***GUILTY*** Mark Sievers - 1st Degree Murder & Conspiracy

Does anyone know if he actually got funds from the life insurance policy? If so, why didn't he actually pay cww?
It took like 9 months iirc to arrest him, they'd pay out by then?
Did cww turn on him because he never got paid? Did ms not pay because they flopped it up so bad?
Because her death was obviously a murder an investigation was ongoing. I think it's standard protocol to wait until a case is solved (or a beneficiary is cleared) to pay out insurance.
DBM double post

those duplicate gremlins again :p

You were right the first time you said it though. Insurance companies don't pay until the case is cleared by investigators. Sometimes, it's a real hardship for the innocent spouse being suspected and it can go on years. A former vet I had for my pets died suspiciously and his wife was not formally charged, but kept in a state of insurance limbo for a long time.
Do we have a thread for his sentencing tomorrow ??
Anyone wondering what mark is thinking right now and how his last couple days have been? Wonder if he is in a safety outfit.

I think he probably crashed hard. I keep thinking about his joking with Judge Kyle about just wanting to go home, like he and the judge had some kind of inside joke that this trial was a bunch of BS or something.
I am sure that MS is going to be looking forward to any day in court to relieve him of the misery of confinement, especially since I am sure that he has been on suicide watch since the verdict.

Was there still a status hearing today? I know that many (like me) are waiting to see who he calls as witnesses. Also, I am thinking about Teresa's family as they head into this next painful part of the trial. I can't imagine sitting in the witness box and having to look at MS's face or to have to be vulnerable once again in front of a man who lied and killed my loved one. Sending thoughts of strength to all who are testifying.
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I just picture him repeating the "Why" like Theresa did. Why didn't the jury love me, why don't they believe me, WHY is this happening TO ME??? Its still all about him.

I know what you mean. I found that his comment about just wanting to go home to be so ridiculous. He didn't say I just want my life back with my wife and kids or say I just want to see my girls.

According to CWW, he had said that the reason for killing Teresa was because the girls were in danger. And, by having CWW and JRR kill her when he was in CT, MS had a chance to look like the "good" dad who had to endure this tragedy. But, as this has unfolded, it is so clear that MS wanted out of the marriage but not the financial lifestyle. He wanted to be able to have a life where he could raise the girls, not have to work, and play the victim's husband. I am so glad that he did not hire a competent killer who would have made this killing unsolvable because he might have gotten away with it. His comments about women and his open marriage lifestyle only give a glimpse as to his narcissistic tendencies. His courtroom behavior gave us all we needed to know about him. I wonder what his lawyer thinks of him.
And nobody has yet to establish as to WHY the girls were in danger. I think that twisted and narcissistic Mark meant to say that HE was in danger of losing the girls, due to the impending divorce, which most likely would have led to the discovery of his Medicare fraud and other crimes.
I think he probably crashed hard. I keep thinking about his joking with Judge Kyle about just wanting to go home, like he and the judge had some kind of inside joke that this trial was a bunch of BS or something.

Well, it certainly backfired on this confident, arrogant Creep.
Now, looking forward to the sentencing, with extremely harsh words from his 'so called Buddy, the Judge'.
Hope we have 'pretend tears' AGAIN, presenting another Oscar performance.
Poor, poor guy.:D:D:D:D
What bothers me is... at least on CTV... the victim impact statements are very limited and they can only talk about Theresa and their loss. MANY i've seen they have been able to directly address the defendant, but CTV is saying they are not allowed. Which means Mark will get the last word. I don't think i like that.
What bothers me is... at least on CTV... the victim impact statements are very limited and they can only talk about Theresa and their loss. MANY i've seen they have been able to directly address the defendant, but CTV is saying they are not allowed. Which means Mark will get the last word. I don't think i like that.
I can confirm that this is the case in Florida.
I know what you mean. I found that his comment about just wanting to go home to be so ridiculous. He didn't say I just want my life back with my wife and kids or say I just want to see my girls.

That whole dialogue was so weird. The judge asked a simple yes/no question IIRC. Mark had just been waiting to throw some "witty" remark in. Like this was all a really funny joke. He distorted his face in such a ridiculous way right afterwards... I think he was slightly embarrassed that no one joked back with him or replied in any way, but he still thought he was being pretty cute. Yuck. Dude, you are such an idiot.

I'm not crazy about Mummert, but he had to have been rolling his eyes and shaking his head over this doofus.
That whole dialogue was so weird. The judge asked a simple yes/no question IIRC. Mark had just been waiting to throw some "witty" remark in. Like this was all a really funny joke. He distorted his face in such a ridiculous way right afterwards... I think he was slightly embarrassed that no one joked back with him or replied in any way, but he still thought he was being pretty cute. Yuck. Dude, you are such an idiot.

I'm not crazy about Mummert, but he had to have been rolling his eyes and shaking his head over this doofus.
That, and when the judge asked him if it was acceptable to waive sequesteration- he had some smart aleck comment like “as acceptable as it can be”...I wonder if he’ll speak this week to save his skin. I wonder if his girls will. Ugh.

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