Belize - Francesca Matus, 52, & Drew De Voursney, 36, murdered, Corozal, 25 Apr 2017

This is such a strange case and I'm just trying to thing through various facts to figure out what happened.

There doesn't appear to have been a burglary or robbery, unless it was to carjack the SUV. Neither of their homes were ransacked or disturbed and I'm guessing they weren't carrying a lot of valuables when they were out at the bar. It sounds like the area has a low crime violent crime rate (unlike Belize City).

Both of their passports were found, as was their luggage, so neither of them seems to have left Belize. The Mexican border is only about a 7 mile drive from Corozol, but who's going to take that vehicle across the border without the proper papers? And why would they want to do that in any case?

Corozal is a pretty small place, so everyone would know everyone and the vehicle would stand out now if it's being used in the area. Corozol is an approximately 2 hour drive to Belize City, but even then, police will be on the alert. The entire population of Belize is only about 250,000. So, did someone have a grudge and attack and kill them in the vehicle and then disposed of the vehicle in a nearby lagoon? (Hopefully a search plane would see the white vehicle under the water.)

The drive between Corozol and Consejo is quite flat. It's difficult to imagine that they accidentally drove off the road and the vehicle hasn't been found. That white SUV would stand out if they crashed into the trees.

Stores wouldn't have been open by the time they left the bar, except for possibly a variety store or a gas station. Did they stop for gas on the way home? Did they see something they shouldn't have seen?

Did they have a fight on the way home and one of them accidentally or intentionally killed the other in a rage? If so what could they possibly hope to do now? No passport and stuck in a small country with a vehicle that everyone is looking for. BTW Consejo is only a couple of miles by boat to Chetumal Mexico. Is there a boat missing?

The guy that was supposed to drive Francesa to the Belize City airport put his own phone number on the poster. Why wouldn't he put the police phone number on there?

Meanwhile, Milholen*said it's his phone number on flyers he has been putting around the area to receive tips from the public. He's had several calls, but none has produced a solid lead.

In the end it's the missing vehicle and no missing passports that is stumping me.

Sorry for the random brain dump.
Belize is the first third world country I've visited and it was an eye opening experience. I didn't see the more affluent parts but did go deeper into the bush, through check points with guerrilla looking men carrying machine guns, saw bullet riddled vehicles along the roads, and buses with pictures of wanted men on them. The living conditions were very poor, people living in shanties with almost nothing but the clothes on their backs. Apparently drug trafficking is prevalent.
While there, I half expected to be ambushed, hijacked, and held for ransom.
I certainly hope for the best for these folks but do fear the worst.

I'm curious as to where you went. A number of years ago we took our sons to Belize. We had an absolutely fabulous time, and didn't feel unsafe. Of course we didn't spend any time in Belize City, as it absolutely has high crime (drugs). My impression was that there was more violent crime in the very south (easy drug smuggling by boat to Guatamala and Honduras) and in the jungles near the Belize western border with Guatemala. We went north toward Orange Walk and stayed at a great eco resort on a lagoon near some Mayan ruins, then went south to Placencia ( a gorgeous 15 km long narrow peninsula of sand jutting out into the Carribean) staying in a beach cabana. Glorious. The people we met were gracious, friendly and helpful.

My impression of Corozol is that it is chock full of expats as it is so close to Chetumal Mexico, which has cheap health care, large American box stores, etc. And, low crime.
Of course its all relative and perhaps crime has picked up in that area.
Here is an article from December which indicates that crime certainly seems to be on the rise in Corozal.

Concerned Corozalenos decided to request action following a series of armed robberies and assaults that have occurred recently in the town.

But even if Francesca and Drew were attacked, where are they? Why would an attacker take them somewhere and not just simply dump them wherever?
Still doesn't make sense.
Im thinking accident also.
I wonder if they were both traveling, explains why someone was driveing her/them to the airport or maybe he had to work.
I wonder if they were drinking and they had an accident somewhere home. I do hope they are both alive, just staying in their vehicle waiting to be rescued. Just hoping.

All moo.
Milholen says the search for Matus and De Voursney was delayed by hours because WestJet mistakenly told Matus’ brother that she checked in for her flight.

But when WestJet flight WS2605 landed in Toronto just before 1 p.m. Wednesday, Matus was not among the passengers who disembarked. This is because she had only checked in online but didn’t actually show up for her flight — something Milholen said would have been useful to know a few hours earlier.

“This was information [WestJet] knew when they told us hours before that she checked in. This delayed by several daylight hours the search which as you know is always important,” Milholen said, adding that WestJet’s explanation was to invoke customer privacy.
WestJet said it’s unable to comment on the specifics of the case “as this situation is in the hands of authorities.”

“In certain circumstances where we believe unlawful or criminal activity is being committed, or the health and safety of our guests or people are being threatened, we work with appropriate authorities or entities in order to allow them to properly investigate the matter,” a WestJet spokesperson said in an emailed statement.

“We wish all the best to Francesca’s family for her safe and speedy return.”
Last Seen in Belize
April 30, 2017

..."When I went inside, her bags were by her bed, packed and ready to go," said Milholen, who is an American also living in Belize. "She left her passport and her travelling money."

He added that her companion, Drew De Voursney, 36, also left his passport in his home. His motorcycle — his only form of transportation — was parked at Matus's house.

"So whatever happened, they don't have their things to travel," Milholen said.

..."The possibilities (of what happened) are endless," he said. "But I don't have an idea that I want to share publicly. I have a law enforcement background, so I know you have to keep an open mind."

..."And we have a whole host of volunteers, mostly made up of expats, looking for them," he said. The search started Friday, and by Sunday, they'd covered the part of town where Matus lived.

He said they are planning to branching out to De Voursney's side of town Monday.
Search continues for Canadian woman missing in Belize
April 30, 2017

...He said Matus has homes in Belize and Canada, and lives in the Central American country five or six months a year.

"She's a great, great person," Milholen said. "She's very outgoing."

While Travel Canada suggests people "exercise a high degree of caution" throughout Belize due to high rates of violent crime, Milholen said the area of Corozal, where Matus lives, is very safe.
So many cases right now are open-ended with no answers ... praying for this couple, they look so in love.
Does this phone number help in terms of figuring out where she lived: 416-464-0940?

Is this where she lives?


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I don't think this is going to end well ... the only question I have is whether it is an accident, or criminal.
Does this phone number help in terms of figuring out where she lived: 416-464-0940?

Is this where she lives?

This is a phone number for Toronto (Canada) and it is a cell phone - can be used anywhere.
This is a phone number for Toronto (Canada) and it is a cell phone - can be used anywhere.

It also tracks to Coconut Grove, Belize and I'm wondering whether she had something like a bed and breakfast.
Looks like this is a criminal situation rather than accident.

"The white 1998 Isuzu Rodeo that belonged to Matus was found Sunday in a remote sugar cane field about 10 or so miles from the bar, according to DeVoursney’s brother, David. The family had been expecting Drew DeVoursney to fly home to Atlanta later this week.

Authorities do not believe they made it home after leaving the bar on Tuesday, Devoursney said. T"
I read somewhere else that she lived about 6-7 miles from the restaurant, but her vehicle was found 10 miles from the restaurant. Carjacking?

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