AZ AZ - Chelsea Grimm, 32, traveling from San Diego CA to CT, car found Oct 5 on Forest Rd 6 near Williams, she was last seen in Williams, 28 Sep 2023

She stood her up? Wow I thought she called and cancelled

The post I was responding to had misstated the article and I didn't check. She does have a sister in AZ, though. And a friend. Both of them saw her in Phoenix (on the third day of her trip, maybe?) Then she skips lunch with the friend the next day and heads north and west of Phoenix.

The post I was responding to had misstated the article and I didn't check. She does have a sister in AZ, though. And a friend. Both of them saw her in Phoenix (on the third day of her trip, maybe?) Then she skips lunch with the friend the next day and heads north and west of Phoenix.
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<modsnip - quoted post was sleuthing family members>

Well, the MSN article clearly states that she met up with her sister in Phoenix.

Does the website say there are only two sisters? Perhaps the sister flew out (which seems really odd, and then CG spends little time with her). Maybe the sister went to visit the friend. Maybe it was a different sister. At any rate, the sister WAS in Phoenix and it sounds as if the sister expected (perhaps) to meet up again.

CG seems to have left Phoenix a day before her sister and the friend thought she was going to. I'll add "noped out of visiting more with sister who flew into AZ" to my list of odd behaviors if that sister really lives in SF. I wonder if this played into the "fight" with the parents.

One thing seems clear, CG was going out of her way to be avoidant (which is fine and I can relate). But she sure did worry her family. Apparently the sister thinks she's still missing (and I agree with the PI, there needs to be way more transparency if they want to find her- sounds like the sister does want to find her).

Sister says she doesn't know AZ well, so doesn't live there - but also says how busy she's been and does not mention flying to Phoenix for a couple of days, during which she would have been the last family member to see her little sister. I think it's likely a different sister. Both of them are artistic. It's possible this sister had a friend in AZ (same friend?) and then flew to L.A. a couple of days later to launch her own art exhibits there. That's a lot of flying for a struggling artist, but possible.

At this point, it's not just AZ terrain knowledge that is needed; more knowledge is needed regarding CG's possible plans. The sister may not have that knowledge, but collectively, the family does have some facts that I think might be helpful. Is she voluntarily missing or not? That's what's needed now.

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Chelsea Grimm embarked on a cross-country trip in September. However, after changing her mind and planning to return home, she suddenly vanished.

Read more: #missing

Today's #missing on @NewsNation
The disappearance of Chelsea Grimm. Last seen in late Sept. near Ash Fork, AZ with her pet, a bearded dragon. Join us at 1pm ET/noon CST for a live discussion about the case with @BrianEntin on @newsnation & our NN social media channels.

Lots of new information:

1) Police report was released
2) Private investigator, Steve Fischer, who previously conducted searches for Chelsea provided an interview

My heart breaks for Chelsea and everyone who loves her
Could you link to #1 I cannot find it.
I was drawn to read about this as I have friends out in Phoenix on the lookout for this girl but also a close family friend of mine recently had a psychotic break. She is the same age as Chelsea. She is also "spontaneous" but is doing things and saying things that are *extremely unusual*. People who break tend to become fixated on a couple topics or feel that everything in the world is some secret message to them when obviously it isn't. I really worry for Chelsea, she reminds me of this friend.
Could you link to #1 I cannot find it.
I was drawn to read about this as I have friends out in Phoenix on the lookout for this girl but also a close family friend of mine recently had a psychotic break. She is the same age as Chelsea. She is also "spontaneous" but is doing things and saying things that are *extremely unusual*. People who break tend to become fixated on a couple topics or feel that everything in the world is some secret message to them when obviously it isn't. I really worry for Chelsea, she reminds me of this friend.

I'm sorry about your friend and I do think CG is in a similar state. I just realized it's mid-November - the time of year when psychiatric admissions start to climb (Bipolars and Depressives). Depressives are usually getting more catatonic/quieter/ less responsive to the world. Bipolars stop sleeping and may become hypomanic before either subsiding into depression or going fully manic.

Also, friends and family (and others) may well confuse these symptoms with drug use. IMO.
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<modsnip - quoted post was removed for not an approved source>

Per the news nation article I attached
“Authorities notified police in other states to be on the lookout for Chelsea. Her parents have also hired private investigator Kelly Townsend.”
Her parents also mentioned him early on in an interview.
My understanding is that SA was “ sub contracted “ by Townsend. SA mentions in interviews and on twitter iirc that he has never spoken to the parents.
Evidently SA was then cut loose by Townsend and Townsend and the parents moved on I believe to a different agency.
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After reading through this thread there is one thing nagging on my brain. San Diego to Phoenix is only a 5-6 hour drive depending on your route. I know it took her 3 days to get there because she was sightseeing, but where did she stop? Also, why after a 5-6 hour drive did she decide it was "too difficult" to drive across the country? It just seems like an odd excuse for having only driven a short distance to give up. Her trip would have been a 4 day drive if she drove 12 hours per day. That is not difficult for a young person to do. She was adventuresome and independent and to give up after a 6 hour drive just seems odd to me.
Thanks for this.... I have been waiting for information on the ease or lack there of with travelling with one.

Is it relatively easy to ask others to tend to one, while gone?
I guess I have just always wondered WHY she transported it.
Hi, yes leaving them in the care of someone is always the safest choice and caring for them would be pretty simple for a short term. I wonder what the dragon was traveling in. It isn’t safe to let them stay on your shoulder or on the dashboard while driving. I don’t think she gave much thought to the dragon’s safety. So in my mind, she wasn’t thinking clearly in all of this.
I'm sorry about your friend and I do think CG is in a similar state. I just realized it's mid-November - the time of year when psychiatric admissions start to climb (Bipolars and Depressives). Depressives are usually getting more catatonic/quieter/ less responsive to the world. Bipolars stop sleeping and may become hypomanic before either subsiding into depression or going fully manic.

Also, friends and family (and others) may well confuse these symptoms with drug use. IMO.

Just as an aside, but relevant to the missing person we're discussing. No one who works with the mentally ill (or in medicine) calls them "depressives" or "bipolars" any more than they'd refer to someone with cancer as cancers. It's considered disrespectful. Just saying this for education as others are reading this thread and some may struggle with these illnesses.

I'll also add that most people with depression will never, ever suffer from catatonia. Catatonia doesn't mean what many think it does; catatonia is actually an emergent medical condition, not just a side effect of depression (in fact, catatonia can be due to medical illness as well) and most people with depression will never be catatonic. While change of season can affect some with depression and bipolar disorder, this is not the case for most. Per the article you included "About one-fifth of people with bipolar disorder experience seasonal patterns in their symptoms."
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