FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #14

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IMO, Haleigh was gone in day time.........not at night
gf waited til dad got home and made up story of kidnap
so he would not be mad at HER!
I hope JR can tell something to someone about the day
that he knows.
To clear up the question on peoples minds about the ac guy repairing during this time of year. Most mobile home heat and air systems are run by an inside furnace and outside system where the motor is used to operate both either way, Unless it's a heat pump system, and their again the same ac/hvac guy is called. In other words their one and the same type of repair. Because he is outside working on the compressor unit even for heat, I've done it myself and called a repairman the ac guy when he's repairing the heat. No big deal about this part and him being in the scheme of things.

This case isn't looking good at all for Haleigh. The Father handing over custody to LE of the son Jr. is probably because it's the bio moms scheduled every other weekend visitation rights and she's exercising them. I certainly hope LE hasn't taken the son from the Father yet with what we know to date about the facts of the case.

I could only see LE taking the son if he admittedly informed them he had something to do with Haleighs disappearance and has been lying to them from the beginning.

I personally think the bandaid on the nape of neck is because the Father got out of control and LE had to physically exert some power and physically calm him down. I know his demeanor and attitude of rage changed greatly after the first day. He's much calmer now and not talking all the threats of killing someone. LE would have to take this serious.

I also think LE is allowing and giving the family plenty of rope to hang themselves if they are guilty in anything concerning Haleighs disappearance, hence allowing them to camp in tent, talk, etc.... giving information like they have passed the polygraphs etc... for if they weren't told they had passed, and their reporting they have, I could see this being helpful to LE in determining their focus.
If bio mom has to 'walk to get son'....she doesn't drive? no car? no one to escort her?
Their "camp" is located right outside dad's neighborhood. Directly surrounding where the trailer (Dad's tent) is right now full of LE, TES, and media trucks, vehicles, etc. It would probably make more sense to walk.
I really want to know what time EXACTLY dad left work that night. If he came home, say an hour early, and found gf NOT there and maybe Haleigh woke up or was up and she started "chatting" - he could have "seen red" and took it out on her. Out the back door - then drive around until regular time to come home. He pulls up and there is gf - acting all scared and stuff. Now, he can't SAY anything to her about her not being there....................

I really really really want to know if dad stayed at work the entire time that night.
Snipped from Twitter: father just handed over custody of son to police
about 9 hours ago
from txt
has anyone else noticed this.......Something is not right here. This makes me sick to my stomach and says alot about the "items" found yesterday and the possible outcome we may see unfolding in this case.

Well Jr. was with his mother yesterday, this is the first I've heard about this. I also have never heard of turning custody over to police, maybe CPS.
LE said that they "chose" to saty in a tent, that there were family homes close that they could have stayed at.

I heard that they chose to stay in a tent because they didn't want to leave the scene.
I heard that they chose to stay in a tent because they didn't want to leave the scene.

Yeah, there has been two schools of thought on that. Being close and being able to talk away from other family members. I know if it was me...I would want to be close. I want to be close now!!!! KWIM?
After reading about the bed-wetting I have had similar thoughts. How many 17 year old girls who are not the natural mothers of children with bed-wetting problems are going to be sympathetic and understanding when presented with urine soaked bedding on a regular basis? If Haleigh does wet the bed on occasions, would the GF be happy to share a bed with her? Did Haleigh wet the bed that night?

Was there punishment that day or night that may have caused Haleigh to run away in the middle of the night? There's no evidence yet that the door WAS locked that night as it allegedly 'always' is. Or could the GF have put her outside as punishment? She seems to be a little vague on the 'blankets' issue. Lots of thoughts - none of them pleasant! :mad:

Good points. It's possible the kids/Haleigh went to sleep in her own bed and after waking sometime in the night climbed in the bed her dad and Misty shared. My 6 yr old often wakes and climbs into bed with me either around 1am or about 5:30am.

I'm trying to catch up reading. Does anyone know why dad and the gf haven't said much about what occured the day and evening Haleigh disappeared? Did they go out, have anyone over? I may have missed it, but when was the AC serviced?

Has it been mentioned why Misty waited for dad to get home to call 911? Or why she left the door open? Why wouldn't she/they be concerned the perp might come back for the younger brother?

It was posted Misty's brother lives behind the trailer? Could she have gone to his place and left the back door open to get back in?

My apologies for all the questions. Still have 8-9 threads to catch up reading.

Twitter update......

More volunteers arrive on scene to help search heavily wooded area off of Buffalo Bluff Rd.
5 minutes ago from mobile web

ETA...Isn't Bluff what our astro's came up with?


Well Jr. was with his mother yesterday, this is the first I've heard about this. I also have never heard of turning custody over to police, maybe CPS.
He didn't give up his custody rights. LE assisted in gaining physical custody of the child to give to the mother because of her legal time for visitation. It is the reporter's wording which is misleading in the twitter account.
Geez, I have to go to work and will miss conference at 4. Will some leave some links someplace so I can see it when I get home tonight. thanks
continue you praying for a positive outcome.
Amber Alert: New Clues Bring New Hope In Haleigh Search __Saturday, February 14, 2009 9:25:03 AM __Channel 13 Florida__SATSUMA -- A news conference is scheduled for 4 p.m. Saturday for an update on Day 5 of the search for missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings.__Investigators said Friday they found various items of interest in the case, and their recent searches were very productive, but did not specify what the items were.__Searchers regrouped Friday to figure out their target areas, and where to go next in the search for Haleigh.__Deputies continue searching by air, on the ground and in the water near the girl's Putnam County home.__Investigators said they will go back over some areas already covered to make sure they did not miss anything__
I really really really want to know if dad stayed at work the entire time that night.

*snipped by me*

Oh, I do too!

Since I am convinced he is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance and he and Misty are working together to cover it up, I would hope that LE has gone to Ron's place of employment to check for evidence. According to one of the newspeople, Ron works for a company that makes parts for bridges (it was also mentioned he was a crane operator)... whichever, he could have taken a body to work with him. He could have hidden evidence where he works... dumpster, in cement, many things. I actually believe, if this poor child is dead, she was most likely dumped in the body of water near their home, but just covering all the bases here with Ron's job.

I don't think this case will go on long. Ron is going to get very upset with Misty when things don't go as he planned, when people begin to see through his lies (since many of us already see through hers). I'm sure LE already knows. Reading that custody report, only reinforces what I felt about him all along.

I will say it again. The only difference between Ron and Misty is that Ron is a more convincing liar.

This poor child.
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