Who Thinks Casey Has Confessed Caylees whereabouts to JB?

Who Thinks Casey Has Confessed Caylee's whereabouts to JB

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Scampii, My Cleaner Shrimp!!
Sep 16, 2008
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I wanted to do this poll based on JBs Statement I think you know the one I mean:crazy:
No she has not because JB neither wants or needs that info..he needs to stay within the confines defending her and not taking confessions. At this point, as he says , she has no reason to confess to anyone what happened, how it happened, when it happened or why it happened..or what she did with Caylee's poor little broken body after the fact.
I think he knows what happened. Not sure if he knows where she actually is or not
I don't. I know as of July 28th when Lee is visiting her in jail she pretty much tells Lee she hadn't told Baez anything other than what she's telling the police/family. She may have varied the story a little though.

Edwin Hall waited 10mos to confess to his attys that he actually killed Kelsey. They pretty much had him on tape and nailed to the wall...but he waited 10mos. soooo
No way..no how...she will never admit, even to her attorney that she killed Caylee and dumped her somewhere...
I honestly don't think KC has told JB a thing. Why would she tell anyone? I think he is reacting to the evidence.
I wanted to do this poll based on JBs Statement I think you know the one I mean:crazy:

I don't think so. I think he is just like the rest of us. Based upon the evidence, there is a body somewhere.

And it wouldn't help his client to say where that somewhere is.
I honestly think she'll take the truth to her grave. She will never spill the beans.
Nope, if she told JB he'd have to get another lawyer in. Attorney client confidentiality can't include information that is part of an on-going crime. Her hiding the body and telling him where it is would not be good for either of them. I don't like JB and think he has less morals than an ant but he's not that stupid. The first thing he would have/should have said to Casey is NOT to tell him that infomation.

That's JMO and how I understand it works.

Not to mention "Trust no one, only yourself"
I know it's just a movie but I think of Al Pacino in And Justice for All....
He's the atty and his client is guilty, he realizes it and keeps telling his client tell me the truth! or I won't take your case. he didn't care about the guilt but he wanted the truth, the story of what went on. Not lies.

I always wonder how accurate that is. I think it's fairly accurate ;)
I Really don't think she has told where Caylee is either, just wanted to see what others thought about it< Im a newbie of a couple weeks, but a long time lurker, Im a HUGE WS fan!! Wishful thinking I guess that she would tell where she put the baby Like everyone else It upsets me to no end knowing she is out there somewhere thrown away like garbage.

I agree with the majority (at least so far). I don't for a minute think Casey uttered any such words to anyone on the entire planet.

I do think JB knows what's up though. He's certainly no dummy.
I know it's just a movie but I think of Al Pacino in And Justice for All....
He's the atty and his client is guilty, he realizes it and keeps telling his client tell me the truth! or I won't take your case. he didn't care about the guilt but he wanted the truth, the story of what went on. Not lies.

I always wonder how accurate that is. I think it's fairly accurate ;)

The end of that movie is what I would love to happen in this case, it'll never happen but I do LOVE it! :blowkiss:
I believe Casey may have tried to tell him, but that he quickly shut her up as any defense attorney does not want that knowledge. You have to remember who we are dealing with in Casey.

She is confident she has Baez in her corner and this would allow her some misguided belief that she can flirt, manipulate, and otherwise do things to try to make sure he stays there. Telling him bits and pieces of the real truth would accomplish this in her mind. So trying to tell him what she actually did with Caylee would fall under that heading.

No, she hasn't told him and she will not tell him. However, he is not stupid and can read between Casey's lies.
I dont think she told him the truth, but I do think she probably told him some sort of lie.. You would think she would have to tell him something in order to prepare for her defense (if there is a trial)..But no matter what she tells him, how could he possibly believe her??
Nope, I don't think KC confessed to JB.. :silenced: I think he knows she's guilty though..
she'll never tell anybody. pathological liars tend to believe their own lies.
No, I don't think she has confessed anything to him. I think she has told him even more fantastic lies. BUT I do think he knows she is a pathological liar and I think he knows the truth he just has no details. I mean I think he can see the truth just like we all can. We just don't know the why, how or where. I don't think a defense lawyer wants to know the truth from a criminal either. I am dying to know how he will defend her or what he will say because I know there isn't a soul to back her strange stories.

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