Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #127

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Totally agree and pretty much what I just posted also.

One last note though, on LP's page, I did have to laugh at the picture of him standing there shaking hands with George Bush.

LOL. They are kinda funny to look at! I'l saying this because, I too, had gotten "lured" onto myspace, and had some grave concerns about what was there. I wish I could remember who set me straight, but what they said was, in retrospect, very true. So, yeah, I might go look, but unless it's MY myspace, I'll not give any of them credence.
Blog screenshot. Notice the dates.

As I learned earlier today, and I've taken it to heart, we should put, like, less than no relevance on the myspace pages. Anybody anywhere could have put that up, right?

Although, I do believe there is some relevance on the Myspace pages in the months of June, July and Aug.
Any mother that is selfish and spoiled and loses her child and never tells anyone is definitely not beautiful....The older I get the more I realize that the old saying is true, "Pretty is as pretty does."
I posted about this earlier and said it's inconsistent with Tony's apparent claim that she did that...and I asked, and ask again, does anyone know where he said this cause I can't find any official report of it other than mentions of it in this forum.

What I want to know is why she left the car there in the first place.Think about it why would she just abandon her only means of transportation in a parking lot? There are also Cameras all over the outside of Amscot - I wonder how long they keep the footage for?
Again I say...why call Tony??? That would blow that whole senario out the window, unless of course he was involved. Do you think so?

Not knowing much about him or what he's saying, whether he's consistent with the evidence etc, I'm not ruling him out. We really have no idea what LE's thoughts are about him either, to my knowledge anyhow. I find it kind of odd that he saw Casey every day, Caylee used to go there, then for a whole month he doesn't see her, and his GF has obviously ditched her (whether it be with her nanny (yeah right), babysitter, family etc it's a long time to spend away from your daughter.) There are a lot of odd things about this case!

What I want to know is why she left the car there in the first place.Think about it why would she just abandon her only means of transportation in a parking lot? There are also Cameras all over the outside of Amscot - I wonder how long they keep the footage for?
I think she left the car due to the smell and fully well intended for it to be stolen not towed. As far as the cameras go, they wouldn't show anything besides Casey getting out and leaving with Tony. Nothing to see really. I bet the cameras are set to loop anyway.
No problem with me...I wondered the same.
My opinion ...average looking at best.

Not a problem here either. I actually thought she was pretty on the exterior..that was my first reaction anyway. After all this I can't say I find her attractive.
Sorry I haven't mastered the art of replying to a particular quote yet. Someone mentioned that Baez's practice might suffer from his two high-profile cases of defendants harming children...I just wanted to add that he was NOT well known (in my opinion) in Orlando (or at least was *not until this case*). I can't imagine it would harm his practice in the long run because I guess for some defense attorneys any publicity is good publicity.
What I want to know is why she left the car there in the first place.Think about it why would she just abandon her only means of transportation in a parking lot? There are also Cameras all over the outside of Amscot - I wonder how long they keep the footage for?

When Casey left the car abandoned at the parking lot, what did she do, walk home from there? I doubt it, someone had to have picked her up. Who?

:praying: for Caylee
Not knowing much about him or what he's saying, whether he's consistent with the evidence etc, I'm not ruling him out. We really have no idea what LE's thoughts are about him either, to my knowledge anyhow. I find it kind of odd that he saw Casey every day, Caylee used to go there, then for a whole month he doesn't see her, and his GF has obviously ditched her (whether it be with her nanny (yeah right), babysitter, family etc it's a long time to spend away from your daughter.) There are a lot of odd things about this case!


Do we know for a fact that Tony gave her a ride home from amscot? I thought I heard that he did but i can't remember the source....does anyone know?
The "My mommy didn't kill me" myspace was created TODAY.

Only a couple of friends. I am one. It's brand new. Pink Panther background. A blog rant about "how can people think that Casey killed Caylee?" "How can people say that George or Lee are Caylee's father?" That kinda stuff.

Lots of photos of Caylee. Missing poster type stuff.

she put a blog on there the 23rd i thought i read????
Sorry I haven't mastered the art of replying to a particular quote yet. Someone mentioned that Baez's practice might suffer from his two high-profile cases of defendants harming children...I just wanted to add that he was NOT well known (in my opinion) in Orlando (or at least was *not until this case*). I can't imagine it would harm his practice in the long run because I guess for some defense attorneys any publicity is good publicity.

Just go to the post you wish to quote and hit the quote button on the bottom right....that will bring up the quote and allow you to respond.
Blog screenshot. Notice the dates.


Hmm, someone blogging about why didn't LE get off their *advertiser censored**** and search? Gee, doesn't that sound like someone we know who has been spouting that line all along. coughCindycough :rolleyes:
Sorry I haven't mastered the art of replying to a particular quote yet. Someone mentioned that Baez's practice might suffer from his two high-profile cases of defendants harming children...I just wanted to add that he was NOT well known (in my opinion) in Orlando (or at least was *not until this case*). I can't imagine it would harm his practice in the long run because I guess for some defense attorneys any publicity is good publicity.

From what I gather his track record is not stellar...and after this case I doubt it will go anywhere but down JMO.
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