TX TX - Deanna Merryfield, 13, Killeen, 22 July 1990 - #3

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Just Bumping. Makes me sad to see her thread on the 2nd page (silly, I know). Still haven't heard anything from Sgt. Davis-I'm gonna try to email him again.
Hi MissieMt
Just thinking of you and Deanna...I guess since you haven't posted, Sgt. D hasn't gotten back with you, but wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts. If there's anything I can do...

warmly, sloane
Well, I finally heard back from him today. Basically he has nothing, he went out of town to interview someone but that person wasn't there-so he doesn't know where they are and we are still waiting for the age progression. Thats all he wrote. :(
I guess we are officially in a lull in her case-I don't like it.
I'm sorry Missie. :( I will keep y'all in my prayers.

I am relatively new here on WS and just came across Deanna's story (and yours!) today for the first time. I read every thread from the beginning up to today and can honestly say, I've never seen anything like it! (Yes, there were lots of other things I should have been doing instead!)

You are truly to be commended for having the courage to begin this journey. From your very first post, it was clear that you were reluctant - for obvious reasons. And with so little information to go on, I'm sure it must have seemed like an overwhelming and daunting task. But reading through all the threads at once gave me a chance to witness the most amazing thing. The wonderful sleuthers on this board jumped right in and just became the wind beneath your wings! I know you've gone back and read through everything too and, of course, you've lived it. It's amazing how quickly everything came together and began to move forward. What an awesome team you have all been!

Thank you for caring enough about your sister to go through this process. Anyone who spends time on this site or similar sites knows how many lost souls are out there with no one searching for them. It is heartbreaking and can truly take a toll on you. But people like you and all the WS sleuthers who have been along side you on your search, ready and willing to do whatever they can to help find Deanna, truly do restore one's faith in humanity. There are many good people who care and thank god for all of them. You have proven that family bonds are strong, even when the family really isn't.

It's clear that you've been given some information by LE that you cannot share. I'm curious whether they have ever indicated that Deanna may be in legal trouble. If she is still out there, maybe she's afraid to come forward for that reason???

Whatever happens, I wish you and all your sisters the very best. I will continue to follow your story and will do whatever I can to be of help.

Take care of yourself Missie. And all you super-sleuthers too! :blowkiss:
Hi Missie:blowkiss:. I am willing to do whatever I can to help you continue to search for Deanna, friend. I was waiting for you to come back from a much needed break, and I was also hoping that Sgt. Davis would have some more info for us to go on.

Fairy, welcome to websleuths and to Deanna's thread:blowkiss:. Your post was beautifully written as it was inspirational. Please free to contribute, ask questions, or help us in any way.

Fairy, welcome to websleuths and to Deanna's thread:blowkiss:. Your post was beautifully written as it was inspirational. Please free to contribute, ask questions, or help us in any way.



Thank you so much for the welcome - and it is you and the other regular posters here who are an inspiration! And Missie, of course. I sure will do what I can to help. You are all amazing and I would not even consider myself a novice at this point!
Fairy1, thank you for your kind words, I look forward to future posts from you-I have a feeling you will become a very important part of our WS group. I am not sure about legal issues. I think if she were in legal trouble, or had some type of "record" it would help us out a lot. As far as I know-she does not, the initial check on her came back with nothing. I know there was a more in-depth search done and shortly there after the info about the tattoos came up.
I need to go back through and read everything here again, but I have been really pressed for time since switching my schedule at work and taking on more hours. Hopefully next week and can go through it all again and find a new direction to go in.
Sorry to hear about the lack of info from Sgt. Davis, Missie. Don't give up, we'll keep plugging away until we find Deanna!
Fairy1, thank you for your kind words, I look forward to future posts from you-I have a feeling you will become a very important part of our WS group. I am not sure about legal issues. I think if she were in legal trouble, or had some type of "record" it would help us out a lot. As far as I know-she does not, the initial check on her came back with nothing. I know there was a more in-depth search done and shortly there after the info about the tattoos came up.
I need to go back through and read everything here again, but I have been really pressed for time since switching my schedule at work and taking on more hours. Hopefully next week and can go through it all again and find a new direction to go in.

Thank you Missie. :) I'm sure everyone understands that you're busy with your family and work and life! You mentioned a while back that you had reason to believe Deanna was still in Texas. Based on what you know, is that still the case?
Yes Fairy, the thing I was told about her being in Texas is the last "big" information I've been given. I was reading song lyrics yesterday ( another obsession of mine,lol) and found this song by Evanescence, I think it says alot about how things were before I started all of this last April-imo. I put it on her myspace page too. (http://www.myspace.com/deannamerryfield)

Please, please forgive me
But I wont be home again
Maybe someday you'll look up
And barely consious you'll say to no one
Isnt something missing?

You won't cry for my absence I know
You forgot me long ago
Am I that unimportant?
Am i so insignificant?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Even though I'm the sacrifice
You won't try for me not now
Though I'd die to know you love me
I'm all alone
Isn't someone missing me?

Please, please forgive me
But I won't be home again
I know what you do to yourself

I breathe deep and cry out
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Even though I'm the sacrifice
You won't try for me not now
Though I'd die to know you love me
I'm all alone
Isn't someone missing me?

And if I bleed, I'll bleed
Knowing you don't care
And if I sleep just to dream of you
I'll wake without you there
Isn't something missing?
Isn't something...

Even though I'm the sacrifice
You won't try for me not now
Though I'd die to know you love me
I'm all alone
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?
Missie - that's heartbreaking! I can't imagine the emotions you experience when someone you love goes missing - and for so long. Sadly, it seems to happen much more often than most people realize.

I may have missed it, but I'd like to know if you ever learned what Skip was wanted for....and if your sisters recalled whether their phone number was published when the call from "Deanna" came in? I really hoped Skip might be able to provide you with some valuable insight into Deanna's frame of mind and/or intentions at the time she disappeared. And that phone call could really be key to the investigation - don't you think?

As I mentioned before, I read all the threads about Deanna at once and so it seemed to move at the speed of light for me. I know that now it seems stalled but I suppose we have to be patient. It must seem like an eternity for you. But there are a few things that lead me to believe LE knows more than we know (well - maybe not you!), and that gives me hope.

You hang in there, Missie. You and the sleuthers here have made great progress and I just know it will all pay off in time! :)
I never did find out what Skip was wanted for, but I believe he was just recently released again (according to his myspace). I am wondering myself if maybe Sgt.D has interviewd Skip, and I think I will email him again and ask him about that.
As far as the phone number goes-Im not sure if her phone number was published back then-that is a VERY good question and I will ask her the next time I talk to her.
I never did find out what Skip was wanted for, but I believe he was just recently released again (according to his myspace). I am wondering myself if maybe Sgt.D has interviewd Skip, and I think I will email him again and ask him about that.
As far as the phone number goes-Im not sure if her phone number was published back then-that is a VERY good question and I will ask her the next time I talk to her.

That's great Missie. Don't be discouraged - there are answers out there. We just need to find them! I wonder if old phone listings are published anywhere.....Could be - the Internet is a wonderful thing!
If you can find an old "Haines" or "Dickman" directory from that time, the phone number will be listed by both street address and or phone number with the name of the person.

Maybe the local library will have one or even the company itself. I'll go find the telephone number for those companies for you Missie.

Welcome Fairy1 to ws! You are a great addition! Look forward to reading more of your posts!!
If you can find an old "Haines" or "Dickman" directory from that time, the phone number will be listed by both street address and or phone number with the name of the person.

Maybe the local library will have one or even the company itself. I'll go find the telephone number for those companies for you Missie.

Welcome Fairy1 to ws! You are a great addition! Look forward to reading more of your posts!!

Thank you so much Littledeer.

Missie, thinking about you tonight and hoping for an answer soon for you and your sisters and grandma!

I live in Las Vegas and it recently occurred to me to find out if the brothels around the state check for missing ladies. Prostitution - in some counties of the state - is legal. This would explain why some ladies who are missing do not have arrest records if they have fallen into prostitution. I will let you know what I find out as soon as they respond. Take care!
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