The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #1

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Mule, on 2/18/07 you wrote: "But some new facts are emerging that appear to point to a motive to the case and it is indirectly related to the grave robbing incident that preceded their disappearance. Amazing what a little digging around and common sense will turn up. Now if the SPD take an interest in this case it might yet be solved. It does in fact appear to be drug related but not in the way one might expect." You later went on to suggest the the "grave robbing" was "the tip of the iceberg" of a big time drug operation and the guy Suzie was to testify against had some high value info. Without Suzie's testimony, thet guy got only wrist slap and LE had no leverage to get him to turn.

The fact that someone who vanishes and is presumed dead was scheduled to testify at a criminal trial should have set off all kinds of bell and whistles. I would think this connection would have been gone over completely before the investigation went anywhere else. You batted this theme around a bit and hinted a inside info (perhaps you SPD source) then you sort oif dropped it.

Is there anything to this angle? I recall one of the Springfield Paper stories quoted a SPD source that the "grave robber" was ruled out.
Springfield, MO is my hometown. I was twelve when Suzy Streeter, Stacey McCall and Sherrill Levitt disappeared. It was HUGE news in Springfield and got national attention - profiled on AMW and Unsolved Mysteries. They dissappeared one night and have never been seen or heard from again - three women gone.

I looked around and didn't see this case posted anywhere else on here but if I am wrong please direct me and I will check it out. I have been very impressed with the professionalism and dedication of the amateur sleuths on this forum so I thought I would post this and let you guys and gals have a go at it.

Here is the link The Charley Project summary - a really long summary of events.

Although the media reported that Sherrill had painted a chest of drawers; they didn't report how badly the house stunk. The house had a potent varnish smell to it. That is a fact and it comes from a high ranking official.

I would imagine that it wouldn't be easy trying to fall asleep with a potent varnish smell throughout the house.

In the Black Dahlia Case from 1947, Elizabeth Short's body was found in Los Angeles not too far from the desert. The perp could have easily buried her body in the desert where nobody would have ever found her. But he didn't. He wanted her body to be found because; 1) he strongly believed he wouldn't get caught and/or be connected to the crime scene. 2) he wanted everyone to see what he had done.

It's an interesting contrast to this case...
Mule, on 2/18/07 you wrote: "But some new facts are emerging that appear to point to a motive to the case and it is indirectly related to the grave robbing incident that preceded their disappearance. Amazing what a little digging around and common sense will turn up. Now if the SPD take an interest in this case it might yet be solved. It does in fact appear to be drug related but not in the way one might expect." You later went on to suggest the the "grave robbing" was "the tip of the iceberg" of a big time drug operation and the guy Suzie was to testify against had some high value info. Without Suzie's testimony, thet guy got only wrist slap and LE had no leverage to get him to turn.

The fact that someone who vanishes and is presumed dead was scheduled to testify at a criminal trial should have set off all kinds of bell and whistles. I would think this connection would have been gone over completely before the investigation went anywhere else. You batted this theme around a bit and hinted a inside info (perhaps you SPD source) then you sort oif dropped it.

Is there anything to this angle? I recall one of the Springfield Paper stories quoted a SPD source that the "grave robber" was ruled out.

As I said, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since I first started opining on this subject. It was always my impression that there were two possibilities that jumped to mind and I had theories of each. Then I would learn new information and that changed the dynamics and painted a different picture than I first imagined.

Recently a different line of thinking has emerged that is based on known facts and I received some private communication that I did not previously have at my disposal. With the information that is known plus other new information it was decided to consider that the case was actually solved long ago but that the physical evidence was insufficient to bring indictments. I can't prove anything to a certainty because I do not have access to grand jury information but it is possible to extrapolate from what is published. That's where I and others are at this point in time. In my opinion this is the most likely and logical scenario and it is not based on speculation and unprovable theories.

Having said this one cannot absolutely rule out the other theories either. The problem as always is that no information is being provided by the people who count; the Springfield Police Department.
I got so behind on this thread. (My mother got sick right after I moved.) There is almost too much to take in. Missouri Mule and Hurricane, your knowledge and analysis are impressive.

So where are we? The whole grand jury thing is very important. The cliche is that a good prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, and we have seen no indictments. That might not mean that the prosecutor did a bad job: maybe a witness recanted or maybe the prosecutor used the grand jury to go fishing, or to try to drive a wedge between the suspects. It's frustrating that grand jury stuff is so secret.

Since Missouri Mule is trying out the "outsider killer" scenario, let me follow him. I have always thought that there were 2 or 3 people involved, mostly because the BTK types that like multiple victims are pretty rare. But think about the case in Florida where the predator lured a woman and two of her daughters out on a boat and killed them all. So it's possible. That scenario also suggests what such a specialist would need--a big ocean where he knows he will not be interrupted and he can get rid of the bodies easily. Even so, the fact that we know where and how those people were killed suggests the enormity of the task. Thus, I am sticking with 2 or 3 perpetrators.

Then there is the matter of whether or not at least one of the perpetrators was known to the victims to the extent that he could gain access with a knock at the door--or just walk in, as family and friends often do. The scenario of a house in good order, the dog left behind, the tv on, etc. seemed to suggest that there wasn't a big struggle, etc. The other end of the string has to do with why (if the woman were assaulted and killed) they weren't left in the house.

If the predators were career criminals, leaving the bodies (with all of the forensic evidence) would be like a robber writing the bank robbery note on his deposit slip. Even pre-DNA, semen and hair and fingerprints could show more that one perpetrator at work. Three sets of clothes, three sets of sheets, the rugs, the bodies...there wasn't the time to do all that and clean it up to leave little or nothing behind. So if rape and murder were the motives, the safest thing is to abduct the victims while they can walk out the door on their own and take them to a place where those things can be done without as much risk. Enter the van, which can carry 6 people easily. Or 4, if Sherrill was the original intended victim.

Even a certified moron would also have to know that the rape/murders of 3 woman, two of whom had JUST THAT DAY graduated from high school would raise a veritable ****storm in a town the size of Springfield. In the mid 70s, when Pittsburgh was a larger city than it is now, there was a string of shotgun murders, where a man would be shot and his female partner abducted. One woman's body was found; others were not. These murders/abductions were one right after the other and people were terrified. My point is that if an "insider" would get the women out of the house to avoid being linked to their murders, an "outsider" might do that to stir up doubt about where the woman are. A smart predator might leave the purses to stage the scene; a smarter one would leave them because having them in his possession is riskier than leaving them. At some point, he would have to get rid of that stuff if he took it. The more the predators handle, the more risk they take. The scenario would also explain why Stacy would be barefoot--they knew she wouldn't need her shoes and the less they took out of the house, the better.

The question of timing still bothers me; we had speculated before that one of the perpetrators was in the house when Suzie and Stacy arrived. Where are we with that idea?

My last thought is that we might be able to get most of the newspaper stuff from online archives, although that will cost a few dollars. I can't get to that this week, but I will try over the next weekend.

Consider, too, why the police might have clammed up if they suspected early on that 3 nutjobs had abducted these women.
I got so behind on this thread. (My mother got sick right after I moved.) There is almost too much to take in. Missouri Mule and Hurricane, your knowledge and analysis are impressive.

So where are we? The whole grand jury thing is very important. The cliche is that a good prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, and we have seen no indictments. That might not mean that the prosecutor did a bad job: maybe a witness recanted or maybe the prosecutor used the grand jury to go fishing, or to try to drive a wedge between the suspects. It's frustrating that grand jury stuff is so secret.

Since Missouri Mule is trying out the "outsider killer" scenario, let me follow him. I have always thought that there were 2 or 3 people involved, mostly because the BTK types that like multiple victims are pretty rare. But think about the case in Florida where the predator lured a woman and two of her daughters out on a boat and killed them all. So it's possible. That scenario also suggests what such a specialist would need--a big ocean where he knows he will not be interrupted and he can get rid of the bodies easily. Even so, the fact that we know where and how those people were killed suggests the enormity of the task. Thus, I am sticking with 2 or 3 perpetrators.

Then there is the matter of whether or not at least one of the perpetrators was known to the victims to the extent that he could gain access with a knock at the door--or just walk in, as family and friends often do. The scenario of a house in good order, the dog left behind, the tv on, etc. seemed to suggest that there wasn't a big struggle, etc. The other end of the string has to do with why (if the woman were assaulted and killed) they weren't left in the house.

If the predators were career criminals, leaving the bodies (with all of the forensic evidence) would be like a robber writing the bank robbery note on his deposit slip. Even pre-DNA, semen and hair and fingerprints could show more that one perpetrator at work. Three sets of clothes, three sets of sheets, the rugs, the bodies...there wasn't the time to do all that and clean it up to leave little or nothing behind. So if rape and murder were the motives, the safest thing is to abduct the victims while they can walk out the door on their own and take them to a place where those things can be done without as much risk. Enter the van, which can carry 6 people easily. Or 4, if Sherrill was the original intended victim.

Even a certified moron would also have to know that the rape/murders of 3 woman, two of whom had JUST THAT DAY graduated from high school would raise a veritable ****storm in a town the size of Springfield. In the mid 70s, when Pittsburgh was a larger city than it is now, there was a string of shotgun murders, where a man would be shot and his female partner abducted. One woman's body was found; others were not. These murders/abductions were one right after the other and people were terrified. My point is that if an "insider" would get the women out of the house to avoid being linked to their murders, an "outsider" might do that to stir up doubt about where the woman are. A smart predator might leave the purses to stage the scene; a smarter one would leave them because having them in his possession is riskier than leaving them. At some point, he would have to get rid of that stuff if he took it. The more the predators handle, the more risk they take. The scenario would also explain why Stacy would be barefoot--they knew she wouldn't need her shoes and the less they took out of the house, the better.

The question of timing still bothers me; we had speculated before that one of the perpetrators was in the house when Suzie and Stacy arrived. Where are we with that idea?

My last thought is that we might be able to get most of the newspaper stuff from online archives, although that will cost a few dollars. I can't get to that this week, but I will try over the next weekend.

Consider, too, why the police might have clammed up if they suspected early on that 3 nutjobs had abducted these women.

As a preface, I must say that I will be unable to respond for several weeks due to a medical condition and I must necessarily be brief. Let me, however, attempt to point in the what is believed to be the right direction.

1) I believe that entry was gained from somewhere other than the front door.

2) I believe that exit certainly came from the front door at which time the globe was hit and fell to the porch breaking and the bulb was unbroken. There was about 3/8 inch clearance for the globe to fall clear of the bulb.

3) I believe that the police have the glass shards but that they are of no particular consequence. They merely said that they would have liked to have seen them on the porch as that "would have told them things." I think that is largely a red herring.

4) I believe the women were abducted by a minimum of two and perhaps three perpetrators.

5) I believe that the perpetrators were inside the home at the time the young women arrived home that night.

6) I believe that the operation became an "ad hoc" operation at the time the young women arrived at which time it was determined they would have to be taken from the home in order to eliminate witnesses from the crime that was the intended purpose that night.

7) I believe that the van was a Dodge A108 long bed van that was painted moss green or light gray that had rear windows painted over to conceal the occupants inside.

8) I believe that the van was seen by a lady on east Grand Street somewhere about 6:30 AM that morning and it turned around because Grand Street did not exit out of town. It turned around to go back to Oak Grove where it went north to Cherry Street that did go out of Springfield and most likely to the Rogersville/Northview area.

9) I believe that the perpetrators knew where they could find a fellow traveler or a "safe house" where a decision could be made on what to do with the women. It was there I believe that the women were murdered and when their bodies were destroyed or otherwise disposed of.

10) The police know all of this and this is the nature of the GJ investigation but which produced no physical evidence with which to produce an indictment.

11) Having said all of this, it may not be what happened at all. In point of fact, reliable sources have indicated at least three former or current police officers believe differently. All we have are theories and available published information. Definitive and provable information we do not have because the Springfield Police Department chooses not to discuss the case. In fact, I have been told by a reliable source that they "refuse" to discuss the case.

Make of this what you will. Read the newspapers; the Springfield News-Leader (hard copy in the library) and the Kansas City Star which archived their stories on this case. See if you agree or disagree. Then you will know what I know (or don't know) and can make up your own mind.
MM, your elusiveness intrigues me. I've encountered what I believe to be your posts on another site - same elusiveness.

I agree that it's very possible the abductor(s) was/were in the house when the two younger women arrived. However, why were they there to see the mother and so late? It obviously wasn't for money. If they intended to rape her, I think they would have done it there - agree with your ad hoc theory. What was the reputation of the mother?

Where would a "safe" house have been? Did they have friends living in the community?
MM, your elusiveness intrigues me. I've encountered what I believe to be your posts on another site - same elusiveness.

I agree that it's very possible the abductor(s) was/were in the house when the two younger women arrived. However, why were they there to see the mother and so late? It obviously wasn't for money. If they intended to rape her, I think they would have done it there - agree with your ad hoc theory. What was the reputation of the mother?

Where would a "safe" house have been? Did they have friends living in the community?

Just as a reminder, Missouri Mule has said that he will be offline and unable to comment for a few weeks.

My suggestion is to think about and research what might have been the original intended crime here. Was it possibly rape and or abduction of Sherrill Levitt? I don't think so. Was the abduction and probable rape of the three women a result of the situation as it presented itself? I think probably so. The abduction most likely occurred to control three witnesses to the original crime and the identity of the perps.

After fifteen years of rumors and a thorough check by SPD into the background of Sherrill Levitt, there is no reason to question her reputation. There has never been any evidence found in support of the various rumors, yet they persist. I might add that the same holds true for the two girls as well.
Wow, this is so interesting! I grew up in Springfield, MO and was twelve when the women went missing. It was huge news at the time and we all that it was just a matter of time before the case was solved. I haven't had time to read through the whole thread yet but I will. I live in New York City now but spent my first 25 years in Springfield and am very familar with the city and the surrounding area so I would be more than happy to try and answer any questions about the region that could possibly help you guys out. I see MissouriMule here so perhaps he/she is from the area - like I said, I haven't read through the whole thread yet.
Keep up the awesome investigative work!
I know there are people who think the perp or perps were already in the house and possibly had Sherrill subdued when Suzie and Stacy got home from the graduation parties. Kemo brought up the very interesting point that maybe Sherrill was already dead when the girls got home. I had never thought of that before. But after reading many news articles from the Springfield News-Leader and the Kansas City Star, I have always leaned toward the thought that the abductor (s) were either somehow hiding inside or outside or lurking about in the van waiting until the girls got there before making their entrance into the home. One thing that has always stuck with me after reading some of the things that were said about Sherrill is that she was a very good mother. She also apparently was a chain smoker and somewhat high-strung, and worried about her children. The papers said there was a book turned over in Sherrill's bed, as if she had been in bed reading, and also that there was evidence that Suzie and Stacy washed up before going to bed. To me that has always suggested the scenario that Sherrill was in bed reading and knew the girls were coming home so waited up for them. There probably was communication between the 3 of them after the girls got to the house. I also read (or I think Missouri Mule mentioned it once) that there were several phone calls made to and from 1717 E. Delmar that night. I am almost positive that Suzie spoke with her mother to keep her updated as to where she was and also to let her know that Stacy was coming home with her. But like I said, I can't remember if I read that in the papers about the phone calls or if Missouri Mule had mentioned it so I can't produce any proof of that right now. It's a shame that the Springfield News-Leader newspaper archives only go back to 1999. So I honestly don't know what to believe for sure about when the perp (s) entered the house but I really believe there was some communication between all 3 women when Suzie and Stacy got to the house and before the abductions occurred.

Too bad Missouri Mule will be out of commission for several weeks now that this thread has heated up again. I do trust his opinions on the case since he lived in Springfield at the time of the abductions and still has contacts there.
I know there are people who think the perp or perps were already in the house and possibly had Sherrill subdued when Suzie and Stacy got home from the graduation parties. Kemo brought up the very interesting point that maybe Sherrill was already dead when the girls got home. I had never thought of that before. But after reading many news articles from the Springfield News-Leader and the Kansas City Star, I have always leaned toward the thought that the abductor (s) were either somehow hiding inside or outside or lurking about in the van waiting until the girls got there before making their entrance into the home.

How would the abductor(s) have known the girls were coming back there after the parties. Maybe somebody followed them home? IMO the abductor was somebody they knew.
Did the grave robbery Susie witness involve smuggling drugs in caskets or inside corpses?
I know there are people who think the perp or perps were already in the house and possibly had Sherrill subdued when Suzie and Stacy got home from the graduation parties. Kemo brought up the very interesting point that maybe Sherrill was already dead when the girls got home. I had never thought of that before. But after reading many news articles from the Springfield News-Leader and the Kansas City Star, I have always leaned toward the thought that the abductor (s) were either somehow hiding inside or outside or lurking about in the van waiting until the girls got there before making their entrance into the home.

How would the abductor(s) have known the girls were coming back there after the parties. Maybe somebody followed them home? IMO the abductor was somebody they knew.

I have always felt that someone they knew was involved in this, either directly or indirectly. By indirectly, I mean somebody who knew Sherrill and Suzie could have given info to the perp (s) that Sherrill would be alone this night for a while but that Suzie probably would be coming home very late.

According to published reports, there was a van that was seen in the area driving by the house for several weeks before the abductions. It was no longer seen after the abductions occurred. The perp (s) could have been watching the house, waiting for the right moment. Maybe Sherrill was the lone target and Suzie did surprise them by coming home when she did. Then again, maybe whoever did this knew Suzie would be coming home late and they waited. And, as I think everyone believes, no one who was involved in this figured on poor Stacy being there at all. Remember, it was just at the last minute that Stacy decided to stay at Suzie's house because the house she was going to spend the night at was already full.

Some people believe the perp or at least one of the perps was hiding in the house and anyone else who was involved in this was in the van. That is certainly possible. And some people also think that this was not something that was planned, but just a robbery gone wrong.

There are many scenarios that could fit but the one I lean towards the most is that they were targeted, someone they knew was involved and entry wasn't made into the house until after everyone was there.
Regarding entry into the house: Has this theory been discussed? The perps gained entrance by using the dog. Perhaps they had been watching the house for a few nights to get a feel for Sherrill's routine and she let the dog out everynight to go to the bathroom before bed. So on June 2nd she let the dog out to use the bathroom - the perp(s) snatches it out of the backyard and then knocks on the door holding the dog. Seeing her dog, she opens the door and the perp tells her he was walking and saw her dog running down the sidewalk - it must have gotten out somehow. Sherrill is preoccupied now with the idea her dog got out and perhaps in her gratitude and surprise her defenses are down. When the perp goes to hand her the dog that is when he takes the opportunity to bulldoze his way in. He would of had to be holding the dog up until the point of entry because that was his control - once he turned the dog over she could just slam the door in his face.
This seems like a logical explanation as to the unforced entry into the home. Anyone heard this one before?

Comment: I find it very intriguing the AMW call came in from Florida and that just so happens to be where Bartt lives.
I just can't help but feel that either the house was being watched or the girls were being watched. "Watched" could mean either just that night or for days.

Questions remain as to WHY the abduction occurred and WHY all three?
I just can't help but feel that either the house was being watched or the girls were being watched. "Watched" could mean either just that night or for days.

Questions remain as to WHY the abduction occurred and WHY all three?

I would guess that all 3 of them disappeared because one or all of them witnessed something. The girls could have walked in on something happening to the mother and they had to kill them too. We really don't know what kind of a person she was. There are a lot of people that have secrets in their lives...sides that families and friends don't know about. I have no doubt somebody around the area or close to one of the 3 knows exactly what happened to them. If I recall correctly there was no sign of forced entry. ? Which also leads me to believe it was somebody the mother knew.
This will be very brief. Look at the GJ situation. Work from there. Back in February sometime. Later.
?? Am I missing something here??

Missouri Mule had some sort of medical problem and won't be able to post on this for a while. I think he means to go back and read newspaper accounts regarding the grand jury. Apparently the grand jury had 3 suspects they were looking at back in '92 or '93. There wasn't enough evidence against them so they never were indicted. MM will be back sometime in February. I'm guessing that is what he meant by his post.
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