Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #127

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you can make your blogs any date you want them to be

Thanks - this is good to know - as I read a really strange blog that I thought might be relevant - but it was dated 1 year ago. Maybe I will take a fresh look at it.
She has made it that you can't see her "friends list" anymore. you used to be able to see the friends. It was Tom, and Leonard. Then me and a couple of other Caylee pages.
Obviously anyone who wrote the MySpace thing, using Caylee in first person, knows something about the case that the rest of us don't know. Otherwise, why would she make the statement about "fighting and arguing wasn't enough one day." What does that mean? Who was fighting and arguing? Could this be Cindy writing this and making a reference to Casey fighting with her (and George)?
Drip Drop,

Yeah, I take the "gossip" with a grain of salt. I never saw any pot paraphernalia in Cagey's or her inner circle's online photos. Even during obvious party situations it's just drinking.

Casey's photobucket photos had herself and two other girls smoking a bowl in a car. That I remember for sure, IIRC there were a few others of joints..I will try and find the links.
Thanks floridamom for posting this info....wonder what the heck she means by "fighting and arguing wasn't good enough one day?"

Maybe that one day it became too much and Casey took off with Caylee.
Drip Drop,

Yeah, I take the "gossip" with a grain of salt. I never saw any pot paraphernalia in Cagey's or her inner circle's online photos. Even during obvious party situations it's just drinking.
With all due respect, why do you call her your S missing on your keyboard?
Re: the myspace thing - Cindy has been almost totally reactive in her comments. If you had the space to beg for your granddaughter or daughter, why rant about peripheral comments - even the "nasties"........
All the controversies and theories aside, I have a question:

Why is this case out of the thousands of missing children cases so astonishingly compelling?

This discussion has already tallied over 80,000 posts, almost as many as the Ramsay case in more than its decade plus.

I would be happy to answer your question. I, for one, am FED UP with these innocent kids disappearing due to the actions of negligent parents. I've heard several times lately through the media that 2000 kids a week disappear in this great country of ours. Why is that happening? We should be good and tired of this catastrophy. Our children are already so vulnerable, you can't turn your back for a few seconds in a grocery store, a park, even their own backyard muchless drop your child off to a babysitter at the bottom of a stairwell and not know exactly what apartment they were in. Which by the way, I find it interesting that the affilliates of this DBC Entertainment company were in Apt. 212 and Casey told the authorities that Apt. 210 was where Zenaida was supposedly residing. Anyway, that is why the fascination with this case more today as people are just plain FED UP with these kinds of cases and no one is held accountable.
So this person is saying Caylee was taken due to an argument.

Yes, between Cindy and Caylee. Casey took off with Caylee to punish Cindy, at least according to Cindy's comment on Casey's Myspace page:

July 3 Cindy posted this on Myspace
Thursday, July 03, 2008
my caylee is missing
She came into my life unexspectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don't know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother's love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?
Sorry I haven't mastered the art of replying to a particular quote yet. Someone mentioned that Baez's practice might suffer from his two high-profile cases of defendants harming children...I just wanted to add that he was NOT well known (in my opinion) in Orlando (or at least was *not until this case*). I can't imagine it would harm his practice in the long run because I guess for some defense attorneys any publicity is good publicity.

In regard to your info of Baez, I was wondering what your thoughts were as some posters on here seem to feel the recent alleged rash of sightings (unproved) about Jesse G and Caylee seem to have originated by the ANthony family or Baez- have you heard anything?
Although, I do believe there is some relevance on the Myspace pages in the months of June, July and Aug.

Hi Truth,

The reason I think Myspace was/is relevent to the case is because of the importance Casey, Cindy et al. have placed on it. While it may play no importance in my life, it was obviously important to Casey. Casey and Cindy were putting up Myspace pages while waiting between calls to LE? Who in their right mind does this? Heck, Casey was online just last night (or someone logged in for her).

Also why would Lee/Cindy or whomever (allegedly) gone a deleting spree when they first logged into Casey's account if Myspace wasn't important. It's really strange.

Also, didn't Casey meet TonE on Facebook? It's like myspace and facebook are this generation's skating rink :).
In a new twist, Leonard Padilla states that the mother argued with her father over moving out and taking Caylee with her. WESH is reporting that Padilla, who professed yesterday to have no contact with the mother, states that an argument is the reason that Caylee was 'handed off voluntarily' to a friend of the mother. (See blog on Geraldo 8/24).

Leonard Padilla said he believes Casey Anthony left her daughter with friends after arguing with her father about wanting to move out of his home with Caylee.Padilla said time is running out for those friends. He said he will share any information he gets with law enforcement.
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