The camera is going to show what it is going to show. If it truly was a bad shoot it won't justify the violence that happened tonight, but it would still be an injustice that cannot stand. Do you think any of the rioters will feel differently if the officer was defending him or her self? I honestly wonder.

I believe the rioters just want to loot and riot and any excuse will do. I also believe there is a lot of anger and ignorance being used by some for their own gain. I further believe there will never be a solution to some of this country's problems until we stop trying to pretend everyone is the same. Everyone is not the same, there are many differences that are not being taken into consideration and throwing more money down the rat hole isn't going to solve anything. We, ALL of us, need to revamp our thinking.

So, do I "think any of the rioters will feel differently if the officer was defending him or her self?" Nope. Like I said, rioters just want to loot and riot. I believe it is a symptom of the "culture" in which these people live, a "culture" alien to many of us and thankfully so. Until we realize and admit there are differences, then proceed in whatever direction, I don't believe there is any hope for us as a nation.

I think on a nationial level someone is going to have to train a mini police dept for deployment to cities with officers on "administrative leave".

We should call it the ALRP= Administrative Leave Replacement Pool.
I believe the rioters just want to loot and riot and any excuse will do. I also believe there is a lot of anger and ignorance being used by some for their own gain. I further believe there will never be a solution to some of this country's problems until we stop trying to pretend everyone is the same. Everyone is not the same, there are many differences that are not being taken into consideration and throwing more money down the rat hole isn't going to solve anything. We, ALL of us, need to revamp our thinking.

So, do I "think any of the rioters will feel differently if the officer was defending him or her self?" Nope. Like I said, rioters just want to loot and riot. I believe it is a symptom of the "culture" in which these people live, a "culture" alien to many of us and thankfully so. Until we realize and admit there are differences, then proceed in whatever direction, I don't believe there is any hope for us as a nation.


Trident, why don't you start by telling us what these differences are? I was raised on the belief that we are all the same so it would be very interesting to hear what one percieves these differences are that we must realize and admit to.
These "people" are rioting because there is a need to invest in infrastructure??? Rioting because there are no CCC and WPA programs? I'm incredulous.

No, I completely reject that idea. No, they don't "hope to get out of the violence themselves". Really? They create extreme violence because they want to escape violence? That is not even a reasonable place to have a conversation.That is simply another ludicrous idea that attempts to condone and justify their violent behavior.

These people are rioting because they are criminals who have no self control, and want to create as much mayhem and destruction as they can. They think it's "fun" and "empowering" to hurt people and destroy as much as they can, especially if police cars or officers or vulnerable people are the target. They are rioting because they are savage, criminal, and barbaric individuals, IMO. They are not rioting to "fix" anything, or "protest" anything valid. They belong in prison.

There is nothing anyone, or any "program", or any government, or any amount of money or handouts, or social "ideas" can do to fix all that is wrong with the rioters, IMO. They need to be removed from society, IMO, for as long as possible.

In response to post thirty.
Simone's grandparents both grew up poor. They made the choice to make something of themselves. Simone's mother did not grow up in poverty her father raised her as a single dad while working as an air traffic controller. Later marrying his second wife Simone's (step) grandmother who is a college educated nurse. They worked hard to be where they are. Simone has worked hard to be where she is.
They are perfect examples to me that if one is willing to work hard they can make it out of poverty, but you have got to want to make it and be willing to do the hard work to get there.
Interesting... this is the gas station that was burned down last night.

[h=1]Protesters urge boycott of BP gas station near Sherman Park after shots fired incident[/h]
"We try to instill some morals and principals in our kids here in the neighborhood. All the time the police took to get here, we could`ve tore that store up. We`re not on that page anymore. It`s a new era here. You know what that era is? Peace, baby," a protester said.
Trident, why don't you start by telling us what these differences are? I was raised on the belief that we are all the same so it would be very interesting to hear what one percieves these differences are that we must realize and admit to.

:loveyou::loveyou::loveyou::loveyou: Remember when Watts was a cauldron of rioting? I wonder if things have changed there. America is not going back to the days where blacks lived in quiet subservience. The jobs that were in these areas are gone . Good jobs such as those that were in Detroit and LA. Not sure besides brewing that Milwaukee had.

Are we going to live like Third World Nations? Are we going to have poverty like Rio? Are we going to admit there has to be solutions? My solution is that neighborhoods meet with concerned citizens and the police, people in power, and strategize.

It seems really hard when the people in big power in Wisconsin have made horrible statements which indicate their views, There has to be a concerted effort. As much as some may not believe it, most people do not want to live in a war zone.

Back in the day, the Mafia ruled and businesses had to provide protection money. Communities in different areas have had to deal with issues. The criminals need to be defeated. But as with the Mafia, people are afraid to talk
She wasn't raised by her bio-parents. She was raised by her grandparents, who adopted her, and no doubt gave her structure and showered her with love.

In the beginning she was with her drug addicted parents, then her drug addicted mother, then foster homes. Not a predictor of good outcome

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