Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #113

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I was under the assumption they did confirm it on msn site (after topix to sort out the posers). It wasn't confirmed here. That's how he became registered on msn site. Last I heard he was directed to a few new sources. So we'll know soon enough if he appears on the tv.

Yes you are right. It was confirmed on the site that he is posting on.
Actually that is not speculation with all due respect. Those are all examples of things that came OUT of Cindy and Georges mouths. I am not speculating regarding the FACT of all the things I listed above in my original quote. The Anthony's had my sympathy until they started obstructing and defending the lies of Casey which only got in the way of finding Caylee....I'm sorry but they no longer matter to me. Period.
the gps have not been charged with obstruction of again this is pure speculation..
Great idea, but I don't think baez would let her do this. Only option is if she tells a family member and they report it, still she would have to tell where the body is and I don't think she would do this. Or she would lie about the location to keep it from being found.

Well of course not and that is why she will not be tried for involuntary manslaughter - she will be tried for MURDER - because she will never admit to an accident and her lawyer will not allow it. That lawyer is a twit and I can't wait to see him go head to head with a seasoned prosecutor.

"Everyone, INCLUDING THE FAMILY, has the understanding and knows that any questioning about the facts of this case, are gonna be done WITH ME PRESENT".QUOTE]


I think that maybe baez needs to take his own advice and stop talking to media along with Cindy and George.
The things that he says are so telling of her guilt.

Or maybe he thinks the house is bugged.
It was not confirmed that this poster was who he said it was. In fact, at least one of the people doing those posts ADMITTED that they were fake. Any information taken from them should be considered false, as that poster has now disappeared as soon as the mods were notified to check out his identity.

Um, I heard the Casey's hidden pregnancy on Greta OTR
I think it is not as much as Cindy being locked into her lies but LOCKED INTO THEIR FAKE IMAGE of being successful, being financially secure, having a nice house, garden, pool, etc. Saw that from the first moment but didn't know how to put it in words without ''facts'' or ''proof''. Worrying about her friends and family not to talk from the FIRST MINUTE of this case while she should have been all worried about Casey, running around the neighborhood and searcing parks and locations. Worrying about designing stationary to reply to the letters and messages she received. Her house, the neatness, the garden, the rooms are SCREAMING obsessive-compulsive behavior, a controlling personality. A personality who controls her environment and the people around her.

And if Ricky is real and what he says are truths

1) convincing George to live a respectable job as a detective so that he could inherit his father's business in the ambition person.

2) As for the story of them believing that Casey was still a virgin and not pregnant - listen - just because they told that to the brother it doesn't mean they believed her. They just chose to not break the perfect family image to others.

My uncle is EXACTLY LIKE THIS. He was always talking how his daughter's were all v1rgins and very innocent when in fact there were very promiscuous and I know since I was their roommate at University. His family is VERY DYSFUNCTIONAL, both daughters anorexic with serious psychological problems, one has OCD regarding neatness, the other is a compulsive liar, the uncle developed a drinking problem and he is binge eating, the aunt had serious psychological problems and tried to commit suicide several times. But if you see them outside you would think THEY ARE THE PERFECT FAMILY. They like to show off, re-decorate their house every year, give lavish dinners for business associates etc, tell lavish lies about their careers, their jobs, their successes, their boyfriends, etc.

Their image to the society is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than saving their lifes and family and they will never get help because getting help will mean they have to admit they are not what they want the world to believe they are.

The Anthony's remind me of them so much. There is definitely pathology in Cindy's behavior but in less degree than Cayse - and I believe 100% Cindy adored and cared for little Caylee. But it is little details you can tell that Cindy has similar personality attributes with Cayse, but in Cindy's case those attributes were not serious enough to stop her from having a job, a family, a home, financial security. Casey now....she inherited that pathology but also she was enabled to take that pathology to a deathly level unfortunately. This is something that has been witnessed by many of us in our circles before.

The family will PUBLICLY STAND UP FOR CASEY. Even if a body is discovered, they will never accept Cayse is responsible. That will mean Cindy will have to GIVE UP ON HER PERFECT FAMILY - PERFECT HOUSE - PERFECT GARDEN ''idea'' she has of her life and herself. She will never admit to the failure. She cannot accept that her family, her friends, her neighbors will know that her daughter did something to their grandchild. It is much easier to accept Caylee is gone but it is not so easy to admit that the image they built of their family with lies will be uncovered in front of everyone's eyes. And this is why they will be in court screaming Cayse is innocent.
Great analysis!!!:blowkiss:
WHAT? How do they do that?

I had not heard the PC's were returned but anyhow, changing passwords....One would right click on my computer and choose the manage option. Then click on local users and groups, then click on users, then right click on administrators and select the "set password" option. This would change the password, however it would make more sense for LE to completely copy the existing profiles for their scrutiny, and then delete the profile permanently off of the PC and create new ones for the anthony's.
I have a question for Cindy:

"Cindy, now that your daughter is home and her words and your conversations are not being recorded and now there is no need for codes of for her to try and tell you in her own secret way where Caylee is and now that the kidnappers and the media can't see or hear what is going on.....NOW will she tell you where CASEY IS AT? NOW will you have the army put together a covert operation to go rescue your granddaughter? Huh Cindy? HUH?? WELL????"

At the very least this is extremely immature behavior, and could easily be prosecuted as harassment. If there is a fear that the food has been tampered with, they could even pursue it as a terrorist threat. People need to be very, very careful about what they do in an attitude of sick humor. We all need to also be careful to ALWAYS put IMO or another qualifier here on the statements that condemn the people involved in this case.

I am sure that Domino's didn't do anything to the pizza. It's not like the person went in and made the pizza themselves.

"Everyone, INCLUDING THE FAMILY, has the understanding and knows that any questioning about the facts of this case, are gonna be done WITH ME PRESENT".

So let me see... George, Cindy, and Lee ARE NOT ALLOWED (and I don't mean by law) to ask wtf she did with the child, when she last saw Caylee, where does ''Zenaida'' ''really lives'', when she last spoke to Caylee, and other FACTS like these. So Cindy tell that Cayse is is she going to help find Caylee since you are not allowed to have a conversation with her about the FACTS OF THIS CASE?

True...if she were so innocent, they why can't she talk about Caylee and the case?
Wonder if Casey thinks her new/old boyfriend Tony will now come by for a booty call?
Probably not. Think he's moved on???

You mean come by for some 'tail' of woe? Sorry I can't figure out what thread that came from
Yeah, and somehow that's not going to be Casey's fault. Sometimes I hate this country's judicial system and today is one of those days. How the hell can a woman who doesn't know where she left her kid and won't co-operate to find her for months not be jail?! How is that even possible? Maybe tomorrow will be different, but today it feels like there is no justice in this country.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I have been wondering about the legalities in all this. Is it a crime to just give your child to someone else? At what point does it go from 'babysitting' to 'abandonment'? I have to say I am not a big proponent of massive government interference in people's lives, like say I wanted to send my kid to a friend for 6 months, friend agrees to keep them, what law is that breaking?
I agree the laws the way they stand work in favor of people like Casey, but on the other hand, who wants to have to go through a social worker to be able to leave your child with a babysitter? The majority of the population is normal, and actually do leave their kids with people for legitimate reasons, not, IMO, do something horrible to them and then claim the babysitter took off with them.
Oh come on I've seen newscasters reporing outside in the middle of a hurricane.
LOL That is what I was thinking, too! A TS is nothing to them after you see reporters get dragged off by the wind a few times.

I find it curious as to why we didn't see anything and I have to believe it is because they simply drove into the garage then closed the door. Nothing to report.
the gps have not been charged with obstruction of again this is pure speculation..

I never said that they were charged with obstruction of justice...In my opinon they should have been.

But I must reiterate the points that I made in my original post were not speculation.

Cindy admitted to washing the pants before notifying LE a full 19 days before notifying them actually, and lied and said she told them the night of...Search warrant states again...NOT TRUE

George told various media that there were "kidnappers being watched" LE said NOT TRUE

George told media that a neighbor took his gas cans and then went on television and admitted that he found them in Casey's trunk. NOT TRUE

Cindy said the car "smelled like a damn dead body". George admitted the car smelled like a body. Cindy later said it was pizza NOT TRUE. George said something ludicrous about a squirrel. Again NOT TRUE.

LE has not charged them with obstruction , I never said they have.

I am simply pointing out that they are liars and am backing it up with not speculation but facts.

I think it is not as much as Cindy being locked into her lies but LOCKED INTO THEIR FAKE IMAGE of being successful, being financially secure, having a nice house, garden, pool, etc. Saw that from the first moment but didn't know how to put it in words without ''facts'' or ''proof''. Worrying about her friends and family not to talk from the FIRST MINUTE of this case while she should have been all worried about Casey, running around the neighborhood and searcing parks and locations. Worrying about designing stationary to reply to the letters and messages she received. Her house, the neatness, the garden, the rooms are SCREAMING obsessive-compulsive behavior, a controlling personality. A personality who controls her environment and the people around her.

And if Ricky is real and what he says are truths

1) convincing George to live a respectable job as a detective so that he could inherit his father's business in the ambition person.

2) As for the story of them believing that Casey was still a virgin and not pregnant - listen - just because they told that to the brother it doesn't mean they believed her. They just chose to not break the perfect family image to others.

My uncle is EXACTLY LIKE THIS. He was always talking how his daughter's were all v1rgins and very innocent when in fact there were very promiscuous and I know since I was their roommate at University. His family is VERY DYSFUNCTIONAL, both daughters anorexic with serious psychological problems, one has OCD regarding neatness, the other is a compulsive liar, the uncle developed a drinking problem and he is binge eating, the aunt had serious psychological problems and tried to commit suicide several times. But if you see them outside you would think THEY ARE THE PERFECT FAMILY. They like to show off, re-decorate their house every year, give lavish dinners for business associates etc, tell lavish lies about their careers, their jobs, their successes, their boyfriends, etc.

Their image to the society is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than saving their lifes and family and they will never get help because getting help will mean they have to admit they are not what they want the world to believe they are.

The Anthony's remind me of them so much. There is definitely pathology in Cindy's behavior but in less degree than Cayse - and I believe 100% Cindy adored and cared for little Caylee. But it is little details you can tell that Cindy has similar personality attributes with Cayse, but in Cindy's case those attributes were not serious enough to stop her from having a job, a family, a home, financial security. Casey now....she inherited that pathology but also she was enabled to take that pathology to a deathly level unfortunately. This is something that has been witnessed by many of us in our circles before.

The family will PUBLICLY STAND UP FOR CASEY. Even if a body is discovered, they will never accept Cayse is responsible. That will mean Cindy will have to GIVE UP ON HER PERFECT FAMILY - PERFECT HOUSE - PERFECT GARDEN ''idea'' she has of her life and herself. She will never admit to the failure. She cannot accept that her family, her friends, her neighbors will know that her daughter did something to their grandchild. It is much easier to accept Caylee is gone but it is not so easy to admit that the image they built of their family with lies will be uncovered in front of everyone's eyes. And this is why they will be in court screaming Cayse is innocent.

That is what I've been trying to say, but you put it perfectly. I am way to familiar with this type of family. What will the neighbors think type of rational. Appearances is the most important thing. And mental health issues are definitly not discussed under any circumstances.
"I'm going in to get my girl"

Great, Baez, can you do me a favor and tell Casey to do the same? Thanks.
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