FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #2

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Hopefully no SO lives in the few houses LE hasn't gotten to search yet. I'm sure LE would ask their neighbors when the people left who weren't home and is it their habit to go out of town.

I wish all sex offenders had to have a city of their own to live in. I know that will never happen, but their should be some sort of restriction as to how close they (SO's) live to children. I think all SO's should have to do LWOP!

(bold mine) N/K! :( After a SO websearch of our neighborhood, I discovered reg'd SO in apt. community right across the street (my daughter is just six now, five at the time) and they were evicted btw after I alerted mgmt. It's very important to do these checks regularly, of course even that isnt failproof since there are still unregistered SO's...

yes she was in school - check fox - I think that's where I saw it - dad said he picked her up at bus stop. So, I'm thinking that's why he worked 7PM to 3AM - that way he was home to take her to school and pick her up and also stay with younger son during day.


"Her name is Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings. She is a kindergarten student at Browning-Pearce Elementary School in San Mateo, which is southeast of Palatka."

TY so much Kat and SWAG :blowkiss: So at least she wasn't walking home from busstop alone anyway. Wondering where the nearest park is or if she was permitted to play unsupervised... dear Lord I pray not because these SO's unfortunately probably scout for any kids who aren't closely watched. Heartbreaking, please keep praying for this little angel and for Dominick too. JMO
A good frind of mine stated she thought he was a redneck. Who would gladly take the law into his own hands. Not my words my friends!!!

She said there are alot of good old boys down in Fl & wouldn't think twice about shooting someone who had violated there daughter. Once again not my words my FRIEND said that.

I'll vouch for your friends words.....it's not all retired Northerns down here by any means. Nor Beach Bums unless you are lucky enough to be Coastal. So all inbetween is as far South as you can get, but the redneck term....all States have them, but there are still definitely some of the The Good Old Boys......i.e. Mark Lunsford and what he would have done had he found Couey before the cops did. IMO.....

This rare Native Floridian have never been more sad about my beloved home state, this sadness started building in the Eighties and I pray for relief from this nightmare of yet one more child somewhere where she is not supposed to be. I am one that actually worked hard to help prevent more people from becoming victims by lobbying for stronger laws and tougher sentences and those changes were implemented. Years later, I see that it has had no effect on these Monsters and my heart hurts even more.
That could be. She gets the kids to sleep at 10, leaves, someone takes the girl, and the teen sneaks back in before Dad gets home to find her gone.

Oh my gosh this idea just cross my thoughts too. The little girl could wroke up and found no one in house and wander off. but my grandson would stand in midlle house screaming he five.
I wonder who watched her before the g/f came into the picture. Also, do we know if this school had all day kindergarten or 1/2 day?
I have to wonder if the girlfriend was in the habit of going out at night after the kids were in bed - propping the door open with a brick so she wouldn't be locked out - and getting back home before the Dad got off work...
Good thought, Impatientredhead had a similar idea. Sounds like a possibility. When I was seventeen. sheesh....Dont want to go there...
do we know if Florida has an all day kindergarten or 1/2 day.
All kindergarten is encompassed within the public schools. They usually attend elementary and MOST of the time hours are same for all children. I know there are some that do half day - I'll go check the school's website.
He could have different ring tones set to different numbers, so potentially he could have known who was calling.
I don't think it odd he didn't answer it, he was in the middle of an interview.

That's true, but it could have still been about Haleigh no matter who it was calling. Answering my cell phone would take precedence over an interview if my daughter was missing!
Or tweens bf was there H woke up and they were afraid she would tell dad, that would explain the "WE" too.
Anyone notice the weird similarity in the names? Haleigh - Caylee? No point to that, just a uneasy coincidence. I just pray that the girlfriend didn't see the similarity and pick the day of Caylee's funeral thinking a) to free up the father and/or b) picking that day to catapult herself into the dubious KC-type spotlight. Hope I'm just cynical and little Haleigh is home ASAP.
I don't blame him for wanting to take the law into his own hands and shoot a sex offender. We're all better off the less SO's there are out there.

A couple of hours ago there was a discussion on HLN about casterating sex offenders! They said there is a state that is considering this! Prolly would make an interesting thread in the jury room.

Sorry, off topic.
I am hoping the SO's are mostly related to sex with minor girlfriends, which also seems to be the case here.
Or tweens bf was there H woke up and they were afraid she would tell dad, that would explain the "WE" too.

Man oh man....unfortunately..that makes a lot of sense to me. I hope I'm wrong.
Uh Oh! WHY would he ignore his cellphone? Couldn't it have been concerning his daughter? No matter who it is on caller ID, he could not have known it was NOT about Haleigh.

I have certain ringtones assigned to certain numbers. I can tell by the ring who is calling me -- if it's "ringtone Q" or whatever, I know it's my husband. If it's "ringtone XYZ" I know it's my cousin, etc.
Oh my gosh this idea just cross my thoughts too. The little girl could wroke up and found no one in house and wander off. but my grandson would stand in midlle house screaming he five.

Exactly, I asked same thing... as scared as she may have been of the dark, which would be scarier--awakening and staying in a house where you find no adults... or opening one of the doors to look and see if you can find someone... she might have sat on porch to wait eg, or just gone back inside w/out relocking PLEZ I hope this gf didn't leave! JMO
Thanks Kimster, I am still stuck with only text here. No audio. I guess I need to break down and buy some speakers to go with this new moniter.

Does your monitor not have speakers in it?
Thinking that the FBI questioning today of the GF may yield many more answers. I can't imagine how a 17 year old will handle the questions. Wonder if she lawyered up or took a poly, or spoke willingly on her own about the event.

I know if my child was involved in a situation as frightening as this, I would do anything to help protect her or him. Where are her parents?
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