Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #46

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Cindy has said in early interveiws basically nothing was missing even Caylee's favorite teddy she slept with every night. For the family this is one of those missing persons questions that gets left by the wayside.
Well I tend to believe Little Caylee "never" lived outside her Gp's house :(
That can all be accessed by going left from the Anthony backyard. They would not even have to cross a street.
Which is what I wondered when I looked at the map. Thanks for clearing that up. So possibly Caylee was dead in the car. Casey backs the car up to the garage(as witnessed by a neighbor) and maybe lays the body on the ground. Gets something out of the shed by breaking the lock with the shovel and then takes the body out to the woods.
I know very little about mental illness, but have heard bits and pieces that with certain ones they strike at different ages. Casey looks so happy to me in the pictures early on in Caylees life, her eyes beam when she is looking at Caylee, the expressions on her face have feeling. The later pictures her eyes are empty, her expressions are physically there but have no feeling if that makes sense. What I am wondering is can you have some kind of mental break and it just take over like that?
late last night I posted a "theory" under the thread - possible theories - I would repost here but it is kinda long. You might want to go take a look at it.

Respectfully Swag, I read all posts before I weigh in.. if you disagree with my opinion on this post, please address, but I am standing firm on my thoughts and evidence relative to the cadaver dogs..
I know Absolut, but this case is so bizarre that i just can't figure out the players. I guess it's all the D*** lying. Nothing makes sense. It's like a puzzle and we can't put it together because some part of this puzzle is MISSING. Someone besides Casey knows something.

Actually, I don't think so. I think giving credit to new partying 22 yrs olds who hung in Casey's circle (or she in theirs) for being astute enough to notice Caylee was missing and accepting Casey's word for where she was was kind of mimics what happened with George, Cindy and Lee. It's odd, how these relationships seem so surface in a way. Even her old friends didn't ask enough questions. The only one who did, or started to get a feeling something was awry was Cindy herself.

Casey knows everything there is to know, and she isn't sharing.
Cindy has said in early interveiws basically nothing was missing even Caylee's favorite teddy she slept with every night. For the family this is one of those missing persons questions that gets left by the wayside.
It tells me that Caylee probably never left that house alive.
THe address in the affidavit that Casey took them to off of Conway Road belongs to Society Entertainment Derrick "Casanova" Williams... his couin is Korrie Williams who according the the Orange County Clerk of Courts was arrested June 30, 2008 for a felony arrest.

if you highlight the text you will see the text that is hidden because of the black background...

Korrie Williams

Raised in the south Bronx Kore came up in an environment that was survive or die. It was really that serious, raised in one of the roughest project in the Bronx ny (Edenwald projects) KORE had to fight to survive. Just going to the store was an ordeal. Almost everyday KORE saw some sort of violence. He got involved in the streets and did thing that he isnt proud of but he needed to survive.

But that type of life soon caught up to him and he was robbed and stabbed 10 time. Both of his lung clasped and the doctors did not believe he would make it. But a miracle happened. Both of his lung inflated and he survive and made a full recovery. KORE believed that the lord gave him a second chance so he called his cousin who was doing it big in Orlando, fl and wanted to pursue his music career. He could alway sing and when he was younger attended the school of the performing arts but dropped out.

Now with his new deal with Society Music Group with the direction of is Cousin, Casanova Williams and Dr. Watkins (t-boz father) he is working on his solo project called "Born Again". Watch out for this guy. He is the perfect mix of soulful voice with energetic dance moves. The world isnt ready .
Cindy has said in early interveiws basically nothing was missing even Caylee's favorite teddy she slept with every night. For the family this is one of those missing persons questions that gets left by the wayside.

wow, i didn't know this...hmmm, it goes along with the theory that something happened to Caylee IN the home, & Casey may have had to leave fairly quick, thus the "without warning" comment by Cindy .....
It tells me that Caylee probably never left that house alive.

wow...good point. I kept thinking "they" left and then something happened. But, with all of this coming together, it seems this is more likely the scenario. How very sad.
Actually, I don't think so. I think giving credit to new partying 22 yrs olds who hung in Casey's circle (or she in theirs) for being astute enough to notice Caylee was missing and accepting Casey's word for where she was was kind of mimics what happened with George, Cindy and Lee. It's odd, how these relationships seem so surface in a way. Even her old friends didn't ask enough questions. The only one who did, or started to get a feeling something was awry was Cindy herself.

Casey knows everything there is to know, and she isn't sharing.

That's true also. It's a different world now. These kids don't really want to hear anyone else's problems and they try to keep their stuff to themselves. I notice that with my daughter and her friends, though she's a bit older than Casey, on her own and working. LOL.
Several of us wondered about that, the conclusion we came to was that the body may have already made the car smell bad, and so how could she have put her in the home somewhere without having the same bad smell in the air???

Yeah, I agree... there is no way that Casey could hide a body in the house (basement/attic/etc) without it stinking up the place.

Our neighbor died awhile back (his little backyard met up with our bigger backyard) and they didn't find him for a week or two (I'm thinking it was two weeks). Anyways, you could smell the stink in my backyard even. He didn't have any family, so they auctioned his house off "as is". The new owners had to tear *everything* out and air it out for several weeks before they could even get in there to work again. Really, really gross...
I now think Casey borrowed the shovel on the 16th when she found the shed locked. Laid Caylee on the ground possibly in 2 spots and then gave up and backed the car up to or into the garage and put Caylee in the trunk. I am really also leaning to Casey never coming back to hopespring drive after the 16th.
I apologize Blink - I didn't mean any disrespect. I sent you a PM. Would like your thoughts on it.

And again, please accept my apology.
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