She's close to..."home", "hope", "holts"...

My high school has a looooooooooooong name and we used an acronym for it. Maybe, it is the same for the elementary school
First time I heard holt. The next 3 times I heard hope. But, that sentence doesn't even make sense (no surprise!). She's close to hope??

Close to hope could code for Hopespring Drive.

HOLT could be Hidden Oak Lot? Perhaps they all called it that as kids. Seeing as it was a vacant lot. Sure would be interesting to talk to someone went there.
Hidden Oaks ELemenTary school maybe??? See capitals spell HOELT or leave the E out....

Excellent FIND!!!!! Even if she said "Hope" it's a clue that he knew! Maybe that's why we were hearing that he "may" be charged a couple of weeks ago???
I thought it sounded like 'holp', which makes absolutely no sense (not that anything in this case does)! :crazy:
I'm a teacher and I could totally see locals especially kids calling it HOELT. I think most people would just call it Hidden Oaks Elementary and dropping off the school, making it HOELT. And then the pause LA makes right after she says this ABSOLUTELY makes sense.
I wasn't the one who found or originally thought that she said "holt"...Someone else, who has Bose speakers found that and posted about it on another thread! (I do wish that I could find and link it but I can't!) What I've added is that I believe that she may have been directing her brother to Holy Oaks Elementary School...That she used "holt(s)" as an acronym to give him the message that Caylee was close to the school.

: )

ETA - I found it! It was Mollie who first pointed out that she thought that KC was saying "holt" and not "home"!

Actually, it was me who posted it in this forum at the onset. Another poster posted it in my forum and I brought it here to get your guys opinion. The original post, for those who are confused and cannot find the sentence is as follows:
Just found out this thread existed so I am forwarding this post here
listen to this and tell me if you think this is a coded message from Casey to Lee. At 6:17 Casey doesn't say home she says holt. which some are saying stands for Hidden Oaks Lake Trail, thats the elementary school, near where Caylee was found.
Was that the clue to Lee??? She definitely says holt.. What do you think??
You can scroll through the video by the bottom locater until you get to 6:14 and begin don't have to listen to the whole tape. She states "holt" at 6:17. Keep in mind, there are a lot of thoughts to this. IF she were speaking in code of the elementary school or Hidden Oaks Lake Trail (HOLT)....did the teens in the area call it "holt" as slang? "Let's meet at Holt" ? Because if that was made up by Casey then I would say Lee would have had to been very crafty, as well as Casey to have picked up on that. it a fluke in the distortion of the tape?
Lee's second tape at the jail featuring Lee is very, very telling. Lot's of pauses on "how can I ask you..." The perp finds it funny. Anyway, he asks her if anything has changed....he takes notes.....
sounded like holp, or holt...but maybe she meant hope? hope would be hopesprings drive, which IS close to home
i listened to the audio and she clearly did not say HOME.....
How about "HOME"? I listened to this several times and all I hear is the word "HOME". She sounds like she's slightly stuffed up in the sinus area and that's why it SEEMS like the word ends with a "t", when it really does not. There's no hidden meaning or code talk here.
Lots of kids have odd nicknames for neighborhood hangouts- we had a place we called the tube. Don't know why though- the kids before us used that hame.

Maybe HOLT was something they called the woods or a trail.
I thought is sounded like she said *hope* was said..."Hopesprings" ?
vwery vwery interwesting! :waitasec:
Actually, it was me who posted it in this forum at the onset. Another poster posted it in my forum and I brought it here to get your guys opinion. The original post, for those who are confused and cannot find the sentence is as follows:
Just found out this thread existed so I am forwarding this post here
listen to this and tell me if you think this is a coded message from Casey to Lee. At 6:17 Casey doesn't say home she says holt. which some are saying stands for Hidden Oaks Lake Trail, thats the elementary school, near where Caylee was found.
Was that the clue to Lee??? She definitely says holt.. What do you think??
You can scroll through the video by the bottom locater until you get to 6:14 and begin don't have to listen to the whole tape. She states "holt" at 6:17. Keep in mind, there are a lot of thoughts to this. IF she were speaking in code of the elementary school or Hidden Oaks Lake Trail (HOLT)....did the teens in the area call it "holt" as slang? "Let's meet at Holt" ? Because if that was made up by Casey then I would say Lee would have had to been very crafty, as well as Casey to have picked up on that. it a fluke in the distortion of the tape?
Lavanda - I'm sorry for the confusion but I couldn't find the initial postings on this last night when I set up this thread! Thanks so much for clarifying and also for having brought this onto the forum originally - it's very interesting! :)
I am hearing "halt" or "holt", not sure which one. Don't know what halt could be, first thing that pops into my head is Hopespring (h) and (a) left (lt) which makes no sense of course? Holt could def. be Hidden Oaks and then the l-t could be what that area was named back in the days of their childhood. Have to think about this.

O/T Headphones make such a difference in what you hear. This being one example, another is the motions hearing, where someone off camera is talking about the PI's and video tape, also I heard JB complaining about the state wanting KC brought to court, at one point he says "wtf". I think it would be worth my time to go back and listen to the jail visits with the headphones. Glad now that my DH wanted me to buy him such an expensive pair for Christmas!
The only way to find out the nickname is to ask the people who went there. I definatly think the media should be informed of this. It is close enough to warrant further scrutiny.
I think she told LE so he could move the body.
Sounds more like "Hoaks" to me, but I have crummy speakers. Is anybody good enough at lip reading to watch her mouth for this phrase?
Sounds like Casey says, close to halt .. :confused:

I don't know what to make of it ..
Sounds like Casey says, close to halt .. :confused:

I don't know what to make of it ..

Upon further listening with volume max-I agree it doesn't sound like an "o" at all-It does sound more like Halt or Hawk-You guys are good-it is definitely not Home. Maybe even Hot?
I don't mean to be obtuse, but I'm not hearing it at all--I'm hearing, "She's close to home."
I don't mean to be obtuse, but I'm not hearing it at all--I'm hearing, "She's close to home."

i agree. just listened a few times and it just seems like her accent. moo.
Wow. Definitely NOT "home". Definite "T" sound at the end, first I heard "Holt", then I hear "Halt", but I'm leaning more towards Holt.

You have to listen to it with headphones, it's so much clearer.

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