Protesters could be hindering conclusion.

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Me, I'm sick of the situation where a mother 'lost' her baby and won't do a GD thing to find her, very probably because she killed her, who is not in jail, rather is at home on the computer, hitting on body guards and baking brownies to take to her lawyer's office where she spends about 6-8 hours a day. And I'm sick of that woman's parents supporting the woman and yelling at the police, the media and the public rather than looking for their grandchild and seeking to obtain justice for her! That's what I'm sick of.

Oh and PS. Just like this so-called mom gets bail and brownie bakin' time under our legal justice system, these people get to protest. Personally, I wouldn't because I think it just feeds Team Anthony's 'poor me, victim' mentality and I don't want to do that, and, if somehow I did protest there, I wouldn't bring my kids or dog. However, my kids are grown and I don't have a dog. Maybe these people feel really strongly about this mess and this is all they can think to do. Perhaps they can't afford a 'nanny,' don't want to make one up and wouldn't even consider going the 'xanny' or chloroform route or otherwise harming their children to free themselves up for doing other things. Like I said I wouldn't bring by kids to the Anthonys. I think there might be trouble there some day. But at least these people know where their kids are. They didn't lose them.

I believe LE and the State Attorney's office will take care of Casey and her ultimate judgement day will arrive.
Yeah, there are alot of people stoned, drunk, stealing and know where their kids are. This is not about the Team Protesters vs Team Anthony. It is about some of these people wanting 5 minutes of fame at the cost of a missing or dead child.
I dont agree with some of the protesters, but I look at it this way...........nobody would be standing in front of that home if SOMEONE in that family even showed some concern about a little three year old girl.

Well why don't we get some protesters go Wichita? They had a case this past year where a mom killed her kid. When she did not get the job done SHE FINISHED KILLING HER KID IN THE HOSPITAL. Send some protesters to Montana(?) where the native american women had left her kid in the car trunks FOR MONTHS. Virtually the same case.
Point is... this is NOT NEW parents have killed their kids since the beginning of time what good is protesting going to actually accomplish?

This is why we have a judical system.

IMO, I disagree people would not be standing in front of that home if we did not have the media looking for the story and the police would have not allowed protesting in residential areas. Did not someone post here the law that peaceful protests did not apply to residences? (forgive me if I am mistaken)
I've been saying this all along. The protester should take his/her sign down to OCSD and raise hell that this woman is out on bond. If they have all this evidence why are they so afraid?

:clap: I agree. Take the protest to the court house. But then again maybe some of the protesters might not want the cops to find them. When you point your finger there are 3 pointing back to you.
Ok I am done.. tonite is my BDAY and time to celebrate.

So far I haven't seen ANYONE taking these loon's side.

I believe they are serving a noble purpose and that is to continue to bring attention to Caylee which would have been gone from the media by now if it were not for them.

My thoughts exactly, if it were not for protestors this tragedy would have faded into the night already.
The negative attention brings to the forefront the lies and manipulations by each one of the Anthony's. We are not talking about one or two "mistruths" it has been lie after lie to the point I don't know that anything we have heard from anyone of them is true. With so much of this on video you can count as this goes to trial these tapes will be played for the jury and it will not be good for Casey as the credibility of the entire family is in question.
I am a professional woman and have not protested anything since the Viet Nam war, but I get so upset and even angry if I lived in the area I would go there just so they would know I know because on some level it does impact them, except Casey I think she loves all this attention and thinks she is just wonderful, remember attention is attention it does not matter good or bad.
How each one of the Anthony's are reacting to the stress is a great indicator for how Casey reacted when Caylee said I want to go home to my gram, I want to stay with my gram or I don't want to sleep in this trunk again.
Sorry I don't agree I don't think the protestors are a bad thing and I am gald they are there.
I must say as I look over these post many of the ones critizing the protestors are the very ones upset and over the edge when the Anthony cam goes down. Is there really a difference?
I believe LE and the State Attorney's office will take care of Casey and her ultimate judgement day will arrive.
Yeah, there are alot of people stoned, drunk, stealing and know where their kids are. This is not about the Team Protesters vs Team Anthony. It is about some of these people wanting 5 minutes of fame at the cost of a missing or dead child.

We'll there's one person living in that house who most probably knows where her baby is but won't say. Most of the protestors, as well as a plethora of drunks and stoned people haven't killed their kids. The one sitting comfortably in that house probably has. And there's some possibility that the other people sitting in that house know what has happened but are not sharing that info with the authorities in order to protect a murderer. We'll have to agree to disagree. These people outside have a right to protest. If they break the law or disturb the peace (by legal definition) they should be ticketed or arrested, which I believe some have, but many apparently have not been although the police have been called. That indicates to me that the police find no laws violated by most of the protestors. MO, this is a political matter. Our justice system is failing us when Caylee's mother and others like her are free while their babies are lost and they provide no truthful information to find them. I've said I wouldn't be there. I've said, if somehow I was, I wouldn't bring my children or pets. But I will support the right of those people to assemble (ONLY PEACEABLY, not disturbing the peace according to the law, and not tresspassing, may need to demonstrate in limited area as designated by authorities.) These people are no different than the people who demonstrated at Dem and Repub convention, who demonstrate against NAFA of the corruption of their local mayor. They have a beef with our justice system, which I agree with them is hosed.
My thoughts exactly, if it were not for protestors this tragedy would have faded into the night already.
The negative attention brings to the forefront the lies and manipulations by each one of the Anthony's. We are not talking about one or two "mistruths" it has been lie after lie to the point I don't know that anything we have heard from anyone of them is true. With so much of this on video you can count as this goes to trial these tapes will be played for the jury and it will not be good for Casey as the credibility of the entire family is in question.
I am a professional woman and have not protested anything since the Viet Nam war, but I get so upset and even angry if I lived in the area I would go there just so they would know I know because on some level it does impact them, except Casey I think she loves all this attention and thinks she is just wonderful, remember attention is attention it does not matter good or bad.
How each one of the Anthony's are reacting to the stress is a great indicator for how Casey reacted when Caylee said I want to go home to my gram, I want to stay with my gram or I don't want to sleep in this trunk again.
Sorry I don't agree I don't think the protestors are a bad thing and I am gald they are there.
I must say as I look over these post many of the ones critizing the protestors are the very ones upset and over the edge when the Anthony cam goes down. Is there really a difference?
sorry i do think they are guilty i think casey did something to her daughter but the protesters are subjecting thier kids to a dangerous situation and then blameing the anthonys for it .. ( isnt that what they are claiming the anthonys do ? pot kettle black imho))the protesters arnt doing this for caylee .. everytime something happens with a protester they sure are on that camera just yacking away .. they want attention plain and simple its human nature to want that . fake tombstones? kids almost getting hit ? this is horribly out of control and people should know thier boundries . i wonder how any of them would feel if it were happening to them . from what i see them acting like in front of the house . theyd do far far worse than the anthonys have . im not attacking your post either .. you have every right to think like you are . but so do the people complaining about the protesters . i do however understand what your saying as far as bringing the attention to caylee .but its not that way anymore its casey protesters casey protesters lee cindy geo .. ive seen no real talk of caylee
I said a couple of weeks back that someone was going to end up hurt. Today two young girls were almost hit. If they saw that car coming, they should have stepped back out of the way. Kids do not belong in that kind of situation. They do not have good judgement. Neighborhood kids can't get out and ride their bikes because of all this. It's ridiculous! George is a ticking time bomb. Who would want to put their kids or their dogs in the way of a bomb?
I said a couple of weeks back that someone was going to end up hurt. Today two young girls were almost hit. If they saw that car coming, they should have stepped back out of the way. Kids do not belong in that kind of situation. They do not have good judgement. Neighborhood kids can't get out and ride their bikes because of all this. It's ridiculous! George is a ticking time bomb. Who would want to put their kids or their dogs in the way of a bomb?
exactly and if something happens to one of them (the protesters ) then its the anthonys fault guess they are doing what they are accusing the anthonys of doing . not takeing responsability for where thier kids are and keeping them out of a dangerous situation . and certainly not thinking of the poor neighbors there ..if someone gets killed god forbid it will be the anthonys fault . its their own damn fault for being there and they should know that .
My thoughts exactly, if it were not for protestors this tragedy would have faded into the night already.
The negative attention brings to the forefront the lies and manipulations by each one of the Anthony's. We are not talking about one or two "mistruths" it has been lie after lie to the point I don't know that anything we have heard from anyone of them is true. With so much of this on video you can count as this goes to trial these tapes will be played for the jury and it will not be good for Casey as the credibility of the entire family is in question.
I am a professional woman and have not protested anything since the Viet Nam war, but I get so upset and even angry if I lived in the area I would go there just so they would know I know because on some level it does impact them, except Casey I think she loves all this attention and thinks she is just wonderful, remember attention is attention it does not matter good or bad.
How each one of the Anthony's are reacting to the stress is a great indicator for how Casey reacted when Caylee said I want to go home to my gram, I want to stay with my gram or I don't want to sleep in this trunk again.
Sorry I don't agree I don't think the protestors are a bad thing and I am gald they are there.
I must say as I look over these post many of the ones critizing the protestors are the very ones upset and over the edge when the Anthony cam goes down. Is there really a difference?

Well, I more or less started the talk tonite about the protesters and NO I do not get upset when the Anthony cam goes down. I think it should stay down as well. There is a difference between a quiet protest when there is a specific thing to protest. However, this is not protesting it is harrassment and it affects everyone in the Anthony neighborhood.

When the evidence is in and or a body is found LE will not need the tapes of GA and CA supposed lies(I am not a judge or jury to decide what is true or not true). First and foremost, the first trial will be in November for child neglect charges and lying to the police. Casey did this. The judge will not really care what the parents said to the protesters. It really will not have a bearing on the case.
Then their will be another trial for check fraud and charges. Once again what Cindy and George did or said will not matter as what they say and do has NOTHING to do with the check charges and fraud. On both of these cases, LE has, IMO solid proof. Now, if/when they charge her for murder.. unless they bring Cindy and George up on obstruction of justice charges what they said and did has no bearing on "Did or did she not commit a murder?" They are not being tried as a family. The news outlets at CNN, FOX, have alot of footage if the courts need it.

I as well am a professional women and just think it is time for the protesters to trust in LE and our judicial system. If they do not like her out on bond then they need to go protest at the courthouse. Casey is not even at home during the day. At least they can do is go down to JB's office.

No, I do not believe this case "would have faded into the night" if it were not for the protesters. I believe the internet is keeping the fuel on this fire. (and well NG is doing her share)
Me, I think peaceful assembly to protest is a protected constitutional right. I think we need a law to deny bail to the parents of 'missing' children when they refuse to co-operate to find them, probably because they killed them. That's the law I think we need.

We'll there's one person living in that house who most probably knows where her baby is but won't say. Most of the protestors, as well as a plethora of drunks and stoned people haven't killed their kids. The one sitting comfortably in that house probably has. And there's some possibility that the other people sitting in that house know what has happened but are not sharing that info with the authorities in order to protect a murderer. We'll have to agree to disagree. These people outside have a right to protest. If they break the law or disturb the peace (by legal definition) they should be ticketed or arrested, which I believe some have, but many apparently have not been although the police have been called. That indicates to me that the police find no laws violated by most of the protestors. MO, this is a political matter. Our justice system is failing us when Caylee's mother and others like her are free while their babies are lost and they provide no truthful information to find them. I've said I wouldn't be there. I've said, if somehow I was, I wouldn't bring my children or pets. But I will support the right of those people to assemble (ONLY PEACEABLY, not disturbing the peace according to the law, and not tresspassing, may need to demonstrate in limited area as designated by authorities.) These people are no different than the people who demonstrated at Dem and Repub convention, who demonstrate against NAFA of the corruption of their local mayor. They have a beef with our justice system, which I agree with them is hosed.

I am not saying that we should not have the right to protest PEACEABLY. We do agree on the right to protest. But on what grounds should a protest occur is the issue.
The right to protest should be used to make changes or force changes to be made. We should only use the right to protest to fix things for the greater good of humankind. Protesting wars, abortions, bad businesses, safety issues.. etc

What is the actual purpose of the protesters but to be on tv or harrass? Do some of them actually believe that screaming at the house is going to make Casey come out and confess to them? Is is going to make the lies and mistruths go away? Is protesting going to bring Caylee home? I believe if they are wanting to make a point. The point has been made.

The situation has gotten way out of hand. Small children are being brought into the matter.

Maybe the law should be changed. The protesters need to protest by taking time to write to their State representatives. The judges are elected as well (at least in KS). They have a right to vote in tougher judges. In this case, I just think it is time for the protesters to move on.
Happy, happy!:Banane45::Banane22::Banane33::bananalama::Banane57:

Thanks very much Yolorado! BTW are you from Colorado? Yolorado from Colorado... (I grew up in Colorado) That is too funny..
BTW... good discussion tonite.
Well, I more or less started the talk tonite about the protesters and NO I do not get upset when the Anthony cam goes down. I think it should stay down as well. There is a difference between a quiet protest when there is a specific thing to protest. However, this is not protesting it is harrassment and it affects everyone in the Anthony neighborhood.

When the evidence is in and or a body is found LE will not need the tapes of GA and CA supposed lies(I am not a judge or jury to decide what is true or not true). First and foremost, the first trial will be in November for child neglect charges and lying to the police. Casey did this. The judge will not really care what the parents said to the protesters. It really will not have a bearing on the case.
Then their will be another trial for check fraud and charges. Once again what Cindy and George did or said will not matter as what they say and do has NOTHING to do with the check charges and fraud. On both of these cases, LE has, IMO solid proof. Now, if/when they charge her for murder.. unless they bring Cindy and George up on obstruction of justice charges what they said and did has no bearing on "Did or did she not commit a murder?" They are not being tried as a family. The news outlets at CNN, FOX, have alot of footage if the courts need it.

I as well am a professional women and just think it is time for the protesters to trust in LE and our judicial system. If they do not like her out on bond then they need to go protest at the courthouse. Casey is not even at home during the day. At least they can do is go down to JB's office.

No, I do not believe this case "would have faded into the night" if it were not for the protesters. I believe the internet is keeping the fuel on this fire. (and well NG is doing her share)

Awesome post and ITA with every single sentence!! And Happy Birthday!!
Hoping someone might have enough law knowledge to answer a couple of questions...

Would it be possible to charge any of the protesters with stalking?
What about harassment?
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