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Wasn't the light and dark numbering system also mentioned when exchanges between Chad and his family were brought up by JP? Julie Rowe used the system, although she claimed that hers had a different meaning than Chad's. I remember her saying in a yt video that demon possessions were reversible. Despite the latest revelations, I agree that there were probably still different levels of doctrine. I wonder if Tammy knew what Chad meant when he called her a zombie.
I have wondered how much she knew of his teachings and what he shared with her and what he didn’t and how much she believed. One would think if his wife and children believed everything - including that he was a prophet and could see beyond the veil - that they would have attended some of his conferences. I’ve found it very odd that none of his family went and supported him when he spoke at those things. Before JP’s recent glimpse into the family I always thought they probably thought he was a bit on the fringe but hey it’s his thing so let him do it - at least he sells some books sometimes. Now I’m not so sure what to make of the whole family.

I do wonder whether they knew that CD was convinced TD would die before 50 and if so, why didn’t they say anything about that when she died. I’ve wondered if she knew she was supposed to die before age 50 and perhaps that’s why she gave CD her passwords and upped her life insurance at 49. I’m sure she never thought CD would kill her…but did she believe he was a prophet and knew her fate? And if so did she accept it as God’s plan and nothing she could do about it or was her way of fighting against it the Zumba classes and clogging and running?

I don’t think we’ll ever know but JP has sure got me thinking the whole family was more into CD’s whacky doctrine than I ever thought before.
IIRC there was a mortgage when they bought the property in 2015. I do not know whether Chad paid the mortgage off with the insurance money when Tammy died (probably not).
It still had a mortgage when he was arrested - remember the video with ED? One of the things he told her was when the next mortgage payment was due.
I have wondered how much she knew of his teachings and what he shared with her and what he didn’t and how much she believed. One would think if his wife and children believed everything - including that he was a prophet and could see beyond the veil - that they would have attended some of his conferences. I’ve found it very odd that none of his family went and supported him when he spoke at those things. Before JP’s recent glimpse into the family I always thought they probably thought he was a bit on the fringe but hey it’s his thing so let him do it - at least he sells some books sometimes. Now I’m not so sure what to make of the whole family.

I do wonder whether they knew that CD was convinced TD would die before 50 and if so, why didn’t they say anything about that when she died. I’ve wondered if she knew she was supposed to die before age 50 and perhaps that’s why she gave CD her passwords and upped her life insurance at 49. I’m sure she never thought CD would kill her…but did she believe he was a prophet and knew her fate? And if so did she accept it as God’s plan and nothing she could do about it or was her way of fighting against it the Zumba classes and clogging and running?

I don’t think we’ll ever know but JP has sure got me thinking the whole family was more into CD’s whacky doctrine than I ever thought before.
After Tammy's death Chad told his children that she was on a mission beyond the veil. Earlier he managed to convince one of them to move back home because he was becoming dark. Tammy and the children likely bought the dark/light thing from Chad, including the numbering system. IMO it's less likely that they knew of Chad's prediction about Tammy. Perhaps after her death he explained it to them (he wrote on AVOW that he always knew that his life had two segments). Weeks before she was murdered, Tammy told her friends that she was in her best shape. Certainly not like someone who was predestined to die young.
So yes, his family believed that he was able to rate people and could ward off evil spirits. I'm curious when the children learned that Chad had been married to Lori in previous lives.
When the news first broke about LV and her missing children, I figured that because they were her children, she didn't have to tell anyone where they were. It wasn't like there was a co-parent who was looking for them. I didn't think that anything would be done, or could be done, if she refused to reveal their location. [ETA: And it made me FURIOUS!]
Curious--were any of the Daybell kids there for the memorial ??

I mean, there were people from everywhere there and videos from the news people and a producer from a documentary made about JJ and Tylee.

The Coxes and Larry and Kay, along with BB and other Cox family members have come together during this tragedy.
Did the Daybells ??
I didn't take notes yesterday, on who said this, it was a friend of Tammy's and CD, she met LVD after they were married? And LVD told her she had "seven children".

She said that she didn't even know how to respond.
Curious--were any of the Daybell kids there for the memorial ??

I mean, there were people from everywhere there and videos from the news people and a producer from a documentary made about JJ and Tylee.

The Coxes and Larry and Kay, along with BB and other Cox family members have come together during this tragedy.
Did the Daybells ??
Likely not. Not their problem. Not their family. Just wonder if they still send Lori commissary money. Ya know, their sweet stepmother.
After Tammy's death Chad told his children that she was on a mission beyond the veil. Earlier he managed to convince one of them to move back home because he was becoming dark. Tammy and the children likely bought the dark/light thing from Chad, including the numbering system. IMO it's less likely that they knew of Chad's prediction about Tammy. Perhaps after her death he explained it to them (he wrote on AVOW that he always knew that his life had two segments). Weeks before she was murdered, Tammy told her friends that she was in her best shape. Certainly not like someone who was predestined to die young.
So yes, his family believed that he was able to rate people and could ward off evil spirits. I'm curious when the children learned that Chad had been married to Lori in previous lives.
It infuriates me how a whole family can be sucked into believing this grave digger/author was some kind of prophet. The whole dark/light thing. If any of them testify, i think the jurors will be infuriated as well.
Thank you, Judge Boyce, for making it clear that the response was factual!

It occurred to me that part of the beauty of that rogue moment was it provided an outlet of frustration over Prior's obvious attempts to get "better" answers and run with it.

Prior was probably hoping the client would make a generous estimate- let's say the client remembered, 'I think it was nearly 4 acres.' (It isn't.)

Then Prior would continue, 'so this pasture, that's like 4, 5, maybe 6 acres, has a lot of room for a second home. Is that fair?'

That, "you own it" comment stopped that sleazy type of testimonial questioning.


Wouldn’t adding a second home to a relatively small piece of rural property require rezoning? I am not familiar with Idaho land use regulations.
Exactly. Church clothes, if he was wearing them, could have been to support a lie as to his real whereabouts. Chad could have said, bye, long meeting expected, to Tammy, and told people at church he's skipping the meeting today. Church clothes prove nothing.

Will people at church testify to this, if that’s what he did? I thought the Church put out an edict of sorts to not get involved.
I have wondered how much she knew of his teachings and what he shared with her and what he didn’t and how much she believed. One would think if his wife and children believed everything - including that he was a prophet and could see beyond the veil - that they would have attended some of his conferences. I’ve found it very odd that none of his family went and supported him when he spoke at those things. Before JP’s recent glimpse into the family I always thought they probably thought he was a bit on the fringe but hey it’s his thing so let him do it - at least he sells some books sometimes. Now I’m not so sure what to make of the whole family.

I do wonder whether they knew that CD was convinced TD would die before 50 and if so, why didn’t they say anything about that when she died. I’ve wondered if she knew she was supposed to die before age 50 and perhaps that’s why she gave CD her passwords and upped her life insurance at 49. I’m sure she never thought CD would kill her…but did she believe he was a prophet and knew her fate? And if so did she accept it as God’s plan and nothing she could do about it or was her way of fighting against it the Zumba classes and clogging and running?

I don’t think we’ll ever know but JP has sure got me thinking the whole family was more into CD’s whacky doctrine than I ever thought before.
Tammy copy-edited his books. She probably knew as much as Chad was putting out there.
Wouldn’t adding a second home to a relatively small piece of rural property require rezoning? I am not familiar with Idaho land use regulations.
It depends on the zoning in that county.

For example I have 12 acres and I'm in Ada County, Idaho but I'm outside city limits in the country.

I enquired a few years ago about building another house for our daughter and her family on our property and was told no. But I could build a small "guest" house under 900 square ft.

But almost all the farmland around us has been subdivided and we are almost completely surrounded by a million houses at this point.

It's a complete and utter nightmare what the zoning board will and will not allow. A big developer with money puts down millions of dollars and buys huge swaths of farmland and he can do whatever he wants and they let them.

But Ada County is a hot market and Eastern Idaho not so much...yet.
I didn't take notes yesterday, on who said this, it was a friend of Tammy's and CD, she met LVD after they were married? And LVD told her she had "seven children".

She said that she didn't even know how to respond.
Noticed this! I don't think anyone else has been told by Lori that she has/had seven children. I was confused by this as well. Who are these seven and where are they? Does she mean past lives children?

She and Chad told other people she was an empty nester who had recently lost a teenage daughter somehow. Not keeping good track of lies there Lori.
Noticed this! I don't think anyone else has been told by Lori that she has/had seven children. I was confused by this as well. Who are these seven and where are they? Does she mean past lives children?

She and Chad told other people she was an empty nester who had recently lost a teenage daughter somehow. Not keeping good track of lies there Lori.

I think that she counted CD's five, Tylee and JJ. Seven. Their mother had not even been buried for a month! And by that time, both Tylee and JJ were in the racoon hollow.

This really was all about cash. I think of other religious people who killed their children, due to religious beliefs, and these people inevitably also killed themselves, think of Jim Jones, when parents gave their children "Kool-aid". And then joined them.

Or the family in Salt Lake City, who jumped off the Shilo Inn, with all seven of their children.

Those people actually believed in the religion. CD and LVD were all about cash.
I think that she counted CD's five, Tylee and JJ. Seven. Their mother had not even been buried for a month! And by that time, both Tylee and JJ were in the racoon hollow.

This really was all about cash. I think of other religious people who killed their children, due to religious beliefs, and these people inevitably also killed themselves, think of Jim Jones, when parents gave their children "Kool-aid". And then joined them.

Or the family in Salt Lake City, who jumped off the Shilo Inn, with all seven of their children.

Those people actually believed in the religion. CD and LVD were all about cash.
Lori also told the same witness that all her children were out of the home, so she probably didn't include JJ in the count.

Tammy copy-edited his books. She probably knew as much as Chad was putting out there.
Most of his books were historic/apocalyptic fiction. AFAIK he didn't write about the light/dark scales or multiple probations. I do wonder how many families he rated and made up their past lives upon their members' request.
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