Cal-Sag Channel Search

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LE surely must have such a substantial lead for them to do this!!!

I do wait, wonder and watch the entire effort.

I had another 'What IF moment", what IF her body is still on the home property somewhere?????

I would like to find the aerial view of the home area. Will check the media links later, unless someone has a quick memory of where it can be found??

All of the planning that went into this, I cannot help but wonder IF many goose chase things were planned to throw everyone off.:waitasec:

With the time frame being narrowed down for when DP was unaccounted for, and if we take into account that this was NOT premeditated, I think Stacy is closer to home.

DP as a cop, would know to put out "red herrings" to mislead the LE. Camper, is there anyway you or someone else can get to the local Recorder's Office and get the inside layout of the house??

Another thing, why hasn't anyone come forward and say they saw Stacy's vehicle somewhere during that day when DP moved it? I am sure it had to be sitting somewhere before he brought it home later.
My Gosh, that is what I was thinking, too! :confused: How MANY bodies or missing vehicles are really in that canal?! They need to drain it while they are at it and clear that entire channel. Sheesh! They can do it...we watched them do it when the bridge collapsed.

The Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal is 28 miles long, 202 feet wide, and 24 feet deep. Draining it is not an option.

That's wonderful - I like the mention of a "huge effort." And that might be why they are hauling old cars out of the canal - to make way for more divers and the sonar people.

Hey T/F, Just wanted to let ya know since my pal did the work on the Laci Peterson
Case he has improved his stuff. Now, not only can he drag that GPS guided SideScan
Sonar rig, if he sees a target that needs quick attention; he has an ROV with cameras
And a grappling tool!
They may not be able to drain that canal, but they can sure see what’s in it!
Here is a link to a page that describes the tools he has now:

IF someone did put Stacy in there; my money is on her recovery.

So now we pray.


That's wonderful - I like the mention of a "huge effort." And that might be why they are hauling old cars out of the canal - to make way for more divers and the sonar people.

Hey T/F, Just wanted to let ya know since my pal did the work on the Laci Peterson
Case he has improved his stuff. Now, not only can he drag that GPS guided SideScan
Sonar rig, if he sees a target that needs quick attention; he has an ROV with cameras
And a grappling tool!
They may not be able to drain that canal, but they can sure see what’s in it!
Here is a link to a page that describes the tools he has now:

IF someone did put Stacy in there; my money is on her recovery.

So now we pray.


--->>>What a grand tribute to some fine people!!! I am wondering just how many bodies they will find. This could be a popular place for our friend ? DP to have used before.

Does anyone know the time frame allowed for this search? It is snowing like blazes in Colorado now. I have not been on line since this morning.

Anyone know how the cars they pull up are handled, is there space there to put them or do they have to be hauled away to somewhere else?

Heaven knows who they will find, who was the guy that Geraldo Rivera had tried to find in a wall, er, maybe he's in the canal. Small odd joke, sorry.

The Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal is 28 miles long, 202 feet wide, and 24 feet deep. Draining it is not an option.
Oh! Guess you are right! I had it in my mind that it had locks that could be drained.
One of the pictures posted of the day the divers went down showed a sign that said "Lock" on it. Which means, I think, that they could close off that portion and drain it if they had to.

Greybeard: I found mention of your friend on the Dan Abrams transcript from Thursday night. He says the Sonar was coming in this weekend:

From Dan Abrams, Dec. 6, 2007 (Scroll Down)

ABRAMS: Yes. Well, or they‘re waiting until maybe they find the body to build a stronger case. All right. So what found - We know that they‘re searching a canal near the Peterson home. We know that there was debris pulled up yesterday. There was an underwater sonar unit coming this weekend. What can the sonar unit help them with?

NOVAK: The sonar unit is going to obviously help them to locate objects underwater. It‘s going to give them a pattern. It‘s going to give them something to go down and look at.

ABRAMS: That could be big. I mean -

NOVAK: Well, they‘re apparently looking for a barrel, something of significant size. It‘s going to stand out on the floor of a canal such as that. So it‘s going to just aid in the underwater search. Generally you‘re talking about low visibility and divers going by hand feeling their way around. So it‘s just kind of giving them some areas to look at.
LE is spending a lot of time and effort in searching the canal, and is bringing in expensive equipment and expertise to aide in that search. I have to believe LE has more than just cell phone pings to concentrate such a massive effort to searching the canal.

Did someone witness DP's car there that night? Although that canal is not in a residential area, it's possible that someone coming home late at night or in the wee hours of the morning, saw a car turning into the canal area and thought it strange, and made a mental note of it.

Did someone who knows more, talk? No one has seen or heard from Thomas Morphey. Where is he? Only one person, a woman who spoke to an AP reporter briefly, said Tom is in rehab. None of the media has mentioned Tom since it was revealed that he helped move the blue container. Was the media told to back off by LE?

Just one possible scenario: After helping DP move the blue container from the bedroom to the Denali, it's reported that DP took Tom home. Tom was upset and went to talk with his neighbor, Walter Martineck, telling him he thought he might have helped DP dispose of Stacy.

What if.........later, after DP learns that Cassandra is out looking for Stacy and has filed a missing person report, DP realizes he has to dispose of the body quickly. So, he goes back to Thomas Morphey's home and tells him he needs his help again. Thomas Morphey is too scared of DP not to do as DP demands, and goes with him to dispose of the blue container????

This could explain a lot of things. It explains Thomas Morphey's attempt at suicide. It explains Thomas Morphey being kept away from the media, and possibly in some sort of environment where he's got police protection.
It was the sister who told media that TM was in rehab. I tend to believe that. People don't usually admit to being in rehab if they can avoid it. He may be out by now, but I think he is probably either staying with relatives or in police protection now. Remember that when Sharon had a problem with Drew P, she was put into a motel for a while. Somehow I have a feeling that is what was done with TM.
There was also a report where a reporter saw TM, after his suicide attempt and shortly before the news of his involvement broke. The reporter attempted to talk to TM, but two police officers stopped the reporter from talking to him. So yes, they may be protecting him from not only DrewP but also from the media.
One thing about Tom Morphey's story is that at least 3 other people can back up parts of his claims. The neighbor, his girlfriend/wife, and his friend. If they get the KK tape cleaned up enough, he will have even more proof of his story.

I don't think LE would let this man out of their sight for a second since he has supposedly gone off the deep-end once. He is basically their only shot at building a case against Drew. Do I believe he is in protective custody? You bet I do! (They also cannot risk him selling his story to NE!)
I concur!!!! PLUS IF IF WE are correct, then LE knows PRECISELY where the body was dumped and the HOW or WHAT the container was that held the body - as evidenced by this massive search effort.

I used the word dumped because of the location of this massive search effort.

Greybeard and his sonar friend will be an valuable addition to this search.

Yes indeed Tom is being well protected and cared for. I have to wonder also IF IF DP paid him, no, ya think? IF IF he had the money to tell OR show to LE as well ?, hmmm.

What a horrendous thing to have been involved with for Tom!! I just hope he is able to recover enough to survive mentally from it all!!

DP is certifiably insane or close to it, imop.

I know we're all hoping Stacy's body will be found soon, but what if there is no body anymore? 1 thing that has been bothering me is DrewP's statement of "she's where she wants to be" and the fact that her sister who had passed away was cremated and later it was reported how her family retrived her ashes from the house. What if DrewP was able to take Stacy's body to a crematorium and have her taken care of that way? Could he have then simply added her ashes to the urn that held her sisters, or simply scattered the ashes somewhere? Could the 25,000 DrewP seems to want to explain away by saying Stacy took it have been used to pay for this service? If the murder was planned prior he could have lined up the one to help help him ahead of time and the blue barrel was used to cause a false trail.
I know this is far fetched, just wanted to throw it out there, it just seems to me that DrewP is to sure her body will not be found and if he had simply dumped the body somewhere such as in the water then there's always the chance of it being recovered.

IMO, anything is possible VB. And you sure could explain the "where she wants to be" statement this way. DP said she was very distraught when her sister passed away and missed her terribly. Wanting to be with her would be solved by putting the ashes together. And as we all know, there are 'dirty' crematoriums and funeral parlors as evidenced in past news stories. I wouldn't say this is too far fetched.
LE is spending a lot of time and effort in searching the canal, and is bringing in expensive equipment and expertise to aide in that search. I have to believe LE has more than just cell phone pings to concentrate such a massive effort to searching the canal...
Other bodies have been found because of cell phone pings. To me, the pings are shouting "X marks the spot." For example, Kelsey Smith's body was found by police tracking her cell phone pings. Darryl Littlejohn was arrested because his cell phone pings put him in the area where Imette St Guillen's body was found. I just hope that police do know where Stacey or Drew's cell phone was pinging and are able to pinpoint the location with accuracy.

I just wish that the media would not report about the use of cell phone pings. It just helps the criminal to have more knowledge about how not to get caught.
I have often thought the media has been giving lessons on what not to do when your murder someone - ie. pings. But dp was a cop, he already knew that, the ringing phone at kk . The only thing that will do him in is - he is not sane - cunning, but not sane. The discussion where he may have been rushed after having someone help him load the blue container may be his downfall makes sense to me.
I think cremation would very well be possible. That's what is theorized to have happened to Helen Brach. I think whatever happened to Stacy, it boosted Drews confidence a week after she went missing. I'm also praying and hoping that the missing apple laptop had a tracking device on it.
Her body was never recovered. There have been allegations that after she was murdered her body was disposed of in an Indiana blast furnace[3]
I have often thought the media has been giving lessons on what not to do when your murder someone - ie. pings. But dp was a cop, he already knew that, the ringing phone at kk . The only thing that will do him in is - he is not sane - cunning, but not sane. The discussion where he may have been rushed after having someone help him load the blue container may be his downfall makes sense to me.

I think D thought about this in advance and has covered his tracks pretty well, which did not include the canal. I am baffled as to where she was taken, but if he had criminal connections, she may not be found. In fact, D may not know where she is. The number "$25,000" that S supposedly took from the home safe is intriguing. Was this amount accidentally a giveaway as to the amount he paid to someone?
Are they searching the Channel in this bad weather? And do
any of the Local Press keep you posted on it?

I don't know about what happened today, but this article from yesterday (Dec. 10) mentions the searches continuing through the week.,4_1_JO10_PETERSON_S1.article

The media dropped out Sunday, but Pam Bosco, the legal guardian of Stacy's sister, Cassandra Cales, says the missing mom's family has not slacked off.

"The searches are still going heavy," Bosco said, "right into tomorrow and the rest of the week."

Divers will return to scouring the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Bosco said.

"I'm really hopeful with this water search," she said.

With police next week continuing to piece together the puzzle of where Stacy Peterson went, her husband, Drew, will be in court trying to get back a pair of automobiles, eight handguns, three long guns, ammunition, some computer equipment, compact discs and the school books grabbed from his house during a Nov. 1 search.

Peterson's attorney, Joel Brodsky, will attempt to win the return of the property during a hearing scheduled for Wednesday.

Bosco found it strange when told the media presence outside Peterson's home had dissolved.

"It's pretty eerie," she said. "It makes you wonder what's going on."

I'm not sure what they can do in an ice storm of this magnitude, but maybe we'll hear something tomorrow.
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