Brad Conway Press Conference 1/23/09

Wasn't Mark Eiglarsh the one who twice on Mike Galanos show recently said something to the effect of "slashing" the body? Plus he also recently stated that he viewed the childhood pics of KC early on because someone he "knows" had received the 30 page document from the defense, and these pix were attached to the document. (the one about "if it was an accident"). Seems like he has a source that is close to the case.

And what's wrong with these talking heads that they don't stop and say, "What do you mean dismembered, Mark? Where did you get that information?" That's not even Journalism 101, it's Common Sense 101.
I don't know if it's already been posted, but here is a link to Conway's unedited press conference this afternoon, via Wesh News.
Conway is overcome with emotion and has to take a break at the beginning of the conference.

Last night's events were absolutely heartbreaking and I thank God that George Anthony is safe. I remember George saying "I wish I could take your pain away from you. I wish I could take everyone's pain," during the video visits with Casey. Those words immediately sprang to my mind last night when I read that George was missing, and my heart sank. My heart has always gone out to George and I truly believe he is a good man. My thoughts and prayers are with the Anthony family. If I could take some of George's pain away, I would.

He wasn't choked up, he was full of phlegm ..
Individuals with spinal cord injury frequently exhibit reduced lung volumes as a result of respiratory muscle weakness. Mr. Conway is a paraplegic,just an fyi.
Individuals with spinal cord injury frequently exhibit reduced lung volumes as a result of respiratory muscle weakness. Mr. Conway is a paraplegic,just an fyi.

I'm pretty sure most of us here have already figured that out but, thanks all the same ..

Originally Posted by zoey
then I heard somewhere that he mentioned that ca is angry at ga????

It's not uncommon for loved ones to be angry with someone who commits suicide. Those left behind feel abandoned. In all her crazy actions, this is CA saying "I need you, don't leave me."

Originally Posted by whiteangora
In the George is missing thread it stated that a Baker-acted person can
not have any visitors for at least 24 hours...........more privileges.

Because it is a legal hold I believe atty's are exempt, it's not special treatment or privileges.

According to this updated story he can have visitors and Cindy visited him this evening.

And despite the earlier report that George said in his letter that he thinks Casey is innocent, this story says:

Sources told Eyewitness News, in the letter, George mentioned that he wanted to go to heaven; he only mentioned Casey Anthony a few times and said she was a strong determined person...

Sources said there were no clues into Caylee's death mentioned in the letter.

and this on why:

Cindy told investigators that George has been upset and depressed over Caylee's death and she believes his depression deepened the day before when she asked him to choose jewelry for Caylee for her funeral...

Conway said he doesn't believe the recent revelation that a heart sticker had been put over tape covering Caylee's mouth had anything to do with George's recent cry for help. He believes George has been suffering through the entire ordeal.

"If you ask George how he's doing, he will always tell you he's okay. He's not okay," Conway said.

People close to George Anthony told Eyewitness News he may have been dealing with depression even before Caylee's death.

Linking again to the story. I hope this helps.
I don't think Conway did a bad job with the presser. He answered ALL the questions and I totally agree with him that it's time for Caylee to be laid to rest.
What I find very odd about this, is that BC is out there talking about his client and his circumstances before he`s even spoken to his client. Where I come from that would be a breach of the Bar flies in the face of your duty to keep your clients`affairs confidential. Where I come from we would need specific instructions from our client to share these things with the press.

I really think he has to withdraw as I think there is an obvious conflict with him acting for both George & Cindy in these circumstances. But I think he likes himself way too much on tv to do that.
You know Dawn Treader, you are absolutely right, the Anthony's called this attention to themselves. Instead of keeping to themselves and a low profile, they appeared to be on a campaign to keep Casey in a positive light of innocence. They fought back at every point. Doing an about turn on the odor in the trunk. Striking back at the press insisting there wasn't a body in the trunk. Refusing to cooperate with searchers looking for a dead or alive Caylee. Not supplying an item of Caylee's for the search dogs. Physically confronting people who demonstrated in front of their home. Made appearances on talk shows to insist their daughter loved and cared about Caylee, but never publically appealed to so-called kidnappers to return their granddaughter.
I don't wish harm to George or Cindy. I do wish from the very moment this became national news that they would have stepped back and refused to discuss this case in the public.
It's very clear to me they began this war and it has not helped Caylee or their daughter's case. The only help they seemed to have was from ill-informed and unprofessional assistants who they welcomed into their situation at hand.
I see Cindy and George as very shallow combative people who have absolutely no mature sense of how to handle problems. They are arrogrant, selfish and poor representatives of how parents should behave in order to keep the publicity at a minimun.
Guess I've said enough. JMO

Of course they fought back. They fought back in hopes that the worst possible thing in the world wouldn't be true. They grasped at every possible strand of hope. Wouldn't you? That's not shallow and combative - that's real and desperate grief and pain. You use the words "arrogant, selfish and poor representatives of how parents should behave" but those very things could be said of your post. You have no idea what these poor people are going through. Why in the world would they want to believe the worst? They are literally crushed with grief and the human mind does things to protect it. That is what we see and it should provoke our empathy, not our hostility.
I don't know if it's already been posted, but here is a link to Conway's unedited press conference this afternoon, via Wesh News.
Conway is overcome with emotion and has to take a break at the beginning of the conference.


I believe he took the break because he had lost his voice, he was all horse and kept coughing, not because of emotion.

For him to sit there and say the A's have been honest and open is ridiculous. But, most lawyers are
good actors.
You know Dawn Treader, you are absolutely right, the Anthony's called this attention to themselves. Instead of keeping to themselves and a low profile, they appeared to be on a campaign to keep Casey in a positive light of innocence. They fought back at every point. Doing an about turn on the odor in the trunk. Striking back at the press insisting there wasn't a body in the trunk. Refusing to cooperate with searchers looking for a dead or alive Caylee. Not supplying an item of Caylee's for the search dogs. Physically confronting people who demonstrated in front of their home. Made appearances on talk shows to insist their daughter loved and cared about Caylee, but never publically appealed to so-called kidnappers to return their granddaughter.
I don't wish harm to George or Cindy. I do wish from the very moment this became national news that they would have stepped back and refused to discuss this case in the public.
It's very clear to me they began this war and it has not helped Caylee or their daughter's case. The only help they seemed to have was from ill-informed and unprofessional assistants who they welcomed into their situation at hand.
I see Cindy and George as very shallow combative people who have absolutely no mature sense of how to handle problems. They are arrogrant, selfish and poor representatives of how parents should behave in order to keep the publicity at a minimun.
Guess I've said enough. JMO

I think that BC is doing a good job for the A's. He seems forthright and clear in his role as their lawyer. Seems to understand the needs of the media and comes off as genuine in his communications. I thought he made an important point in commending Sgt. John Allen regarding his response to GA's crisis but....

Damned if you and damned if you don't.

Unfortunately, in a high profile case such as this one, EVERYTHING you say and EVERYTHING you do is under a microscope. Yes, that's unfortunately, part of the job. IMO. He should have left his thanks to LE as thanks. Perhaps highlighting Sgt. John Allen and then FULLSTOP.

If yesterday evening I was a relative of someone who (unlike GA) had to wait 24 hours before a full-out response from LE and my family member died as a result...I would be LIVID. Suffice it to say, I would be suing LE. Why is GA entitled to "special" treatment? And why does BC, as his lawyer, feel entitled to point this out to the media?

I'm sorry but this really pizzed me off!

Looking at this objectively, I think a lawyer should know better than to point out how grateful he is that his client has gotten special treatment not provided to others.

He should have just thanked Sgt. John Allen graciously and left it at that.

I think that BC is doing a good job for the A's. He seems forthright and clear in his role as their lawyer. Seems to understand the needs of the media and comes off as genuine in his communications. I thought he made an important point in commending Sgt. John Allen regarding his response to GA's crisis but....

Damned if you and damned if you don't.

Unfortunately, in a high profile case such as this one, EVERYTHING you say and EVERYTHING you do is under a microscope. Yes, that's unfortunately, part of the job. IMO. He should have left his thanks to LE as thanks. Perhaps highlighting Sgt. John Allen and then FULLSTOP.

If yesterday evening I was a relative of someone who (unlike GA) had to wait 24 hours before a full-out response from LE and my family member died as a result...I would be LIVID. Suffice it to say, I would be suing LE. Why is GA entitled to "special" treatment? And why does BC, as his lawyer, feel entitled to point this out to the media?

I'm sorry but this really pizzed me off!

Looking at this objectively, I think a lawyer should know better than to point out how grateful he is that his client has gotten special treatment not provided to others.

He should have just thanked Sgt. John Allen graciously and left it at that.


ITA with the bolded part. I thought it was so arrogant and smug for him to act as though LE considered his clients particularly special and deserving of help, more than the rest of the public.

I suppose he did it to try to make it look like LE really loved his clients, and all the people speculating otherwise are wrong.

I believe he took the break because he had lost his voice,he was all horse and kept coughing. All lawyers are good actors.
For him to sit there and say the A's have been honest and open is ridiculous.

If I can offer wisdom in him taking a break..This is due to his injury. BC cannot cough to clear his voice like we can. My brother in law is paralyzed just like BC, and he has a hard time doing this. He cannot cough from the bottom of his lungs because he can't control them, only from the top can he do this and it is not easy for him. He certainly wasn't acting.
The I can't help with..
I dvr'ed it so I could get the quote exactly. I made certain of it. Yes, this was definitely his own opinion. He is the only person who I have heard even contemplating it so I guess it is pure speculation and maybe I should not be posting it. Not sure since it was on National television.

I feel bad writing this (my heart is heavy) but when I head there was two bags and then hearing about the skull being found. Maybe? the remains were in two seperate spots. we do not know and hopefully never will.
I am sick over this case today and cannot believe that this father is probably not talkin and willing to take his own life for his children.
I remember when my oldest son HAD to go to Iraq (he is a Firefighter/First responder) They had to go out in the field to get the injured and killed soldiers) The night before he left, I put off calling him as he is not stationed in the state where I live. I could not come to terms that he was really going to IRAQ, Another country where I knew he might not be coming home.
I could not breath, but FOUND the strength to call him and made him laugh and told him now much I loved him. I WOULD HAVE WENT IN HIS PLACE!!!!
I would have done anything for my baby not to go into harms way.
What I am trying to say is that I don't know of any parent that would not give their last breath for their child. This man has testified to get her indicted and possibly cleaned up his little angel from that car (not knowing it was his gradaughter) or wanting to believe it. THIS is just DEVASTATING for this man and I hope he will tell ALL he knows now to get on with his life. I also believe he got away from this mess and was drawn back into it. just awful.
It's hard not to like him when he says the things he did today & in the manner that he did.

I've been wondering all along if some are less likely to look at him as a 'bad' guy just because he's disabled..Opinions please.

Agreed- but I also think he really is a good guy who wants to protect his clients. The disability prevents most of us from having that knee jerk sleazy lawyer reaction (a-la JB).
Agreed- but I also think he really is a good guy who wants to protect his clients. The disability prevents most of us from having that knee jerk sleazy lawyer reaction (a-la JB).
I don't think that has anything to do with it. I liked Nejame and he isn't disabled as far as I can see. I think that BC is competent and sincere.
George is going through the dark night of the soul. He is having to confront his flaws, regrets, weaknesses, shames, guilts, helplessness, pain and hopefully find a new foundation without defenses so that he can move forward in a healthy way. He shouldn't be on trial other than that which is between him and his maker.
If yesterday evening I was a relative of someone who (unlike GA) had to wait 24 hours before a full-out response from LE and my family member died as a result...I would be LIVID. Suffice it to say, I would be suing LE. Why is GA entitled to "special" treatment? And why does BC, as his lawyer, feel entitled to point this out to the media?

I'm sorry but this really pizzed me off!

Looking at this objectively, I think a lawyer should know better than to point out how grateful he is that his client has gotten special treatment not provided to others.

He should have just thanked Sgt. John Allen graciously and left it at that.


Actually, Padilla of the OCSO had a press conference at the same time as Conway. He stated that no special treatment was provided- that the text messages he sent out that discussed suicide compelled them to search for George before something horrible happened- and that this would be the case for any call if there was proof that suicide might be imminent.

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