FBI Investigating Email That Could Land Cindy In Jail #2

The word devious comes to mind.

The account of her wanting to pass the dog's toothbrush instead of Caylee's brings to mind the word diabolical.

You nailed it exactly, Lacey. Cindy completely defines the word "diabolical", as much if not even more so than Casey does.
We can all hope, can't we??? I seriously would love to see her slapped with an obstruction charge with this one. And I don't think the FBI will play softball with her like the OCSO did.

It may serve as a wake up call about lying to Cindy. She has pointed out that being a liar doesn't make one a murderer, but it does have the potential to get you in some legal trouble (ie, Casey's first arrest was based on lying to investigators. Guess her mom missed that fact).

There are repercussions for such actions. When I watched the clip of Cindy talking to the reporter about this subject, it seemed she did a lot of fast talking. It's also incongruent to say you care so deeply for your grand daughter, yet you aren't doing anything and everything in your power to help the investigation.

If that's not Caylee's hair in the trunk, the fastest way to prove it would be to provide the best sample available--and not to your daughter's defense attorney.

I would love to see charges brought against Cindy, not only for the hairbrush, but (wishing here) perjury.

I guess I see it as this..........I am sick, oh so sick, of Cindy making this about Cindy and her evil daughter. What some see as a simple act of convenience when she didn't give LE the hairbrush that only Caylee used, I see a grandmother who has yet to make this all about Caylee.

I pray for the day that Cindy wakes up and throws her daughter under the bus.........Caylee has been run over enough and the bus driver is Cindy and KC. :mad:

As usual MOO.
You nailed it exactly, Lacey. Cindy completely defines the word "diabolical", as much if not even more so than Casey does.

We only have LP's word that this statement was ever uttered in front of Tracey. Since we know that LP's veracity has often been questionable, statements made against the Anthony's a hit-or-miss as to "truthiness" I'll respectfully allow this one to hang as one of the outliers and not as applicable to Cindy's character just yet.
You nailed it exactly, Lacey. Cindy completely defines the word "diabolical", as much if not even more so than Casey does.

plus she gets to use the "grieving" grandmother & under lots of stress as a reason for anything and everything... I've noticed everytime she does an interview she announces to anyone there that she hasn't slept or ate --granted that is a given but she makes sure it is of record--

do have a question....if perhaps they were to say arrest CA---would she be able to collect anythng from the potential book/movie deal????

We only have LP's word that this statement was ever uttered in front of Tracey. Since we know that LP's veracity has often been questionable, statements made against the Anthony's a hit-or-miss as to "truthiness" I'll respectfully allow this one to hang as one of the outliers and not as applicable to Cindy's character just yet.

True that it is hearsay at this point but it does fit, given context to the e-mail about the brush. And we know that many of LP's tidbits divulged on NG have been later corroborated by subsequent document releases.
True that it is hearsay at this point but it does fit, given context to the e-mail about the brush. And we know that many of LP's tidbits divulged on NG have been later corroborated by subsequent document releases.

No doubt that his tidbits are proving to be true.
It is INTERESTING that Cindy would provide a shared brush with knowledge of another brush used only by Caylee being readily available. Is it probative? In a word, yes. It substantiates that while Cindy has publicly stated that she has done what she could to find her granddaughter and LE has done nothing, this is one instance where the work she made LE do was made difficult, and in the findings, proved only that the two hair samples were from related people. It tests the statements Cindy has made to demonstrate a likeliness for self-serving answers.

Is it criminal? I don't believe so. LE got a brush and performed tests on it which conclusively and with "statistical certainty" states the hair belongs to someone with the MtDNA of Cindy Anthony. We are then back to Cindy, her mother, her daughter and her son are all still accounted for, and only one person who shares this MtDNA is not.

Chilly is correct in one aspect: Criminally, Cindy did nothing wrong. Whoever it was waaaaaaay back earlier on who said it then became a matter of the SPIRIT of the law in Cindy complying is also correct. Cindy admits to not getting a brush she knows would be more beneficial to LE, but she DID provide one, so what's the big deal?

It comes down to how helpful is she truly being, considering her self-serving behavior as well as the protective statements of adoration she makes about her daughter. And sadly, she is not very helpful at all in the search for her granddaughter, and that my friends, is the bottom line.

I could not find the icon of the smily face bowing in homage - wish I could have found it. Excellent Post!
We only have LP's word that this statement was ever uttered in front of Tracey. Since we know that LP's veracity has often been questionable, statements made against the Anthony's a hit-or-miss as to "truthiness" I'll respectfully allow this one to hang as one of the outliers and not as applicable to Cindy's character just yet.
I Just say hhhmmmm I see more an more of what Leonard drops becoming a fact and not just mumbling on his part !!!!
I'd venture a guess that LE is content to have what they asked for, a sample of Caylee's hair, and they aren't the least bit concerned about what brush it came from.


I would not venture that guess. According to the released forensic report there was some comment about not having a comparative sample!

"A Caucasian head hair found in specimen Q12 exhibits characteristics of apparent decomposition at the proximal (root) end. This hair is microscopically similar to the Caucasian head hair recovered from the Q15 hairbrush, however a more meaningful conclusion cannot be reached as this is not a suitable known hair sample."

That sentence alone leads me to believe they DID NOT get a SUITABLE sample of Caylee hair off the brush. Maybe they have a sample NOW but it looks like they did not then.


I would not venture that guess. According to the released forensic report there was some comment about not having a comparative sample!

"A Caucasian head hair found in specimen Q12 exhibits characteristics of apparent decomposition at the proximal (root) end. This hair is microscopically similar to the Caucasian head hair recovered from the Q15 hairbrush, however a more meaningful conclusion cannot be reached as this is not a suitable known hair sample."

That sentence alone leads me to believe they DID NOT get a SUITABLE sample of Caylee hair off the brush. Maybe they have a sample NOW but it looks like they did not then.


Do they have a sample now? On Cindy's video on this topic, she said she turned the brush over to Baez and I hadn't heard he raced it over to the FBI.

That sentence, by the way, is very telling. I doubt any agency would be appreciative of redoubling their efforts and finances when what they asked for was readily available, by that is IMO. We'll see....:)
Do they have a sample now? On Cindy's video on this topic, she said she turned the brush over to Baez and I hadn't heard he raced it over to the FBI.
That sentence, by the way, is very telling. I doubt any agency would be appreciative of redoubling their efforts and finances when what they asked for was readily available, by that is IMO. We'll see....:)

bold by me...........just reading what I have bolded......who is Cindy looking out for?

Caylee, who she gave LE shared hairbrush OR KC, who she gave Baez the hairbrush only Caylee used?

Cindy makes it easy and obvious for me, this is not about Caylee for her.

Her actions speak louder than her words (11 minutes of them):confused:
In CA's 11+ minute attempt to explain this email, she was trying to demonstrate her faithfulness to LE. She told about the time she called them back to the house to pick up an inflatable bed and hair curl relaxer that KC had told her came from Zanny.

This raised my suspicions -- Why would KC want a hair relaxer? And was KC using the inflatable mattress in some secluded place to lay a drugged up Caylee on?
bold by me...........just reading what I have bolded......who is Cindy looking out for?

Caylee, who she gave LE shared hairbrush OR KC, who she gave Baez the hairbrush only Caylee used?

Cindy makes it easy and obvious for me, this is not about Caylee for her.

Her actions speak louder than her words (11 minutes of them):confused:

It's a puzzler. :waitasec:

Even if she wasn't aware of the error in giving the shared hairbrush, once she acknowledged it, she handed it over to the defense.
It's a puzzler. :waitasec:

Even if she wasn't aware of the error in giving the shared hairbrush, once she acknowledged it, she handed it over to the defense.

... and LE got what they needed via a warrant, not from Baez.
bold by me...........just reading what I have bolded......who is Cindy looking out for?

Caylee, who she gave LE shared hairbrush OR KC, who she gave Baez the hairbrush only Caylee used?

Cindy makes it easy and obvious for me, this is not about Caylee for her.

Her actions speak louder than her words (11 minutes of them):confused:

That is totally obvious! Since Cindy was counseled to file for custody of Caylee, it doesn't seem that she would be a better parent for Caylee than Casey was. You have to put the young innocent helpless baby first before your personal undesirable opinions.
It's a puzzler. :waitasec:

Even if she wasn't aware of the error in giving the shared hairbrush, once she acknowledged it, she handed it over to the defense.


I agree with you, even if it was a mistake or over-sight; the fact that Cindy didn't try to correct her mistake is what is wrong.

She could of turned this around and made it about Caylee, but instead she made it about KC....as usual.
Bolding by me:

ITA. Did you notice the number of statements CA has made in her interviews that have been highlighted, and the footnotes? IMO Yuri is at least keeping track of this stuff - just in case.

She also held onto the laundered pants and the credit card statements after being asked to bring them in.

and lied about getting a lawyer to draw up papers so she would get custody of caylee if anything ever happened to her daughter.

lied to her brother about KC not cashing b-day check from grandmom
No doubt that his tidbits are proving to be true.

I don't think I'll be all that shocked if caylee really was fathered by Lee as LP claims.

NOTHING abot this lying family shocks me anymore. If their lips are moving, there's a good chance they're lying
Do they have a sample now? On Cindy's video on this topic, she said she turned the brush over to Baez and I hadn't heard he raced it over to the FBI.

That sentence, by the way, is very telling. I doubt any agency would be appreciative of redoubling their efforts and finances when what they asked for was readily available, by that is IMO. We'll see....:)
Right. This is especially true now that we know that they did not find/hire Baez and that according to GA, they were still not (and may still not be) entirely sure of Baez's motivation! GA doesn't make it sound like he likes him all that much and he also makes it clear that he's not entirely sure of what his objectives might be!
To say that I'm disappointed in Cindy's behavior is an understatement but I'm trying to keep this post civil... I was one of a small portion that at first wanted to sympathize and try to understand Cindy's behavior. However, now I truly believe she should be charged with a minimum of obstruction of Justice. IMHO, she has hindered this investigation from the day her daughter was arrested and although I will not go as far as to say she doesn't care about caylee because that is just not possible as for my observations of all that has happened. I will say that I believe in my heart that she KNOWS that Caylee is gone and is trying to preserve what is left of her family (Casey) and I am SOOO angry at her actions that I can't even muster one more ounce of sympathy for Cindy any longer. What I felt before has been replaced with loathing and I cry for justice... Cindy needs to be charged and IMO if she is, she will be convicted. I can't even watch her speak anymore without feeling such anger and animosity, I also don't believe a word out of her mouth and I can now clearly see where Casey gets her "dilusions/lying" abilities from.... Two peas in a pod.

SO very sad for this little angel Caylee.

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