"w00t" Crowned 'Word of the Year' by Merriam-Webster

LOL! w00t w00t! :woohoo:
Im starting to wear thin with my new word..Ive nearly wore it out and hubbys sick of hearing it...W00t:D .
We have an Aussie phrase that has a similar meaning to W00t but I best not be posting it here:D
Im starting to wear thin with my new word..Ive nearly wore it out and hubbys sick of hearing it...W00t:D .
We have an Aussie phrase that has a similar meaning to W00t but I best not be posting it here:D

Yar, use it sparingly. (The Brits and Aussies I game with sometimes say yar for yeah.) It is a good word, and fun, but more one you pull out for big expressions of excitement, sort of along the lines of "Frabjous Day/Joy!". ;)
Havent heard of using the word yar either but I dont play any games.
I lvoe it...wOOt, Wootie, wOOt, wOOt. Yes! so the next time ya'll are in chat I don't want to hear on word about this. We use it there ALL the time:dance:

oh and did I say wOOt:blowkiss:
Try typing it in game, it'll become much more liked. ;) You don't get a lot of time to express yourself while in game, ESPECIALLY if you play a healer class. I don't use it to mean "we owned the other team" I use it to mean "Yay!". I do sometimes type yay too, but wewt or woot is faster somehow.
i like pwned better
Are you pirates?

No, but somehow their "r" words come out our "ah/eh" words. Yar is yeh, er, is eh and erm, is um... I don't get it, but I grasp it. (ETA: I have heard them on Teamspeak, saying what they type, that's how I know how they sound, though their um is more ehm.) ;) And saying "Yar" to mean yeah is fun, anyways! :crazy: I use it to mean a most empahtic yeah, or yes, or I fully agree.
i like pwned better

Yeah, but that won't fit if the perfect elite/unique loot drops (ETA: Example The Yakslapper, which is a Pain In The A$$ to try to get to drop due to not only Wroth Yakslapper, but the area he spawns in which is chock full of nasties which *usually* aren't to hard to handle, but sometimes can overwhelm and zerg you if you aren't careful. Did I mention that each boss in that zone spawns in a random location so you have to trek all over until you find the one you want? And, you have to zone out and back in each time you kill the boss to make them respawn.) for you the first try at killing the boss, for example. Then you are excited about the loot, not killing the boss mob. See? Or, you got the last of a certain kind of chocolate bar that you love, and to top it off, they are on sale. Woot expresses the elation/exuberance/joy at the un-expected, fortuitous turn of evens perfectly. ;)
I hate to bust their bubble, but wasn't "woot" in a big hit song, like 15 years back, "WOOT, there it is?" by.........some act called Tag Team?
Talk about behind the times!
I hate to bust their bubble, but wasn't "woot" in a big hit song, like 15 years back, "WOOT, there it is?" by.........some act called Tag Team?
Talk about behind the times!

No, that was "Whoomp, there it is!" ;) You can even see the word whoomp appear multiple times in the video on T-shirts and floating text. There weren't any MMORPGs at that time, and the internet wasn't very widespread either. It wasn't really viable until about Win95. Woot is hacker/leetspeak, (Gamers took over the phrase for themselves at some point.) which was concieved on the net. ETA: Crazy Frog remix of "Whoomp There It Is!"
No, that was "Whoomp, there it is!" ;) You can even see the word whoomp appear multiple times in the video on T-shirts and floating text. There weren't any MMORPGs at that time, and the internet wasn't very widespread either. It wasn't really viable until about Win95. Woot is hacker/leetspeak, (Gamers took over the phrase for themselves at some point.) which was concieved on the net. ETA: Crazy Frog remix of "Whoomp There It Is!"

Before "Whoomp, there it is" I'm pretty sure there was a less popular version called "Woot, there it is." Same song just a different word at the beginning.
Music video in case you have been in a cave and haven't heard this:

I'm going to have this on my mind ALL DAY LONG!

Wiki says that 95 South came out with "whoot there it is" and these 2 groups ended up collaborating. Weird that they came up with the same tune within a month of each other....

Interesting blog comment about the 2 songs:

Seems the "whoot" was more booty related and more strip club oriented. lol
No, KatK! There is only one person on my ignore list and it's not you! I think they are banned anyway. lol

I didn't realize the link was provided in your comment. :doh:
No, KatK! There is only one person on my ignore list and it's not you! I think they are banned anyway. lol

I didn't realize the link was provided in your comment. :doh:

I'm not banned, I'm right here! :crazy: (Much to the chagrin of some, hehe.)
DK, no way would I "ignore" you! :blowkiss: (oops, sorry Ariel!)
No, KatK! There is only one person on my ignore list and it's not you! I think they are banned anyway. lol

I didn't realize the link was provided in your comment. :doh:

Heh... Mouseover the links I provide? That way if it's a YouTube link you can figure it might be the song in question? I do try to at least mouseover links people post to see where they lead before I reply with links of my own. Don't always succeed at it though. :blushing: Sometimes decide to post further links backing up what is said or with a little more information.

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