Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #5

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That just made me laugh out loud!!!

Christine, any updates on the reporter?

I just read believe's post where it was mentioned that we are waiting for any pictures. I could just picture all of us, if and when the pics are posted, with our noses pressed to the comp screen, staring and staring for hours at these pics that we have waited so eagerly for, for such a long time.
Just a thought - if MJD was a prostitute, why would she have been seeking employment at a strip club? I really don't think she was hooking - at least not yet. Or maybe she was just trying to get away from it. IDK - IDK - IDK!!!
Just a thought - if MJD was a prostitute, why would she have been seeking employment at a strip club? I really don't think she was hooking - at least not yet. Or maybe she was just trying to get away from it. IDK - IDK - IDK!!!

Good catch! I didn't even think of that!

Did anyone ever figure out where the KC Slim/Kansas City Slim reference (in the police report) originated from?
Good catch! I didn't even think of that!

Did anyone ever figure out where the KC Slim/Kansas City Slim reference (in the police report) originated from?

I don't think the police report explains the nickname actually. But if that is Lipsey's street name, it would imply he's from Missouri - IMO. Great, another mystery! Jeez. LE needs to have a meaningful conversation with him.
I don't think the police report explains the nickname actually. But if that is Lipsey's street name, it would imply he's from Missouri - IMO. Great, another mystery! Jeez. LE needs to have a meaningful conversation with him.

I agree! It occured too me she was too well groomed to be a hooker. How do we know the condoms weren't planted on her, or she just didn't carry them as a safety precaution, lots of teens are sexually active. Were the condom packages tested for prints? Who's were on them? With the shoes, how do we know they were MJD's and not LDJ'S? Did they have the same shoe size? Where they right size shoes for MJD?
I agree! It occured too me she was too well groomed to be a hooker. How do we know the condoms weren't planted on her, or she just didn't carry them as a safety precaution, lots of teens are sexually active. Were the condom packages tested for prints? Who's were on them? With the shoes, how do we know they were MJD's and not LDJ'S? Did they have the same shoe size? Where they right size shoes for MJD?
Were the condoms found ON her or with her, with all the other stuff that was found in the street? they may have been Lindseys? :waitasec:
Were the condoms found ON her or with her, with all the other stuff that was found in the street? they may have been Lindseys? :waitasec:

I am on the fence about them-if she had them on her, then to me I think it is interesting that she did not have them in her purse if she was simply a sexually active pushes me to the possibility of her being a prostitute. They were found on the hwyetc...
I am on the fence about them-if she had them on her, then to me I think it is interesting that she did not have them in her purse if she was simply a sexually active pushes me to the possibility of her being a prostitute. They were found on the hwy etc...

So are you thinking she had them in her pocket? That seems kind of odd to me, but I agree that if they were found on the highway, they would have been hers. Seems to me that if she did have a purse with her, she might have had the presence of mind to grab it before she jumped - if she did jump intentionally. I wonder how well LE searched the desert in the area for other personal effects??? I've always thought that ADF & LDJ had plenty of time to toss her stuff out the window before they were stopped. If I'm not mistaken, it would be nothing but desert between those mile markers. Her purse or backpack could have been anywhere in between. The police report did not say anything about them searching for her possessions.
I am on the fence about them-if she had them on her, then to me I think it is interesting that she did not have them in her purse if she was simply a sexually active pushes me to the possibility of her being a prostitute. They were found on the hwy etc...

Who's to say Alonzo didn't force her to take them during the argument? I'll only be convinced they were solely hers IF Alonzo's and/or LDJ's prints weren't on them. (Unless he was driving like a big shot with leather gloves)

ETA: How long was Alonzo in AZ? Where was he from prior to being there? IIRC LDJ stated she was only in AZ a few months. Was Alonzo from AZ? Most people in the Phoenix area are from other area's. If Alonzo wasn't born in AZ we should, imo, look into where he was from and put feelers out there.
So are you thinking she had them in her pocket? That seems kind of odd to me, but I agree that if they were found on the highway, they would have been hers. Seems to me that if she did have a purse with her, she might have had the presence of mind to grab it before she jumped - if she did jump intentionally. I wonder how well LE searched the desert in the area for other personal effects??? I've always thought that ADF & LDJ had plenty of time to toss her stuff out the window before they were stopped. If I'm not mistaken, it would be nothing but desert between those mile markers. Her purse or backpack could have been anywhere in between. The police report did not say anything about them searching for her possessions.

I have thought about this, too. Ugh, I don't feel this case was combed over well enough sometimes. There is still a great deal of "fill in the blanks", even with the police report. I find it odd that someone with no known residence would be getting in the car with someone without a purse, backpack or any type of personal belongings knowing that they were going across the country. That's why I don't believe ADF told her anything about going to Miami. Wouldn't she want to grab some items before she went? Or did he tell her he would buy her everything like tampons, shampoo, soap, clothing and make up-- you know.. "essentials" for girls.. with his lousy 100 bucks?

I strongly feel that there has to be some kind of missed personal effect if she was aware of going to Miami.
It's bothered me that the things in the vehicle were released so quickly to LDJ. The trunk was said to have tote bags. How could LE tell who the bags belonged to? Plus the miscellaneous papers. There could be valuable information that could be gleaned from them helping to identify MJD. Why was the inventory so vague? It was clear from the get-go that MJD was not expected to regain consciousness. Does it seem to anyone else that this case was not treated with as much care as it might have been if she had died immediately upon impact? Did they drop the ball because they thought she was going to survive?
This is in response to the post above-- I think that maybe they did expect her to survive, after all.. she did survive for a day while not on life support.

Another thing I wanted to add is what was on that transaction when LDJ supposedly purchased some items at Ajax? Did she buy condoms? Did LDJ or ADF plant them on MJD to make it appear that she was already a hooker (assuming she was only being "groomed" or wasn't a prostitute at all). I don't know what that would prove but.. just a thought. Some of those purchased items may have been important. Like, perhaps they already knew MJD and LDJ went in and bought the condoms and gave a couple to MJD. That would change the whole sequence of events..

GAH!.. identity, not crime, I know.

I wonder how to get a hold of an emancipation list.. that was a brilliant idea. And it would make a lot of sense as to why no one was ID'ing her if she was vouching for herself legally..
This is in response to the post above-- I think that maybe they did expect her to survive, after all.. she did survive for a day while not on life support.

I wonder how to get a hold of an emancipation list.. that was a brilliant idea. And it would make a lot of sense as to why no one was ID'ing her if she was vouching for herself legally..

True, but even if she was emancipated, why wouldn't ANYONE be looking for her? Even if she had a falling out with her "family", you would think she would have friends or other relatives or co-workers, school mates, something? Sad to think she was so alone in the world.
It's bothered me that the things in the vehicle were released so quickly to LDJ. The trunk was said to have tote bags. How could LE tell who the bags belonged to? Plus the miscellaneous papers. There could be valuable information that could be gleaned from them helping to identify MJD. Why was the inventory so vague? It was clear from the get-go that MJD was not expected to regain consciousness. Does it seem to anyone else that this case was not treated with as much care as it might have been if she had died immediately upon impact? Did they drop the ball because they thought she was going to survive?

I totally agree! I think they dropped the ball because they thought she was just another hooker from the streets. Course they only had Alonzo's and Lindsey's statements to back that up initially. Seems to me they should have taken that with a grain of salt!

Did LE actually turn over the evidence they found in the car to LDJ or just the car itself? I was thinking they still had everything they took out of the car. Gosh I sure hope they didn't give her everything! I was bothered enough just knowing they gave her the car! And what ever happened to that car? If she flew home to Washington, she left the car in Arizona, right?
Hey Vashley - have you read anything on the ME report thread? Most of us haven't seen the entire report yet, but Absinthe and Believe have posted some of the info. Believe made a post earlier today that explained some of MJD's injuries. Can you take a look and let us know what you think? I find it really hard to believe the hospital ever thought she would survive, but I'm certainly no expert! Also, take a look a the drugs they found in her system in autopsy and tell us if you think they would have been administered by medical staff. And lastly, I'm not sure how long after the accident happened the autopsy was conducted, but I'm wondering if any of the drugs she allegedly did with ADF & LDJ would still have been in her system. Would the hospital have done a tox screen when they first brought her in? Sorry to be so needy - but I NEED ANSWERS!!! :blowkiss:
A lot of dancers are prostitutes also. It helps them get more clients. I have known several dancers that were prostitutes.
Hey Vashley - have you read anything on the ME report thread? Most of us haven't seen the entire report yet, but Absinthe and Believe have posted some of the info. Believe made a post earlier today that explained some of MJD's injuries. Can you take a look and let us know what you think? I find it really hard to believe the hospital ever thought she would survive, but I'm certainly no expert! Also, take a look a the drugs they found in her system in autopsy and tell us if you think they would have been administered by medical staff. And lastly, I'm not sure how long after the accident happened the autopsy was conducted, but I'm wondering if any of the drugs she allegedly did with ADF & LDJ would still have been in her system. Would the hospital have done a tox screen when they first brought her in? Sorry to be so needy - but I NEED ANSWERS!!! :blowkiss:

I know I should be answering this in the ME thread.. but the drug(s) listed in her system were antihistamine derivatives and/or numbing agent (Lidocaine) and the others seem to be administered possibly prior to blood transfusion, however I need to double-check that. None of the drugs listed really seem to have recreational value.. so I doubt she was using them to get "high". HOWEVER, if the Lidocaine was cut in cocaine, the cocaine could easily be out of her system within a couple of hours. If she smoked marijuana, it would most definitely be in her system but it's I hear it's not unusual for a ME to not screen for that since it's not potentially toxic. If she did any other drugs, the half-life varies depending on the substance, so I would need to know the time the autopsy was performed to be able to tell you if I thought she had possibly done any drugs prior to the incident. Metabolisms vary, too..

As far as her injuries go, she had some neck and of course head trauma-- the extent of her head trauma -- brain death-- would have definitely left her in a permanant vegetative state.. if she were on life support her heart and lungs may continue to function but she probably wouldn't regain consciousness..

So, what are we trying to find in the autopsy report, anyway?..
I know I should be answering this in the ME thread.. but the drug(s) listed in her system were antihistamine derivatives and/or numbing agent (Lidocaine) and the others seem to be administered possibly prior to blood transfusion, however I need to double-check that. None of the drugs listed really seem to have recreational value.. so I doubt she was using them to get "high". HOWEVER, if the Lidocaine was cut in cocaine, the cocaine could easily be out of her system within a couple of hours. If she smoked marijuana, it would most definitely be in her system but it's I hear it's not unusual for a ME to not screen for that since it's not potentially toxic. If she did any other drugs, the half-life varies depending on the substance, so I would need to know the time the autopsy was performed to be able to tell you if I thought she had possibly done any drugs prior to the incident. Metabolisms vary, too..

As far as her injuries go, she had some neck and of course head trauma-- the extent of her head trauma -- brain death-- would have definitely left her in a permanant vegetative state.. if she were on life support her heart and lungs may continue to function but she probably wouldn't regain consciousness..

So, what are we trying to find in the autopsy report, anyway?..

Thanks! I was mostly interested in any recreational drugs they may have found - to backup ADF & LDJ's statements. Mostly in relation to the stop at the residence for a drug buy. We were also trying to figure out her position when she went out the window. My DD got in my car last night and demonstrated how she thought MJD may have done sort of a somersault when she went out the window. We were attempting to determine her position when she went out the window - that would result in the major injuries to the back of her head rather than her face. Also, there was no indication she attempted to break her fall with her hands.

Not that the circumstances of her jump or push or fall will help us to determine who she is. I need to refocus......
If she had a lip augmentation, that could also explain the lidocaine..

just thought I'd throw that out there..

ETA- the swelling in her lip. She may have injured it before and was seen by urgent care.. assuming she was too young for plastic surgery..
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