Meter Reader

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Maybe not lighter. I bought some of those very heavy contractor type bags to use in a large trash can and they came on a roll and you have to tear them off.

Good-that's way better for Casey's purpose.
Fishy things about the meter reader:

He really wanted to stay anonymous, he laughed when talking about a "freaking corpse", he described really odd things that I did not see in the crime scene photos (a big white board, a white ball, a 'cut' tree)
I cannot help but feel uncomfortable about his finding the remains. What are the odds that someone goes to an area 3 times and each time it turns out to be nothing? Then 4 months later he returns to the same place and now he finds the remains. It just feels wrong. I think this is going to be a problem with a jury as well. I am almost sure it will be brought up.
I don't find it odd at all. The first three calls were made on three consequtive (sp?) days and I believe they were all related to one siting that bothered him enough to try all venues...Then he let it go...Probably assuming that it had been checked out without results. Four months passed and he was put back on his "old" route. He knew that Caylee hadn't been found and whatever he saw the first time bothered him enough to go in for a second look.

I'm so happy he let his instincts guide him. They brought Caylee home!

I've been thinking about it since I posted my message, and I've decided you're probably right--at least about the first phone call. I've remembered a frantic 911 call I once made on Father's Day, with my children screaming and weeping in the background. It was a Sunday, and the only address I could think of was our post office box, but of course the post office was closed, and that address was useless anyway.

I tried to give 911 the location of our private road where it intersected with the highway, but I babbled so badly that a few minutes later, I ran out to the car and sent it roaring down our long private gravel drive. By the time I reached the end of our drive, I heard sirens screaming down the the highway, but the first ambulance streaked right past me and the second EMT was close behind. I was so crazed that I laid on my horn, turned on my headlights, and fumbled for the car's emergency flashers.

The second EMT driver noticed, slammed on the brakes, and turned straight into me, while the rest of the emergency vehicles piled up behind him, lights flashing, sirens screaming. Belatedly, I realized I needed to back up immediately to get out of their way, and in that moment of demented terror, I forgot the difficulties of backing up down on a narrow road. I threw the car into reverse, slammed on the gas, and shot 30 yards backward without so much as a waiver or tiny swerve.

Even so, I became a widow that day.

For all of the above, I'm really enclined to give our MR some leeway for not knowing where he was at that moment. Heck, I couldn't even remember my own physical address back then.

I just wanted to give you a long distance hug. I'm so sorry such a terrible loss occurred on such a special day, all with your children around. :( I cannot imagine your pain. He's a very lucky man to have been married to such a talented and caring woman as yourself.
On May 12, 1932, delivery truck driver William Allen pulled his truck to the side of a road about 4.5 miles from the Lindbergh home. He went to a grove of trees to urinate, and there he discovered the corpse of a toddler. Allen notified police, who took the body to a morgue in nearby Trenton, New Jersey.

This is regarding the Lindberg baby... weird right...
Also, he's knowledgeable enough about snakes, to be able to identify the type of rattler, but the rattler was dead, and yet he was too afraid of a dead snake to go check out the contents of the bag?.


FYI, I know from growing up in the Piney Woods of Texas that poisonous snakes sometimes have the ability to strike in some sort of reflexive manner after death. We had a Bull Mastiff that got bitten by a very large, but very dead Cottonmouth snake. He went up to sniff the top half of the snake hours after my father chopped it in two in the pasture and it bit him right on the snout. He took a snout full of venom, even though the thing was dead. Luckily it wasn't enough poison to kill him.

RK may have been worried about the same thing happening to him if he ventured too close. Especially if it was a very large rattlesnake. You haven't truly lived until you've come face to face with one of those suckers alone in the woods. They are mean as hell and just as persistent. I've had one crawl up the side of a five foot deep creek bed to try and come after me. Amusing until you realize they are serious. :eek:
This quote from this morning is a game changer for me...

"On the third day, August 13, 2008, Kronk called again and waited for deputies to arrive. Together, they didn't find anything."

Up to this point, it's been unclear to me whether LE looked with RK present. I hope wftv isn't just assuming that. But if it's true, we have to assume that RK pointed out the "fallen tree with the white board and something round and white under it" and it was found to be nothing. So then can we assume everything RK was suspicious of was checked out, so he really didn't spot the Caylee remains back in August?

If LE checked the area in RK's presence and they found nothing, then why was RK still suspicious?

If this particular time was the time the deputy was scared off by a snake? Did the deputy actually clear the area after this visit? Still some unanswered questions.

It's a game changer for me because it makes me feel a little better about LE's efforts.
So what do you all think.... did RK spot Caylee's remains under that fallen tree with the white board, or was it something else?

And what do you make of that little section edited out of the first call... where he's describing something? Why did investigators feel the need to edit that out? Sorry if this has already been covered... I just woke up and I'm racing around this morning... gotta go wrap presents then go to work!
Fishy things about the meter reader:

He really wanted to stay anonymous, he laughed when talking about a "freaking corpse", he described really odd things that I did not see in the crime scene photos (a big white board, a white ball, a 'cut' tree)

I would want to stay anonymous, too. Look at how everyone has been affected by Casey or the case. Would you really want your name and face plastered all over the place regarding this case? And now look at how you are looking at're suspicious of him. I think that would happen to ANYONE who found the remains unless they were LE.

We have not seen all of the crime scene photos so we don't know what all was there. We also don't know if he was in the exact location in Dec as he was in Aug.

Not "fishy" to me at all. JMO
Kudos to RK, Caylee's unlikely hero, for being brave enough to face all of this scrutiny. You have to know that this is what he was worried about all along. Now his life is going to be dissected like a bug under a microscope--not only by the Defense-- but by Websleuth's entomological experts. :)

This being said, I can't help but be puzzled by Mr. K's use of the prounoun "we" during his 911 calls: "We" got done. "We" found a dead rattlesnake.
I'm sure he said it, but I can't believe it's true. What about if the body is sealed in a humid environment with no air flow, like a plastic bag? What if the plastic bag is under water? Have we ever learned for certain when the area flooded?

WARNING: Graphic post. My apologies in advance.

I'm on my screened in back lanai now looking at buzzards on the field behind me. Whenever a raccoon or other small creature is hit by a car around here the buzzards can clean it in less than a day. When a deer is hit, they clean it in a matter of three days. They are morbidly possessive and aggressive when they come upon something they can eat and I have seen more than a dozen of them fighting over an armadillo carcass. They won't even move when a car is coming.

Add to that insects and small critters, and the fact that Caylee only weighed about 35 lbs, and I would not be surprised if all that remained was skeleton in a matter of 5-7 days.

And I live about 50 miles from the Anthonys.
He mentions that the spot is near the Anthony house in his first call-aug 11- right?
Then I somehow understand why he insisted the next days.
I don't know what to think of him yet.I am having mixed feelings.
This meter reader finding Caylee isn't sitting right with me. Based on the descriptions of the area, his finding her would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Had a just happened upon the bag...I might believe it....but him having found her after his calls in august and after several months...well...I'm not buying it. TM said he saw the indentation in the earth of where her body was could there be an indentation after all the rain and the animals? I would think if her body was placed there in August....that bag would have been ripped to shreds and spread all over the place by the elements and the what would leave an indentation in the earth and how on earth would that meter reader find her anywhere near the oroginal spot he called about in August? If this area was known for lots of trashed being dumped, why would one bag stand out to him...enough for him to call 3 times? Really...what are the chances of him finding this bag on a pee break, after 4 months, anywhere near the same spot as August...the odds of this happening are slim to none....I can't help but believe this is more than just some odd coincidence. Also, some have describe the thick brush, etc of the area....who walks thru that to pee?

This man just lost his wife to cancer. I think some people have strong "gut" instincts and I believe when you lose someone close to you those instincts are heightened. Maybe this theory belongs in the psychic thread, but I think he had a gut feeling about that area- at a time he was probably looking for signs that the love of his life was in a better place. He tried to get the authorities to listen to him and was unsucccessful. This probably continued to nag at him and he couldn't let it go. My spiritual side believes that his deceased wife helped him to find Caylee.
After skimming through all these pages and listening to the 3 calls I still have some questions. For the record I definitely do not think he was involved in anyway, just consumed by the case like us. But....

In the live interview last Friday they referenced a grey bag. In the 3 calls it is a white bag or white something. In the crime scene photos it appeared to be a photo of a black bag. So do we know the color of the bag the remains were found in?

Second he describes the area where he saw something as in between the 2 swampy areas along that road whereas the remains were found at the near in of the wooded area almost at that neighbor's wooden fence.

To me it sounds like he may have saw something along this road but I am not sure it was Caylee.

Also in the first call he references Good Homes Road not Hope Spring. Good Homes is at the opposite end of the county and he didn't have the name of the school so perhaps with all the tips and calls that I am sure must have been coming in maybe they didn't take him too seriously. By the third call he appears he has everything together such as the cross section and school but nothing was found there.
I give him kudos for calling and not wanting MONEY......
I do not use trash bags that tear apart. Do you? Anybody?
How common is that?? Mine are individual - no seperating.

I also use the bags that are already separated.
From listening to the 911 tapes last night on NG.....It seemed to me that the 911 operator in a couple of those calls acted like she/he could care less. That "oh no, not another one of THOSE calls...." I don't think they gave much credence to the report, IMHO.

I also think that, yes he probably saw a suspicious bag and whatever else he saw at that time (early August), but after TS Faye came though with the water, much of what he saw was probably moved by the huge amounts of water.

I think he should be commended (if not rewarded) for his persistence.
I also use the bags that are already separated.

I use the same ones that are just rolled up together, and not attached, but you can bet they are all sealed and cut in a line and go one after the other. I believe can still match up the machine cuts and the lines in the bags from the machines. Kinda like a gun each roller machine has it's own tool marks.
The fact that these calls are being debated here, tells me that JB and his team are going to look at them line by line and pull them too. If they raise questions here, think about court time? I think we have picked apart CA, GA, KC and LA interviews, calls, statements and emails. I think we should do that with these as well. Just because JB and his team are going to rip at them. If JB sees inconsistency in the calls, he may be able to get some kind of doubt going on, and it may be just enough to get a lesser charge. I'm not saying this guy did anything, Please, but if someone ELSE moved the body or staged anything, it will and should come out. That's all I'm trying to say.
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