Man dies trying to rescue neighbours pet.


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Apr 15, 2005
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A man has died while trying yo rescue a neighbours pet cockatoo from a tree.
The 58 year old man plunged to his death after his 72 year old neighbour had already fallen.
The man had slipped and fallen dying instantly...his wife was present when he fell.
This is very sad, what makes it worse is the poor guys wife saw it.
The bird proberly would have come down by itself after a while:(
I don't know too many men that would have climbed a tree to save a bird! They must have been nice guys. RIP.
Oh this is so sad, and to think that the poor man's wife witnessed his tragic death! He must have been a kind person to have risked his life, but it is so sad that he was killed.

Maybe in hindsight he should have waited for morning..too late now though.
What a very kind man, wish more took after this man!!
I sent a guy up a tree that I had just started dating - because I saw (what I thought was) my cockatiel in the tree. I knew it wasn't my bird when it hopped onto his shoulder for the climb down! I went inside and sure enough, all my birds were fine. The guy was so scratched up and hurt from scaling the tree, I was unable to admit it wasn't my bird for a good five minutes.
I sent a guy up a tree that I had just started dating - because I saw (what I thought was) my cockatiel in the tree. I knew it wasn't my bird when it hopped onto his shoulder for the climb down! I went inside and sure enough, all my birds were fine. The guy was so scratched up and hurt from scaling the tree, I was unable to admit it wasn't my bird for a good five minutes.

Haha, nice.

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