Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #127

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When Casey left the car abandoned at the parking lot, what did she do, walk home from there? I doubt it, someone had to have picked her up. Who?

:praying: for Caylee
Thats what I want to know too but i also want to know what excuse could she have for leaving the car there. How is she going to search for Caylee with no car? Is it possible she took a cab or a bus home from there? maybe she walked to Tonys.
Not knowing much about him or what he's saying, whether he's consistent with the evidence etc, I'm not ruling him out. We really have no idea what LE's thoughts are about him either, to my knowledge anyhow. I find it kind of odd that he saw Casey every day, Caylee used to go there, then for a whole month he doesn't see her, and his GF has obviously ditched her (whether it be with her nanny (yeah right), babysitter, family etc it's a long time to spend away from your daughter.) There are a lot of odd things about this case!

LE has said Tony has been cooperating fully and they ruled him out as having any involvement...but I don't have that link handy.

I think it is like Clint House mentioned...she would leave to take Caylee to Cindy (or somewhere), but they assumed she was just staying with the grandparents all that time. Nothing odd about it since Casey was supposed to be living at home, but coming over to sleep with her new squeeze.

Clint said Casey left every morning about the same time he did and he thought she was going to work when he went to school. So where was Casey really going that early?
When Casey left the car abandoned at the parking lot, what did she do, walk home from there? I doubt it, someone had to have picked her up. Who?

:praying: for Caylee
I recall it's been reported that TonE picked her up. :)
Thats what I want to know too but i also want to know what excuse could she have for leaving the car there. How is she going to search for Caylee with no car? Is it possible she took a cab or a bus home from there? maybe she walked to Tonys.
She had Tony come pick her up. Her excuse was the car broke down and her dad was coming to get it to have it fixed, if I recall correctly (IIRC). Yet another lie.
So Casey claimed the car broke down, but later George was able to pick it up from the tow place and drive it home?
That musta been some weed!:eek:

Drip Drop,

Yeah, I take the "gossip" with a grain of salt. I never saw any pot paraphernalia in Cagey's or her inner circle's online photos. Even during obvious party situations it's just drinking.
The "My mommy didn't kill me" myspace was created TODAY.

Only a couple of friends. I am one. It's brand new. Pink Panther background. A blog rant about "how can people think that Casey killed Caylee?" "How can people say that George or Lee are Caylee's father?" That kinda stuff.

Lots of photos of Caylee. Missing poster type stuff.
the other link didn't work, can you send correct link?
You're kidding, right? I'm sorry, but I have 2 daughters. NEVER would the club/party circuit be more important to me than them and NEVER would I sit in jail and probably go to prison to protect anyone. We're talking about her daughter.

Why would I be kidding? I'm not suggesting YOU would do this, I'm suggesting Casey possibly is thinking that way. Please...if I'm suggesting Casey may have done something, it should not be read that I'm accusing all moms of doing those things, and I'm utterly confused as to why you have taken offence??

Casey??? LOL.
i really hope after all of this.. court tv gets to be in the court room during her trial.. they were there for scott peterson so maybe they will be..
Is that Casey's myspace from yesterday?

The profile was created today. We are speculating it is hers due to the date and LP being her "friend" on myspace. It was created today, that is a fact.
From My mommie didn't kill me's myspace: (yes I'm nosy and got a add for a friend too. :))

I am just a little girl, not a pawn in a game, Though I may be very small I have feelings just the same. I hear your hurtful words when you think I'm not around, I try so very hard to Block out those evil sounds. Fighting and arguing wasn't good enough one day, You deceived my trust when you took me away. Now all the people that I love aren't with me anymore, I am so confused and I hurt to the core. Look past your own pain and you will see, While you fight to hurt each other you end up hurting me. So wrapped up in your own pain, you forget as adults often do, Though I am little I hurt BIG, just like you! Please help bring me back home.... 225,000 reward if you help me come home
Blog screenshot. Notice the dates.


Who's myspace is this?
So Casey claimed the car broke down, but later George was able to pick it up from the tow place and drive it home?

Yes, and in all the "Anthony Tales" we never heard the story of George picking up the car and having to fill it up with gas, or that he had to do repairs, etc. All we heard is how he drove it home with the windows down due to the stench!
Drip Drop,

Yeah, I take the "gossip" with a grain of salt. I never saw any pot paraphernalia in Cagey's or her inner circle's online photos. Even during obvious party situations it's just drinking.

Perhaps you did not see my earlier question The ONLY 1, I asked you why you are intentionally spelling Casey's name incorrectly. As a fellow legal professional, that brings me pause as you are a new poster and we have had a RASH of Camp Casey folks on here, please dont take offense, non intended, but fair question as you have done so in every post where you mentioned her.
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