Casey's PC and Related Searches #2

Results are in, DNA confirms remains are Caylee. :( But I'm so glad there's closure. I know many cases take a long time. Now if they'd figure out what happened to Amber Barker here in OkC in 1997. The suspect had been found after he'd been questioned, dead by suicide. But I thank God there's closure in this case today!!! I wish she'd been found alive but I really didn't think she would be unfortunately. I wanted to believe though that she was still alive.

She'll be in my heart throughout Christmas and there after.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate.
I started this thread because I feel the computer searches done on Casey's computer are getting lost in the mix. Chloroform, missing children, were found on her computer and then her child goes missing with high levels of chloroform found in the trunk her body was proven to be in. That is no coincidence. Who did those searches? I'll bet you much money it wasn't the meter reader or anyone else JB would be so happy to blame.
I'd like to apologize to the original thread starter. Each time I'd post, I'd look up and see "Caylee Anthony 2 years old Not reported missing for a month after she was last seen." and think that's the topic. Not consciously paying attention, of course. Then I saw the post above and "relooked" and saw that this is about the documents. I've trailed the topic, Sorry!!
This just became my favorite thread and I wanted to share any new news with you guys. I do apologize to the original thread starter and those I've "distracted".

Happy Holidays :)

Cross-posted from the Computer Forensics thread:

Many have ascribed a great deal of significance to KC's mid-March computer searches that seemed to scream premeditation. I think there is a more practical explanation.

First, let me start by saying I think LE and the prosecution got lucky when they found a search for chloroform on the computer and they found elevated levels of chloroform in the trunk. I think they used this coincidence to apply pressure to the defense and, more importantly, the parents. It may not have worked, but it was a good strategy.

It is important to look closely at what the prosecution did and did not release in the document dump in late November. What they did release were the clicks on websites with "google" in the name during mid-March. This gave us search terms and syndicated click-throughs. What it did not give us were the non-syndicated clicks that KC visited after searching. Those are the websites that are not paying $$$ for a high Google search result. That information, however, is in the data the prosecution retrieved from the hard drive and, I believe, the defense retrieved as well. The clicks KC made after searching should be quite informative.

Before I get into the details then, it is my opinion that the searches are not useful in making the prosecution's case, which may explain why of all the "Dream Team" members, the computer forensics expert is essentially a "newbie." They did not need to spend a lot of money debunking the computer searches because they are easy to debunk.

Here is the gist of my speculation:

Ricardo and KC started dating in early February 2008 and ended in mid-April 2008 (evidence page 2417).

Sometime in early to mid-March Ricardo puts the "Win her over with chloroform" image (chloroform.jpg) on his myspace. This image was created by someone around 2004 but appeared on a number of myspace pages in March 2008. I cannot confirm this is when it appeared on Ricardo's page, so anyone with a screen shot of that page may be able to help solve a mystery.

KC sees the image and wonders what the deal is with chloroform. Old people like me know what it is, but ask a senior in high school (such as my honors-student daughter) what it is, and most will have heard of it but not know what it is. I am betting KC fell into that category.

Here are the clicks from March 17:

17-Mar 9:36:12 Clicked a Google-hosted ad from a myspace page
13:43:41 Search chloraform
13:43:41 Search chloroform
13:54:26 Search alcohol
13:54:42 Search acetone
13:55:34 Search peroxide
13:53:25 to 13:58:38 Wikipedia searches for inhalation, chloroform, alcohol, acetone, peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, death

One should note that KC uses the default 10 results per page, and only once does she look at results 11 - 20. Using such generic terms and spending so little time between term, I believe she is doing nothing more than very high-level information gathering. This is what I got when putting the above into Google searches (adding -anthony).

Now let's look at the clicks on March 21:

21-Mar 14:16:30 Search how to make chloraform
14:16:30 Search how to make chloroform Google automatically suggested correct spelling
14:19:16 Clicked a Google syndicated ad
14:20:32 Search self defense
14:21:14 Clicked a Google syndicated ad
14:21:58 Search household weapons
14:22:01 Clicked a Google syndicated ad
14:23:08 Clicked a blog poll hosted by Google
14:25:12 Clicked a Google syndicated ad
14:25:33 Search household weapons
14:25:54 Clicks
14:26:18 Clicks
14:26:24 Search neck breaking
14:28:18 Search shovel

Notice that one of the links is a women's self-defense book (visited twice) and the other is a zombie poll. All of this "research" was done in the span of 12 short minutes and we do not know what other non-Google websites were visited.

Rumor has it that Ricardo may have had a bit of a temper. So...KC finds the image on his myspace....researches chloroform...decides he might be capable of using it on her...researches self-defense...runs across suggestions of how some useful household items might be used in self-defense...such as a shovel...eventually "breaks up" with him in mid-April.

IMHO, the searches are unrelated to Caylee, but coincidentally helped the prosecution when no body was available.

Thank God little Caylee showed up when she did.
JWG, good argument but what makes it more of a coincidence than evidence? Is it common or likely to find chloroform in a trunk of a vehicle? Does it come in a container that would cause it to leak easily? Why would it have been already opened or leaking?

They said they also found hair samples in the trunk if I remember right. If the levels of chloroformare elevated in the trunk and there's DNA in the trunk, it sounds more like it may be related to me. I admit I don't have alot of years behind me to support my theory but it seems to point right back to whomever killed Caylee involved the trunk of the vehicle but then again wasn't a pickup seen backing in to the house (seen by neighbor) twice the day she borrowed the shovel?

I think it's related to Caylee, or atleast leading up to being related. She's definitely a schemer, long term type of schemer. And for some reason I still have a feeling there's a male involved. There's nothing to base this on, just a strong feeling so since it's only an emotion, it doesn't really have any status but I feel I should mention it. Maybe it'll ring a bell with someone?

Not trying to argue with you, just trying to understand the theory because I can't fathom it. I come to a road block when I try to understand why someone would be afraid for themselves but around the same time as their daughter coming up missing, chloroform is found in large amounts in the trunk. Defending onself wouldn't seem to lead to chloroform in the trunk, to me.

Thanks in advance.
JWG, good argument but what makes it more of a coincidence than evidence? Is it common or likely to find chloroform in a trunk of a vehicle? Does it come in a container that would cause it to leak easily? Why would it have been already opened or leaking?

They said they also found hair samples in the trunk if I remember right. If the levels of chloroformare elevated in the trunk and there's DNA in the trunk, it sounds more like it may be related to me. I admit I don't have alot of years behind me to support my theory but it seems to point right back to whomever killed Caylee involved the trunk of the vehicle but then again wasn't a pickup seen backing in to the house (seen by neighbor) twice the day she borrowed the shovel?

I think it's related to Caylee, or atleast leading up to being related. She's definitely a schemer, long term type of schemer. And for some reason I still have a feeling there's a male involved. There's nothing to base this on, just a strong feeling so since it's only an emotion, it doesn't really have any status but I feel I should mention it. Maybe it'll ring a bell with someone?

Not trying to argue with you, just trying to understand the theory because I can't fathom it. I come to a road block when I try to understand why someone would be afraid for themselves but around the same time as their daughter coming up missing, chloroform is found in large amounts in the trunk. Defending onself wouldn't seem to lead to chloroform in the trunk, to me.

Thanks in advance.

I posted the following (with some minor edits) on the KC defense team thread. Sorry to cross post my stuff all over the place but so many of these threads are interwoven.

Regarding the presence of chloroform in the trunk, my initial hypothesis was that it was formed due to chlorinated water in Caylee's lungs reacting with the organics in decompositional fluids. I have believed Caylee drowned accidentally in the pool and have discussed this on the June 16 ping sticky thread. That theory may still may be true.

However, when I learned pesticide containers were seized in the latest search, my first thought was that pesticide was used to kill the flies and maggots found in the trunk after the car was picked up from the tow yard. So I searched "chloroform pesticide -anthony" (nowadays one needs to add that to a search to eliminate references to this case). I found this reference:

The major use for chloroform (CMR 1989) is the manufacture of the refrigerant HCFC-22. [snip] It is also used as a dry-cleaning spot remover, in fire extinguishers, as an intermediate in the manufacture of dyes and pesticides, and as a fumigant (Deshon 1979).

Now what I think may have happened is that Cindy tried to clean the trunk by first spraying the bugs with a pesticide, vacuuming them up, and then using dry-cleaning fluid to clean the carpet. She may have even had some sort of fumigant she sprayed to get rid of the smell. Right there are three very plausible and likely sources of chloroform.

I don't think she did this to hide evidence. She may have honestly thought at the time that the bag of garbage was the source of the smell. Remember the sequence of events. She and George go get the car, not knowing why it is there because they have not seen much of Casey for a month. The car smells like a dead body - and George is genuinely worried it might be a dead body. But when they pop the trunk they see a garbage bag with flies and maggots on it. No dead body anywhere.

When they get the car home, George takes off for work. Cindy still does not know what is going on with Casey or Caylee, but that nasty car is bugging her so she does what she can to clean the trunk. She also starts to clean the interior and comes across Amy's resume. She calls her, and the chain of events begin.

This, IMO, would have been an honest mistake. Not telling or admitting to LE that she did this, however, is obstruction.

Obviously the seizure of pesticides and other household items was done in part to possibly eliminate pesticides and dry-cleaning fluid as the source of the chloroform found in the car. Why those items were not seized in an earlier search once the presence of chloroform was detected is beyond me.

The net is that there are three plausible explanations for the chloroform in the trunk, and all three may very well be true. That does not include my first thought - a chemical reaction involving chlorinated water. All four may be true.
To JWG.. I agree with your line of thinking & have to thank you for all the work you've done here, especially the Ping maps as I keep going back to June 16th. As I wrote on another thread, she had to have been awake all night according to the calls on that date. When did she sleep? This supports my theory that after the fight on the 15th, she is on her phone thru the early morning hours of the 16th, thus compromising her attention to her daughter, whom I also believe drown in the pool on the 16th & this answers the elevated levels of chloroform.
JWG, I have spent many hours recently reading all of the documents released. I think the win em over with chloroform was a myspace joke. My page has all kinds of things on it that are jokes, (none like that one, I must admit), but jokes nonetheless.....I agree with your post, and find it most plausible. Neck breaking? that kind of creeps me out...but the searches for zanny, xani, and xanax are very telling to me. I just cant get over the fact that KC was partying when Caylee was missing, and even before she was reported missing, and supposedly before she was harmed, where the hell was she??? I cant believe she would be in a trunk while mom partied, I cant believe it. Something is missing here, and I am borderline obsessed trying to figure it out. Nice post, very insightful, though, thank you.
I know that I have been saying all along that I do not think Casey was working for an escort agency and I'm still not convinced she was. But I'm going to toss this out there for those who think she was. When I started working as an escort I began with one of those pre-paid phones but quickly got a regular cell phone because on nights/days when I'd have a lot of calls I could easily spend a hundred dollars a day on minutes for my phone.

Just a thought.
BINGO!!!!!!!! I have said this all along, and I stand by my theory. I think she was a prostitute. That is where the babysitter came from (one of the girls) and that is why no one has come forward. I have had this feeling since the first time I saw her picture.
BINGO!!!!!!!! I have said this all along, and I stand by my theory. I think she was a prostitute. That is where the babysitter came from (one of the girls) and that is why no one has come forward. I have had this feeling since the first time I saw her picture.

Casey had no money. She was stealing from friends and family. IMO that is circumstantial evidence she was not a prostitute.
JWG, I have spent many hours recently reading all of the documents released. I think the win em over with chloroform was a myspace joke. My page has all kinds of things on it that are jokes, (none like that one, I must admit), but jokes nonetheless.....I agree with your post, and find it most plausible. Neck breaking? that kind of creeps me out...but the searches for zanny, xani, and xanax are very telling to me. I just cant get over the fact that KC was partying when Caylee was missing, and even before she was reported missing, and supposedly before she was harmed, where the hell was she??? I cant believe she would be in a trunk while mom partied, I cant believe it. Something is missing here, and I am borderline obsessed trying to figure it out. Nice post, very insightful, though, thank you.

The problem I have with those other searches is that I have not seen the document dump that lists them and provides some context of what was going on. They were just reported by the media.

I would not be surprised if cherry picking my searches from this past March would tie me to one or more crimes! :eek:

IMO, the prosecution was throwing stuff out there to raise sentiment against Casey in order to pressure GA and CA into cooperating and put an end to it. I would have done the same thing. Just because it was released does not mean it was meaningful to prosecuting a trial.
JWG, I have spent many hours recently reading all of the documents released. I think the win em over with chloroform was a myspace joke. My page has all kinds of things on it that are jokes, (none like that one, I must admit), but jokes nonetheless.....I agree with your post, and find it most plausible. Neck breaking? that kind of creeps me out...but the searches for zanny, xani, and xanax are very telling to me. I just cant get over the fact that KC was partying when Caylee was missing, and even before she was reported missing, and supposedly before she was harmed, where the hell was she??? I cant believe she would be in a trunk while mom partied, I cant believe it. Something is missing here, and I am borderline obsessed trying to figure it out. Nice post, very insightful, though, thank you.

I'm with you. Something does not jell for me on this issue. I look at Casey and I do not see a murderer... yet I am left to assume she did it.... no other suspects yet. But like you describe - just makes no sense to me. I'm not even sure she was that uncaring towards Caylee. Heck... maybe she was partying thinking she had Caylee safely stashed(hope I don't get mugged for saying that).... but something has to be going on and maybe is just to horrible to tell. And then I think NO -it's just as simple as everyone says.... yet.:mad:
I give up..I will have to wait until she is on trial to get answers. My brain is pickled from all of this info. My circuits are burned out, and my judgement is fried. I just wish we knew what the heck happened. I know this girl is waaay out there and capable of things that I dont understand, and never will. I think because we know so much about many things and so very little about others, it makes me crazy. My curiousity is getting the best of me. I'll just go back to drinking I guess, and let the chips fall where they may.
JWG, thank you for your response. I have a better understanding of chloroform and it's many uses. That theory makes sense and is surely a strong possibility. Casey's mom does seem like the type to "take charge" so I can certainly see her trying to clean it up, fix the situation with the car.

You have some wonderful theories, very good insight.
I wish she'd just tell all but then again how can we believe after all the previous lies... It's so unfortunate..

Didn't Casey fill in for someone at Fusion (sp?)? As a waitress or similar? Seems I read that at myfoxorlando in the documents.
I give up..I will have to wait until she is on trial to get answers. My brain is pickled from all of this info. My circuits are burned out, and my judgement is fried. I just wish we knew what the heck happened. I know this girl is waaay out there and capable of things that I dont understand, and never will. I think because we know so much about many things and so very little about others, it makes me crazy. My curiousity is getting the best of me. I'll just go back to drinking I guess, and let the chips fall where they may.

From looking at her cell phone bills - which were running several hundred dollars PER month, plus clothes, gas, entertainment, food, etc, there was no way that she could have stolen that much money from friends and family for 2 1/2 years - that would be over $25,000.

I can see that she probably was able to beg/borrow/steal about $8-10k total from family/friends - but not $25k. She stole 4-5k from her parents by credit cards.

She would have been arrested a long time ago if she had been stealing another $5k+ from friends.

So.... I'm guessing that she had a "webcam" and was making "some" money undressing, stripping, etc, on a webcam and making some money from gross guys paying by credit card to watch her do these things.

It would be understandable that such an income wouldn't always be dependable so she would still need to occasionally steal to cover the "dry" times.

I firmly believe that we will find out that she was getting some money in some kind of "under-handed" low-life business - escort, webcam stripping, or similar.
It is VERY expensive to party like a rock star. Clothes, makeup, booze, drugs, gas, entry to venue, shoes, hair stuff, etc. weekend after weekend after weekend, it is not cheap, there was money coming from somewhere. She probably didnt go on a stealing spree every Thursday to prepare for the weekend. where was the $$$ coming from. YES, she stole, but she could not have kept up this expensive fantasy life up, paying for her boyfriends meals, entry, etc on no job. I was a bartender for 10 yrs. I made a fortune every night, and I would spend it the very next night, I blew through thousands every month trying to be the big shot. Never the same outfit twice, always buying friends drinks, etc.....thousands.
Casey had no money. She was stealing from friends and family. IMO that is circumstantial evidence she was not a prostitute.

I think she might have been a prostitute in some form or another. FBI guy told George they found 1200+ compromising pics on her computer, and if they were on her computer, they were on someone else's, also, and could maybe end up online. I got the impression FBI guy was telling George there was more than Casey involved.

On a different topic, does anyone know offhand the date Casey got the tattoo (maybe a shamrock) right before the 'beautiful life' tattoo?

I think she might have been a prostitute in some form or another. FBI guy told George they found 1200+ compromising pics on her computer, and if they were on her computer, they were on someone else's, also, and could maybe end up online. I got the impression FBI guy was telling George there was more than Casey involved.

On a different topic, does anyone know offhand the date Casey got the tattoo (maybe a shamrock) right before the 'beautiful life' tattoo?


Thanks for the info Lanie. Sorry I don't know about the tatto.

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