Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #43

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If the car had just run out of gas, when Casey called Tony to come and pick her up, why would she lie and say her father was going to pick up the car because it was broken? Why not ask him to bring her some gas so that she could continue using the car? And then why would she leave her purse in the car?

Perhaps she was in the check cashing place trying to cash one of Amy's checks. When she came out people were outside the car complaining about the odor loudly. She doesn't want any of the people to know it's her car. So she uses her cellphone that's in her pocket (or her hand) and calls Tony, has him pick her up far enough away from the car that he wouldn't smell it.

This would explain why she a) didn't have Tony bring some gas and b) why her purse was left in the car.
Could be. Would also narrow the timeline. I don't know that the odor would be so pronounced that it would be noticed by someone outside the car (the tow truck driver must have gotten upclose), but if the car smelled bad enough to ditch on the 27th, Caylee's body would have had to have been in it long enough for the smell to permeate. How long would it take for that to happen?
Those signs are usually in a no parking zone. Casey's car was parked in a legit spot, and was towed because it was abandoned.

As far as we know Cindy dropped George off Tuesday morning to pick up the car on her way to work.It was said that they received the notice on the 13th which is a Sunday,(my post office is closed on Sunday's). I would like to know how long they had the car before all he!! broke loose.
Is this man on DRUGS?????
Or is he just bi-polar??? He is acting strange in my opinion. I do notice that we didn't see Cindy all day yesterday. I think she has had it with everything.
George is trying to do damage control and I also think he is loving all the media attention now.
What a complicated bunch of folks!
Lee finally contacted me and I gave asked him for permission to post out correspondence here. So he might stop by. Everybody play nice. I cantell you that he told me he would make sure the information got to the appropriate people and his investigative team.
Someone on a different forum brought up something about the car that makes sense to me - that Casey abandoned the car simply because of the smell, not because it ran out of gas.

If the car had just run out of gas, when Casey called Tony to come and pick her up, why would she lie and say her father was going to pick up the car because it was broken? Why not ask him to bring her some gas so that she could continue using the car? And then why would she leave her purse in the car?

Perhaps she was in the check cashing place trying to cash one of Amy's checks. When she came out people were outside the car complaining about the odor loudly. She doesn't want any of the people to know it's her car. So she uses her cellphone that's in her pocket (or her hand) and calls Tony, has him pick her up far enough away from the car that he wouldn't smell it.

This would explain why she a) didn't have Tony bring some gas and b) why her purse was left in the car.

This is a likely scenario. I figured this all along too. And what on earth was she going to tell her parents about the car? Par-tay Princess must have been stumped about what story she would tell about the car. She just hoped it would get stolen or whatever. She never mentioned to Cindy (who testified she was in constant contact with PP) on her emails, texts or voicemail that she "lost" her wheels, her purse, her cell phone, her kid, her sim card, her sanity....on and on. As long as she could keep avoiding Cindy what's the worry, huh???

Someone said earlier that PP must not be planner.
Forgive me if this has been answered, I have read all the threads since day one, but don't remember the answer to this:

We know Casey admitted to the police she hasn't been working for the last 2 and something years to the place she took them and pretended she worked at.

Do we know about Cindy and George? They believed Casey was going to work everyday? Do we have any info about that? Did Casey's parents and brother believed she still worked there?

Because no matter how generous my parents might be with me if they supported me and my child financially and let me stay at their place, they would have had some questions to ask me if I never had any money on me and I was working. They would have asked me why I needed to steal from friends or from my own parents if I was provided with a roof and food at their place and I had my own job.

Any info on this?

As far as I know the parents NEVER knew she wasn't working. Cindy said she that she was in promotions at Universal and said a few years ago she visited with her there and met her boss.

Like everything else that comes out of these peoples mouth separating truth from lies is not easy.
Could be. Would also narrow the timeline. I don't know that the odor would be so pronounced that it would be noticed by someone outside the car (the tow truck driver must have gotten upclose), but if the car smelled bad enough to ditch on the 27th, Caylee's body would have had to have been in it long enough for the smell to permeate. How long would it take for that to happen?
I would only hope that if the tow driver did smell this, that before he sent a letter through the postal service, he himself would have contacted LE to check out the mysterious smell coming from the car.
As far as we know Cindy dropped George off Tuesday morning to pick up the car on her way to work.It was said that they received the notice on the 13th which is a Sunday,(my post office is closed on Sunday's). I would like to know how long they had the car before all he!! broke loose.

Usually if a car has been impounded like this where I live, they send a certified or registered letter to you. That letter includes when the car was towed, who requested it be towed, the VIN numbers and license plate, and how much you're paying per day since the date of impound. This can run $60-80 per day in my area, plus the initial towing charge.
Lee finally contacted me and I gave asked him for permission to post out correspondence here. So he might stop by. Everybody play nice. I cantell you that he told me he would make sure the information got to the appropriate people and his investigative team.

Can you clarify that for me please?
Thanx. :)
Don't you think if people were complaining about a strange awful odor coming from a car they would call the police?? I don't think that theory makes much sense.
The more I see I really wonder what is going on. Casey keep saying Caylee is "close" I think there is something hidden in that message. I don't think it's "good" news either!
This is the one thing that sticks in my mind as well, she says that she feels she is close to home. I do believe in the opposite way she is trying to say it, that Caylee is close to home, just not alive..
Bless this child
I don't know why Lee is playing family spokesman. He's evidently the only one that has any sense.
Don't you think if people were complaining about a strange awful odor coming from a car they would call the police?? I don't think that theory makes much sense.

They would. However most tow truck drivers don't open a vehicle when they tow them as abandoned for liability reasons and gotta figure perhaps the fuel smells from the tow truck alone in open air would mask any stink coming off the external portions of the vehicle.
Ca you clarify that for me please?
Thanx. :)

Lee Anthony contacted me via e mail about the information that I had been trying to get turned in. I asked his permission to post any correspondence between him and I on here and also told him a little about WS. I don't know if he has seen it yet. He told me that he would make sure that the info I had made it to the right people in LE and also to his investigative team. But with me telling him about the site, he might be stopping by to see if we have come up with anything. I don't know one way or the other, whether he will.
---I would only hope that if the tow driver did smell this, that before he sent a letter through the postal service, he himself would have contacted LE to check out the mysterious smell coming from the car.---

I don't know about that. Wouldn't he have to get in the car and put the car in N or whatever? HMMM Or just hook it up and go? Any tow drivers out there wanna chime in? And do they do an inventory of the contents?
If Casey is judged free of mental illness, then there is no insanity defense. She may just be sticking to her story. Advice from Dad, maybe? Maybe he thought the evidence had been taken care of so well that there would be no forensic evidence left. I think that Caylee's body is very well hidden or at least decomposed to the point that COD cannot be determined. He HAS been out of LE for a long time.
Maybe he thought if Casey were to stick to her story there would not be enough forensic evidence for a conviction. Casey forgot that she may be (has) charged with child neglect, impeding an investigation, and the money/checks deal.
I believe that the 'hold' may be from OPD for the theft of money and checks. At any rate, the neglect charge and the lying to investigators to impede an investigation can lead to up to 6 years in prison.
I am just one of those people that feel the forensics will show it was Caylee. LE may be looking at George for disposing of evidence or at least lying to LE in the course of a homicide investigation because of the gas cans.
I apologize to anyone who has an opinion that Caylee has been merely kidnapped. I wish I COULD believe that.
I would only hope that if the tow driver did smell this, that before he sent a letter through the postal service, he himself would have contacted LE to check out the mysterious smell coming from the car.[/QUOTE
I don't know about that. Wouldn't he have to get in the car and put the car in N or whatever? HMMM Or just hook it up and go? Any tow drivers out there wanna chime in? And do they do an inventory of the contents?

Nope, a tow truck driver would not have to put the car in N - they use a flatbed with a tow chain to slide it up on the bed for a car that is parked and locked. Happens all the time in major cities where wheel chocks are used by police for parked traffic violators.
Lee finally contacted me and I gave asked him for permission to post out correspondence here. So he might stop by. Everybody play nice. I cantell you that he told me he would make sure the information got to the appropriate people and his investigative team.

:eek:.... Play nice? Ok, I will remain silent.
I don't believe it either LaLaw. What George is doing now is helping set up a defense for his beloved daughter.
If Casey know who had this kid she would have told someone by now. Why would she want to spend all this time in jail?
They are stalling hoping that she will be let out for lack of evidence, IMHO
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