tiny faces in broccoli

Haha, that's awesome! It reminds me of those "hidden pictures" puzzles I loved to do as a kid.

Why yes, I am easily amused.
Haha, that's awesome! It reminds me of those "hidden pictures" puzzles I loved to do as a kid.

Why yes, I am easily amused.

Easily amused here too, but, wait...how did they do that?
Ok, now that's just funny. Someone at the company clearly had a little too much time on their hands or a need to express more of their artistic talent. I'll admit it took me a few min to find them, but did.
Here is a good explanation of why the faces are there:

grey said...
Graphic designers often do that; they rely on people not noticing it. Those faces are probably the designer's friends or family, maybe coworkers. It's a bit of subversion of the corporate machine mixed with a call out to their friends (look! you're in a magazine!) (or in this case, on a box of frozen food).

I like it. It's like a game of Where's Waldo that takes up the entire world. It also tells a lot about just how little of the world around us we really see.

Also, this is exactly the kind of thing I was afraid would happen when we started radiating our produce.

October 20, 2008 10:49 PM


At first, I thought maybe they were talking about pixels creating faces out of the dark areas etc. After I saw these...I believe they were clearly placed there. Good fun!! I applaud them, but their clients may not be so forgiving. LOL
We should be so honored as to be pixelated into broccoli.

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