Why stick with the denial so long? Possible reasons for Cindy's status on this

It makes sense to me that Cindy "paid" Casey for her compliance (keeping Caylee) and her silence (lying about the father). Casey was a babysitter during the day and I would bet that anytime CA was home, she took care of Caylee. I think it was her part of the "deal". Casey took money without consequence because she could blackmail Cindy. George still didn't know. There's a reason Cindy never did anything about KC's stealing (legally). She hated Casey for the control she had over her (Caylee) and KC hated Cindy for the control she attempted to have over her.

I see a continual shoving match between KC and CA. KC called "check mate" after the huge blow up. Something had changed, she wasn't getting away with as much, Cindy decided she wanted Caylee without Casey and IMO, Casey saw that as "breaking the deal" she had with Cindy.

The deal: Keep the baby and I'll help you as much as you need me, anytime, with money, everything. Who knows what was promised?

JMO, of course....

I have always held this same theory. Many times when Grandparents help raise their grandchildren this kind of tug of war relationship happens. The Gpas don't want the precious gchild to be taken from them so they mind their p's and q's and let their kids get away with holy hell. I've seen this myself and it never turns out right. Either the parents move out and take the child which breaks the Gpa's hearts or the Gpas eventually decide to fight for custody and or a combo of the two. Cindy didn't prosecute because KC probably said she'd move out and take Caylee. I can't even imagine the power struggles that have gone on in that household.
By the way, I don't think Lee is Caylee's father. Mental health issues usually become apparent during and after puberty, that explains KC dropping out of school. KC's promiscuity explains the lack of a nameable father. I am adopting my sister's baby and we have no idea who the bio dad is. My sister has sociopathic tendencies and a whole myriad of problems similar to Casey's. I could make up a big story about the bio dad, but the truth is she has no idea.
Cindy once said at the media "I don't want to lose my husband TOO'
IMO, she knows Caylee is dead, she thinks GA will leave her, LA maybe in deep on all of this and KC goes to jail...........no family at all. IMO she should spend time behind bars for her actions and keeping TES from searching.......Cindy KNOWS everything is going down NOW! IMO she stays in her safe dream world..........

It is about the MONEY ~

She can't continue to get suckers to give them money if she admits it.
Thank you for the kind words missmybaby - I get by in life knowing that my abuser will face judgement by a higher power!

I'm not convinced Caylee is a product of incest, abuse, or consensual affair between sibs. It just REALLY bothered me that Lee would not willingly provide DNA (w/o a court order). I can't make sense of it - but heck who can "make sense" of any of this!

Lanie, that is a positive way to deal with an impossible situation. Reminds me of the Serenity prayer.

I've looked and asked several times/places where the Lee refusing DNA came from, officially. No one has answered and I haven't found it.

Someone else posted a very plausible reason tho. He was showing Cindy he's on their team. After all the apparent help he gave LE, he needed to do something to get back in CA's good graces.

It makes as much sense as anything we've read about the A team!
Number 4 - she (Cindy) has to.

Lee is the father of Caylee according to LP, 100%. If so, it explains all the behavior in the family and of Casey. No excuse, but explanation.

Lee abusing Casey in high school would explain her dropping out.

Casey becoming pregnant from the abuse would explain the denials into the 7th month and her abandoning her job.

It would explain a seemingly normal girl creating a fictional list of characters in her life, lying, stealing, and sleeping around during and after her pregnancy.

It would explain a murder for spite against her mother who named Cay-Lee.

It would explain Lee tried to stop Cindy from calling 911 the third time

It would explain George moving out and filing for divorce and Lee not coming around the house when George is there

It would explain the family circling the wagons around the abuse victim and protecting her, thus protecting Lee and the family as well

It would explain Lee refusing a DNA test and refusing a lie detector test and talking the parents into refusing a lie detector test. They took a DNA test, and Lee required a subpeona

It would explain the consistent behavior to obfuscate investigations



Secrets so deep in shame could cause sociopathy.

Ewwwww this reads like the V.C. Andrews books I read in college. Sick! I hope that this is not the case. If it is and all the things you speculate above are true I actually may have a bit of compassion for KC. Not for KC and the person she has become today but for KC as a young girl. WOW!
Actually, I think Cindy is acting perfectly normal, for her. She never searched for Caylee before KC was arrested and she's still not. She has some really sick need to protect KC.

Caylee stopped being important the second that KC was arrested.

I agree. It's that simple. CA has protected KC all her life from conseqeunces.
Lanie :blowkiss:

Thank you for sharing this, I cannot imagine the pain of living with an abuser (with in a house or a family) in this type of situation, combined with never seeing the person punished just hurts my heart.

In cases of familiar abuse isn't the victim usually a child. Someone the abuser can control, without fear they will fight back (or even turn them in)?

KC just doesn't fit those parameters.

You're right, she doesn't. KC wasn't molested at home. She's just a sociopath.
Cindy is the mother of the accused and she will not be known as the mother of a killer. She has painted a picture of a perfect family. She was living in a bubble and it burst. She is still trying to fix it, there is not that much duct tape.

Hey Elly, I feel the same way.

I wonder if Casey is holding Cindy hostage by telling her that if Cindy does not stand by her, that Cindy will never see Caylee again.

As Cindy is a mother and grandmother, she cannot let her hope go ...

Just my 2 cents.

Just another Jane, I can be certain he doesn't know because he doesn't understand the science which was obvious from the first time he spouted this theory. I'm not making an allegation about Padilla, I'm stating a fact - he doesn't know what he's talking about. OF COURSE the mitochondrial dna is alike in Caylee/Casey/Cindy - mtdna is passed on from mother to daughter. OF COURSE, Caylee is going to have alleles that match Lee Anthony, he is her uncle. HE TOO has the same mtdna as Casey/Caylee/Cindy.

You know, this isn't like accusing someone of jaywalking, this is one of the most horrible accusations you can make about someone. Lee Anthony hasn't done anything illegal, he hasn't been accused of any crime and Leonard Padilla should not make an allegation like this unless he has the DNA test to prove it. When this is over, Lee Anthony still has to make a living and go on with his life and putting something so awful about someone out in the ether to be discussed in a public venue is morally, ethically and civilly wrong.

Padilla has interjected and interfered with this case from the beginning and he doesn't know anymore than anyone else which he has so amply demonstrated night after night on tv. This isn't a game or a tv show, this is real life and it seems to me that the responsible don't want to see anymore people hurt in this than they already are. I also haven't seen anywhere that Lee Anthony made LE get a search warrant and I'll bet that LE would get a search warrant anyway for all the members of the family - even if people volunteer to allow LE access to info or searches they'll get a search warrant so that later no one can claim that the search was illegal. One reason why LE waited to seize the car was to obtain a search warrant. Even though the Anthonys offered to allow LE to search their property and their house, LE obtained a search warrant. That's what they do when they're trying to build a solid case.

Ihad to keep the complete quote.. I agree with every word. Gossip is a horrible thing. My mother used to tell us a story about the woman who went to confession to admit she had gossiped about a friend. The priest told her to get a pillow and go to the highest point of land and break the feather pillow. Then try to pick up every feather.
I have hated gossip ever since, I feel guilty immediately. I guess that is what my mother was trying to impress on me. She did! Words have meaning.
Call me morbid but I can't get a thought out of my mind and I will share that.

How can anyone's mind be right when they smell something so horrid and have to associate that with their grand daughter?

I get a sick feeling just thinking about it. I don't think my mind would let me process it.
Dont mind a couple questions cause I am SHOCKED! Stumbled I tell ya! :eek:

She dropped out and never got her degree, yet she was close to finishing. I can't remember where that information came from, but she has not graduated. As far as LP, he may have information that the preliminary testing shows something that might indicate another family member along with Casey is also a potential parent. We don't know where he gets his information from, but he does speculate like the rest of us. Seems he has been confident on this for some time now.
Cindy has to stick with the story in order for her to "save" Casey no matter what she believes in reality. Look what she has done already to cover her daughter's tracks in this. The list keeps getting longer, but you can start with 31 days, washing the knife, the pants, and the pizza story.

I never bought into her "denial" act. It appears to be convenient when she wants to play that card for the press or for LE, imo.
Actually, I think Cindy is acting perfectly normal, for her. She never searched for Caylee before KC was arrested and she's still not. She has some really sick need to protect KC.

Caylee stopped being important the second that KC was arrested.

I believe it is not about KC but her. I see her as narcissistic as KC. She is enjoying all the attention and is determined to stay in the limelight.

If you notice every time things quiet down, she does something to get back in the spotlight.
Well, just another Jane, Google may be your friend, but there are no friends in science - there are only facts. There are no facts to support Padilla's claim. Caylee/Casey/Lee/Cindy all have the same mtdna. Mtdna is passed along by the mother. Humans share 99% of the same dna, it is the 1% that makes us individuals. So when LP claims that this family has the "same" dna, well duh, he has the same dna as Caylee - is LP the father? Now it is obvious that LP does not understand this, so he really needs to shut up and not cause any more harm to the case than he already has.

I don't want to be contrary her, but if they have the root of the hair (which they do because they have scalp) They not only have MtDna, but the full DNA profile. Old science could only get MtDna from hair, but new procedures get FULL DNA with the root. LP can be correct. Don't discount this because of old science.
Number 4 - she (Cindy) has to.

Lee is the father of Caylee according to LP, 100%. If so, it explains all the behavior in the family and of Casey. No excuse, but explanation.

I don't think LP knew what he was talking about when he insinuated that Lee fathered Caylee. He was talking about the mitochondrial DNA from the hair found in the trunk. When the hair was first discovered and DNA run, it was released to the public that the DNA was consistent with both Casey and Caylee, so they weren't able to definitively say at that time that the hair came from Caylee. LP didn't know that Lee, Casey and Caylee would ALL have IDENTICAL mitochondrial DNA, because MDNA is passed down from the mother.......their MDNA is all identical to Cindy's, whose is identical to HER momma. LP stupidly thought that the only reason the hair could not be definitively noted as Caylee's was if Lee was her dad.

Nancy Grace knows better and she should have corrected him right away, but she let this awful innuendo stand. I wonder why?
I don't think LP knew what he was talking about when he insinuated that Lee fathered Caylee. He was talking about the mitochondrial DNA from the hair found in the trunk. When the hair was first discovered and DNA run, it was released to the public that the DNA was consistent with both Casey and Caylee, so they weren't able to definitively say at that time that the hair came from Caylee. LP didn't know that Lee, Casey and Caylee would ALL have IDENTICAL mitochondrial DNA, because MDNA is passed down from the mother.......their MDNA is all identical to Cindy's, whose is identical to HER momma. LP stupidly thought that the only reason the hair could not be definitively noted as Caylee's was if Lee was her dad.

Nancy Grace knows better and she should have corrected him right away, but she let this awful innuendo stand. I wonder why?

LP was right - they can pull nulear DNA from a single hair root.

Nuclear DNA , nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid (nDNA), is DNA contained within a nucleus of eukaryotic organisms. It encodes more of the genome than the mitochondrial DNA and is passed sexually rather than matrilineally. Nuclear DNA is the most common DNA used in forensic examinations.
and dont forget she is driving around under the influence of these Meds !

The Orlando PD must know she is driving while impaired, I'd like to know why she hasn't been pulled over.
I believe that if from the beginning if CA had known that KC had killed Caylee instead of her belief that KC was just keeping her from CA that she would have never called law enforcement. No one would have ever known that Caylee was even missing. CA wouldn't have wanted that info to get out at all and their family would just move on with no one the wiser.
I know I am going to catch he!! for this by those who sympathize with her but oh well....

I believe since day 1 that Cindy found out the truth and has been looking out for her spawn.

I hope they prosecute her for lying. Oh wait that's right according to Cindy lying is not a crime. Silly me!!!

That's certainly possible. It's also possible that she reacted to a horrifying truth that she could not wrap her mind around the same way other victims react......she may have suffered a mental "split" or "compartmentalization" that enables her to 'forget' ever knowing the truth. I know of a woman who lost her husband in an offshore accident, (he was really "lost" because his body was never found, although there was absolutely no chance that he survived) and for MONTHS she told everyone he was working offshore. She believed herself, too, even though she'd been to the memorial service.

I can't make up my mind about Cindy about this matter. She loves Caylee with her whole self, that much is evident. She loves her daughter, too. She is either aware that Caylee is dead, and is publically denying that in order to try to protect Casey, or she truly believes Caylee is alive---either through some mental function to preserve her sanity, or through desperate attempts to believe Casey.
LP was right - they can pull nulear DNA from a single hair root.

Nuclear DNA , nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid (nDNA), is DNA contained within a nucleus of eukaryotic organisms. It encodes more of the genome than the mitochondrial DNA and is passed sexually rather than matrilineally. Nuclear DNA is the most common DNA used in forensic examinations.

Of course they can pull nuclear dna from a single hair root! But nuclear DNA is not what LP was talking about that night on Nancy Grace. The man obviously didn't even know what "mitochondrial dna" MEANT, and he took his lack of knowledge and made a huge leap to "Lee is the dad!"

editing to add: Mitochondrial DNA results are obtained quickly, while nuclear DNA results take much longer. I believe LP was speaking when preliminary MtDNA results were released, prior to the nuclear DNA results.

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