Identified! VA - Annandale, WhtFem 245UFVA, ~60, 'NO CODE, DNR, No Penicillin', Dec'96

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I dont' think that the Iowa woman survived the day that she disappeared, much less another 18 years. Part of the problem that you have in Northern Virginia, and the Washington DC area in general is that there is such a transient population, in a way. You have a lot of visitors, and a lot of professionals who are here for just a couple of years until either someone loses a Congressional seat, or they get their next posting. I could totally see that someone could cut their professional ties and just walk away from their life without having anyone look for them.
I wouldn't think the Iowa lady would still be alive, but just in case I put her up here!

I could see how easy it could be to not to be missed by anyone! Especially someone who's really wanting to disappear.. I wonder if Jane doe chose this date for a certain reason? or it just happened to be when she felt like leaving this world.. :confused:
Bumping this up. I hope we can find out who this poor lady was. :angel: It's very sad to think she laid there and died alone.
I have looked for information on this case with little success. I am trying to find her height and weight:

I think that Margarett Marion may be

Margarett Marion disappeared in March 1994 the Jane Doe in the cemetery died in December 1996. Look at their noses, glasses, lips,

Jane Doe has She had an 8 inch scar on her abdomen, probably from C-section. Jane doe has auburn hair but it looks died and it says curly possibly a perm. Very few people have orginial hair color at 60. But I can't find out any more info on Margarett Marion than what is below. Margarett Marion lived in Virginia Beach VA. A distance of maybe 3 hours. I tried to find the cemetery Jane Doe died in to see if there were any children buried there why Jane Doe picked there if she was indeed Margarett Marion but it does not list graves. Anyone have any ideas?

Margarett Marion 
Missing since March 8, 1994 from Virginia Beach, Virginia 
Classification: Missing

Vital Statistics
• Age at Time of Disappearance: 52 years old
• Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Glasses.

Circumstances of Disappearance 
Margarett Marion was last seen on March 8, 1994. 
Marion's vehicle, a red two door, Isuzu Mark I, was found running and abandoned a
I don't think these 2 ladies look at all alike. The lady found dead in the cemetery looks like she could possibly be Puerto Rican. I see no resemblance at all IMO

I think that is a great match. They have very similar facial features, as well as the glasses. It was two years later that the UID was located so the hair, etc. could have changed in that time and the it is a only a reconstruction that we are comparing to. The only thing is, that you would think that this would have been checked out prior to now because of the location, age, resemblance. I definately think it is worth checking out.
Margarett Marion was turned in to the detective in Va. on Jan. 8, 2008 as a possible match.
Debbie thank you. I am praying she is a match. Do you know how long it takes before they rule a person in or out?
Bumping this up Has anybody found out anything new? This case really bothers me. I keep wondering why this poor woman ended her life in the cemetery. I also wonder why nobody has been missing her. Hopefully some day soon we will know who she is and where she was from.
Has anyone read the thread for her at Porchlight? My memory is a bit foggy this morning due to migraine, but I seem to remember somebody there saying the glasses and juice came from Belgium. I doubt she came here from Belgium just to commit suicide, she may have been here for decades or years or months. My research skills have been lackluster as of late, I've wanted to explore this more, but I"m stuck for a starting point.
With the medic alert, is there any particular reasons someone would have "DNR"? Why does one usually have that on a medic alert? Sorry I don't know anything about this.

She also had "No penicillin" on it (forgive the spelling). Perhaps she was allergic to it, and that is something that docs like to have on a medic alert bracelet (my mother has one). A lot of times people with "living wills" that specify no ventilators or recussitation would also have one. "No Code, DNR" means that they don't want to be "coded" -- heart defibed and such or resucitated (opened airways, ventilated). Basically, if her heart stopped and she stopped breathing, let her go. Sounds like something she'd have long before -- and if she were seriously ill.

She was also found near the area where babies and young children were buried. Does anyone think that perhaps she lost a baby/young child/young grandchild through code/vents and just couldn't handle it? Or sat through the pain for all those (possible) years and with a terminal illness diagnosed decided to end it all? A look at the graves around where she was found might give some details as well.
She also had "No penicillin" on it (forgive the spelling). Perhaps she was allergic to it, and that is something that docs like to have on a medic alert bracelet (my mother has one). A lot of times people with "living wills" that specify no ventilators or recussitation would also have one. "No Code, DNR" means that they don't want to be "coded" -- heart defibed and such or resucitated (opened airways, ventilated). Basically, if her heart stopped and she stopped breathing, let her go. Sounds like something she'd have long before -- and if she were seriously ill.

She was also found near the area where babies and young children were buried. Does anyone think that perhaps she lost a baby/young child/young grandchild through code/vents and just couldn't handle it? Or sat through the pain for all those (possible) years and with a terminal illness diagnosed decided to end it all? A look at the graves around where she was found might give some details as well.

Somebody at another site looked in to the possibility of her having a child/grandchild buried there and they found out the cemetary was mostly an ethnic cemetary. I believe it was African-American. If I recall correctly, they don't think she chose it based on a loved one being buried there. The theory was she chose it for the remote location.

I have a question about medic alert jewelry. Maybe somebody can educate me a bit. I know to get a bracelet or necklace one needs to fill out a form and I believe have a doctor sign off on it. Are these researchable at all? I'm guessing no since HIPPA would most likely prohibit that. Could LE try and find out how many DNR/no penicillin ones were issued in that area?
You know, they may be subject to serial numbers like watches and implants. If one could find out what company made it (which should be on the bracelet), they may be able to tell who it was for. You are right that a medic bracelet requires some sort of form -- and I'm pretty sure mom's doctor had to sign it. I don't know that HIPPA would regulate matching serial numbers to a form.

The reason I suggested children grandchildren was that perhaps she had a racially mixed child or grandchild. You never know, and while it might not have been common or popular then, it could have happened. I know it's a far reach, but one never knows what the story of an unidentified person was until it is found who they are.

ETA: It might be worth seeing if any attorneys or notaries public in the area would recognize this woman. Usually the No Code/DNR would require a filed "living will" that usually has to be done through an attorney (or would have been at the time) but at the least would require a notary public to stamp it for a doctor/hospital to use it.
Somebody at another site looked in to the possibility of her having a child/grandchild buried there and they found out the cemetary was mostly an ethnic cemetary. I believe it was African-American. If I recall correctly, they don't think she chose it based on a loved one being buried there. The theory was she chose it for the remote location.

I have a question about medic alert jewelry. Maybe somebody can educate me a bit. I know to get a bracelet or necklace one needs to fill out a form and I believe have a doctor sign off on it. Are these researchable at all? I'm guessing no since HIPPA would most likely prohibit that. Could LE try and find out how many DNR/no penicillin ones were issued in that area?

Anybody can buy a medical alert bracelet. I have one myself. I doubt that will be of any help. You can buy them at most jewelry stores too if you want a nice one. Someone could have also made the bracelet for her. My daughter has a rosary bracelet that someone made for her. The one JD had was a beaded one.
So there's more than one way to get one then, correct? I'm going by memory when my aunt got hers. She sent away for it and I do remember her doctor filling out or signing off on part of the form. I've seen the fancier ones you're talking about as well. Slightly off topic, but I always thought the nicer ones were a great idea. Is there a pic of JD's somewhere that you're aware of? I've seen pics of her other personal property, but I can't remember seeing the medic tag.
I haven't looked back yet to see how much info has been discussed about the cemetary and 'who' she was found near....thinking, may be stupid, I wonder how much LE took notes on surrounding grave sites? I wonder if it'd be worth a phone call to investigator and ask? Another idea, get someone from the area to go and research, take pics for us. And, get a list of who was buried there at the time of her death from the owners of the lot?

Bumping this up. I hope we can find out who this poor lady was. :angel: It's very sad to think she laid there and died alone.

It was her own choice though. To some people being alone in such a moment is synonymous with being in peace.
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