Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #74

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I hope that Caylee's birthday has made this more of a reality to the family, and I hope that along with Casey's lies and lack of progress in the case helps get these people out of denial and focus on getting the truth out of Casey. Enough is enough.
What if this whole thing was a failed plan of Casey's to claim that Caylee was kidnapped, that she alone needed lots of money to go pay a ransom, then skips town or country, and was to never be seen again? If Caylee were alive I'd think she would have turned up by now though.

I really want to know where the stolen money was spent. I think this is a major part in it. A trip to , where was it her friend went?
:bedtime:Goodnight all,... this day has emotionally drained me! I hope tomorrow will be the day everyone has been praying for!:praying:
Happy Birthday Sweet Caylee! :cake4u:
I don't know, I think Cindy probably put a lot of guilt trips on Casey (or at least tried too) Cindy seems like the martyr type. And look how she's tried to guilt trip all of us, the media, and LE! I can't imagine being raised by her.

Yes could be. But it could also be a "do over" I am going to raise Caylee beter. AFter all, my daughter has no respect for me or anyone else. I can do better, I know I can.
I don't know, I think Cindy probably put a lot of guilt trips on Casey (or at least tried too) Cindy seems like the martyr type. And look how she's tried to guilt trip all of us, the media, and LE! I can't imagine being raised by her.

I'm sure Cindy and George were putting a lot of pressure on her to actually do something with her life. I know my mom and dad got pretty frustrated with me when I was 21 because I was still living at home and living the party life like Casey was.

I finally took their advice and got my act together.
i agree to some degree, but the lie detectors and serum truths are tools to help give detectives either continue with a lead or realize that lead is no good. So again i think these are good tools even though there not 100% accurate in all cases

Truth serum is totally unreliable, as it is a psychoactive drug. It causes hallucinations. Also, it is considered torture.

Nothing about it could be considered accurate...if we wouldn't take someone high on drugs at face value, why would we inject someone then ask them the truth?

Not picking on your post, but I've seen lots of posts asking why she hasn't been given truth serum. That's why.
Great post themis.

We may not get all the details, but I think the case will be solved and Caylee will be found. Cindy acts like she has a deep dark secret that must be protected and therefore sucks up to Casey so she doesn't tell.
Whatever the Anthony's are hiding, we have heard it all before, and may not even think it's that big a deal. It time to come clean, the worst has happened.
very true, my point is only that IF she had nothing to do with it

then the time is NOW to tell everything
because her methods aint working :)

Yes indeed. We want Caylee to be found alive and healthy. But, the cadaver dogs, decomposition odor, the only person missing is Caylee, the avoidance of truth prior to the silence, the debunking of the nanny/ZFG scenario, and other things all tell a vast majority -- almost 90% of people surveyed -- that Caylee is not alive. Alternatively, we want Caylee's body to be found. That too may never happen. Our hearts yearn for happy endings. Our reason tells us that Caylee is dead and Casey did have something to do with it. We don't know what Casey had to do with it: Was it an accident; Was it negligence; Was it intentional? That too, we will probably never know the perfect truth. We might find out some of that through the LE case. Still, if there are 1,000 people watching here, 500 may go away thinking it was an accident and 500 may go away believing it was premeditated murder. Consensus among just 12 jurors with judicial instructions and professionally presented evidence is extremely difficult. All it takes is one REASONABLE doubt -- not beyond a doubt, but the existence of a single reasonable doubt. That is what Casey has created with her nanny story -- it could have been another ZFG and not the one law enforcement found; that's why she didn't recognize the picture.
If they haven't, it might be a good idea. I'm still thinking of Casey saying she's "close by". Maybe that is the only thing she's said that is true.

That's true. IDK, i'm just trying to simplify things.. I can't imagine the truth can be all that complicated with Casey. She's not THAT smart or she wouldn't have lied about so much that can be disproved. So, she finds out about this Zaneida (which she knows is a very common name) checking out the apt at Sawgrass.. but not taking it. So she decides there is her alibi. This is where she disposes of the body (or close by it) and tells police that she left Caylee there with the babysitter, so naturally when the body is found they will blame the babysitter.. who they will never find of course, and Casey will be free to do as she pleases.. end of story. But in the real world Casey's story is questioned.. so she continues lying and digging a deeper hole for herself.
IDK just a guess..
Of course she was . . . you can read it in posts to Casey. Cindy was raising Caylee. They are telling you different now -- but just go by that MySpace posting that Cindy made to learn the truth.

She used Caylee as a pawn to "punish" her mother when something happened she didn't agree with. Like, Ok Mom.... you want to raise hell that I stole some money? I'm taking Caylee and leaving. She probably did that more often than we known about.
Casey even had Lee going thinking she worked for Universal at times. He ask her in one conversation if she was meeting friends at the park from universal or party friends, which leads me to believe Lee knows Casey was probably doing call work, with her missing blackberry and he was just talking around LE so as not to broadcast that information. Sad Sad situation!! I believe this poor child is deceased or has been sold!!!
I definitely can feel compassion for George and Cindy, even though they frustrate me to no end! But I can't muster up one ounce of compassion for Casey. The mother-child relationship is the most sacred of all. There are so many pictures of Caylee looking at Casey with absolute trust and adoration. What she has done and continues to do everyday is, in my opinion, unforgivable

The most disturbing picture to me is the one where she is holding onto the great grandfather for dear life. As she was looking back at the camera it was almost like a moment in time just frozen, she was scared, there was real fear in that child's eyes.

Considering that in almost all the pictures they have of her she is smiling and happy this is definite departure from the norm. Lord only knows what casey put caylee through, dragging her around to various peoples houses sleeping on the floor, possibly being left alone in a car/trunk while her mom did her thing. Caylee didn't feel safe and it shows in her sad.
Casey even had Lee going thinking she worked for Universal at times. He ask her in one conversation if she was meeting friends at the park from universal or party friends, which leads me to believe Lee knows Casey was probably doing call work, with her missing blackberry and he was just talking around LE so as not to broadcast that information. Sad Sad situation!! I believe this poor child is deceased or has been sold!!!

This is why her lies are so bad. She never really had to say anything believeable to her family. She bullied them into believeing her.
That's true. IDK, i'm just trying to simplify things.. I can't imagine the truth can be all that complicated with Casey. She's not THAT smart or she wouldn't have lied about so much that can be disproved. So, she finds out about this Zaneida (which she knows is a very common name) checking out the apt at Sawgrass.. but not taking it. So she decides there is her alibi. This is where she disposes of the body (or close by it) and tells police that she left Caylee there with the babysitter, so naturally when the body is found they will blame the babysitter.. who they will never find of course, and Casey will be free to do as she pleases.. end of story. But in the real world Casey's story is questioned.. so she continues lying and digging a deeper hole for herself.
IDK just a guess..

Maybe that is were she moved her after the 17th....shovel was borrowed on the 18th the day after Zenaida at sawgrass. Maybe you are right.....maybe she moved her somewhere near sawgrass after gleaning Zenaidas name.

I think you may be onto something there Cindy Lou. I really do.
I hope that Caylee's birthday has made this more of a reality to the family, and I hope that along with Casey's lies and lack of progress in the case helps get these people out of denial and focus on getting the truth out of Casey. Enough is enough.

The intriguing thing is the idea of the Anthonys getting the truth out of Casey now, when it appears she's been enabled most of her life to bully her way about by lying. Mark Hacking's family did this to him, to get the truth out of him about killing his wife. They had to do what I'm not sure the Anthonys are prepared to do overtly just yet: the Anthonys may have to choose the truth over the fate of their daughter. Hard, hard thing to do.
Truth serum is totally unreliable, as it is a psychoactive drug. It causes hallucinations. Also, it is considered torture.

Nothing about it could be considered accurate...if we wouldn't take someone high on drugs at face value, why would we inject someone then ask them the truth?

Not picking on your post, but I've seen lots of posts asking why she hasn't been given truth serum. That's why.

Lie detectors are the same. Just read "Tremor in the Blood." I spoke with the author and have never used them since.
There has to be a reason for Casey saying Caylee is "close by". I wish her darn parents would ask her why she thinks that, since she was previously trying to lead everyone to New York, North Carolina, Georgia, etc.
truth serum is totally unreliable, as it is a psychoactive drug. It causes hallucinations. Also, it is considered torture.

Nothing about it could be considered accurate...if we wouldn't take someone high on drugs at face value, why would we inject someone then ask them the truth?

Not picking on your post, but i've seen lots of posts asking why she hasn't been given truth serum. That's why.

she's lawyered up and she isnt going to do anything that may get the truth out anyhow!!! Just wishful wanting to get the truth out of her thats all.
Casey even had Lee going thinking she worked for Universal at times. He ask her in one conversation if she was meeting friends at the park from universal or party friends, which leads me to believe Lee knows Casey was probably doing call work, with her missing blackberry and he was just talking around LE so as not to broadcast that information. Sad Sad situation!! I believe this poor child is deceased or has been sold!!!

What evidence in this case would make you believe that Caylee has been sold? The last I checked they didn't make "Decomposing Body" car scent for trunks.
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