Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #157

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Piz, I've been trying to follow your posts on here this evening, and I'm not sure what you are getting at. Is it just that we should not expect Baez to give us anything because he's the defense? If that's it, I get that. If there is something more than that, I'm missin' it.

All I'm saying is that Baez is not obligated to tell us anything. That's all I'm sayin'. Nothin' else. And he's not a sleazy liar for acting that way. Well, actually, he might be a sleazy liar in real life. I wouldn't know one way or the other. But he's not a sleazy liar on grounds that he's not being forthcoming to us with his defense.
It kills me that the wrecking company knew what the smell was and did not notify LE. And, they knew what a dead body smelled like, reported they had a car that smelled like Casey's car and that a man had committed suicide in it and was in it for a number of days. I know I would have called LE, esp. if I didn't have keys to open the car. Well even if I had the keys call first and let LE open the car.

Just another case of not wanting to get involved.


I am kind of suprised also.

I am curious where the garbage bad came from, do they know?

Could it have come from the dumpster that the car had been parked at or was it her trash?

I wonder if it was put in the trunk to try and cover smell knowing it would rot ? or did she get it from the dumpster after she possibly disposed of her daughters body?
Really? Lawyers around here work all over the State..odd.

Yeah, I'm in FL, and I can say that lawyers don't necessarily stick to one county. Osceola is a neighboring county to the Orlando metro area - not unusual for him to take an Orlando case at all. The Orlando area is made up of several different counties, Osceola being one of them. Just to give you an idea - Disney World straddles Osceola and Orange counties.
Are you kidding me? Re-write the bond? Does he think Padilla ate the brownies? (OK, that was bad. But in my mind it was funny.)

Yeah, in my mind it was, too. :blowkiss:
not just you. I don't see the resemblance to jesse or mr. Grund. Nada.

If you're talking about jp chatt, i'm with you all the way.

It kills me that the wrecking company knew what the smell was and did not notify LE. And, they knew what a dead body smelled like, reported they had a car that smelled like Casey's car and that a man had committed suicide in it and was in it for a number of days. I know I would have called LE, esp. if I didn't have keys to open the car. Well even if I had the keys call first and let LE open the car.

Just another case of not wanting to get involved.


The statements that were made on Geraldo regarding what was said in the report about the decomp smell were incorrect. What was actually said was that they did notice a foul smell, but it was the same as when a person had left perishable food in a vehicle. The tow guys thought nothing more about it. Identifying the smell as decomp did not happen until George opened the car to take it home. That was also when he opened the trunk found the bag of pizza and maggots and threw it over the fence into the dumpster. Some of these media figures need to figure out how to read, not scan.
All I'm saying is that Baez is not obligated to tell us anything. That's all I'm sayin'. Nothin' else. And he's not a sleazy liar for acting that way. Well, actually, he might be a sleazy liar in real life. I wouldn't know one way or the other. But he's not a sleazy liar on grounds that e's not being forthcoming with his defense.

So why talk on tv at all?

Im just saying..............

A day without Baez would be a day with sunshine!
I think Caylee looks alot like JP Chatt. Especially the pic of Caylee in the car seat, wearing the baseball cap. The eyes of the beholder, I guess.


In that picture Caylee reminds me of a young Shirley Temple - not that I think Shirley is the father.
What to do you all make out of her leaving the keys in the car, maybe so some one would steal it?
I thought Rev Grund represented himself well tonight on Geraldo. He actually sounded like a reasonable person, unlike so many we've seen in this case.

I thought it was interesting that he revealed Casey pulled the 'you're the daddy' stunt on him after what sounded like a one-night stand. That would have occurred at the end of 2004.

And she was planning to surprise some other dude in CA with baby daddydom as late as summer 2008, like her daughter is some commodity, an excuse to obtain financial support?

She sickens me.
Great find! Looks like she definitely violated 2(d).

Yes to you and you! That is true and if she tries to bond out again, I am sure LE will press this issue as many have written to them about it.
Yeah, I'm in FL, and I can say that lawyers don't necessarily stick to one county. Osceola is a neighboring county to the Orlando metro area - not unusual for him to take an Orlando case at all. The Orlando area is made up of several different counties, Osceola being one of them.

True ~ many lawyers work in several counties.
What to do you all make out of her leaving the keys in the car, maybe so some one would steal it?

Exactly. Thats what I am sure she was hoping...what a great cover that would have been!
What is up with the statements Cindy has made that suggest "once the whole story is out we will all feel bad for the way we've treated Casey." I don't have the exact quotes but I know I have heard her say at least 3 times something to the effect that we don't know the whole story... and she all but suggests we will hail Casey as a hero one the whole story iso out. WTH is up with that?
not to discount what Jesse told his dad about the 16th but:

4:21pm Jesse
4:24pm Mom cell

was there really a conversation at all?
Exactly. Thats what I am sure she was hoping...what a great cover that would have been!

That was what I was thinking also no car no DNA evidence, guess it would be too obvious to burn the car to.
Yep, Baez is a real schlepper.
The biggest media clown of the whole bunch and he
lays into the Padillas for 15 minutes of fame.
I hope and pray Bozo continues to represent Casey,
she'll be away from the party scene till the year 2080.

And yet they cling to him, because in their eyes he is the savior that will somehow prevent the destruction of the family - something that was well underway long before he came into the picture.
What is up with the statements Cindy has made that suggest "once the whole story is out we will all feel bad for the way we've treated Casey." I don't have the exact quotes but I know I have heard her say at least 3 times something to the effect that we don't know the whole story... and she all but suggests we will hail Casey as a hero one the whole story iso out. WTH is up with that?

Oh sentiments exactly. They say one thing...compound it by lying again...putting forth another whole scenario. She once said that when Caylee comes home we will all owe her an apology becasue she is a mother of the year!
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