FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #26

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I thought she said she used the blanket from the window to cover Haleigh because H's blanket was dirty, and Misti's blanket was gone. Seems to be a lot of issues with bedding in this case.

No, she said that she covered Hayleigh with a little sheet until the wash was done. I questioned yesterday whether her washer would do two blankets at one time, maybe a timeline thing for LE to look at.
So im hearing now that Haleigh was not wearing the pink shirt because they found,which did not indicate as to where they found it and that MC does not know what Haleigh was wearing?
In the article I read earlier today (can't find it now), I noticed the wording LE used about MC's "timeline". I am beginning to believe they are not using her timeline at all and it is the reason they won't specify if she went to school that day. It could put the timeline back significantly if the last person to actually see her was a teacher at the school instead of the school bus driver. (It could also discount both Ronnie and Misty's stories of what happened and when.)

Yeppers....ITA. Hopefully we will have some answers soon.
I'm in Pensacola too and I agree. Florida weather in VERY unpredictable this time of year...it can be cold one night, hot and humid the next so calling the AC guy isn't a strange thing to do. In fact, alot of people have their ACs worked on in the cooler months because it's a little cheaper and you beat the rush during the hotter months.

Hi Pensacola people :) I'm right down the road from you guys in Mobile. I agree about the crazy temps. Also, I've always had my A/C serviced in the winter. Around here if you wait until spring, you might have a 2 wk. wait before a repairman can even get out to your house.
rut roh....watchin CNN..reporter says Misty needs to lawyer up.
I'm in Pensacola too and I agree. Florida weather in VERY unpredictable this time of year...it can be cold one night, hot and humid the next so calling the AC guy isn't a strange thing to do. In fact, alot of people have their ACs worked on in the cooler months because it's a little cheaper and you beat the rush during the hotter months.

Hi fellow Pensacolian!! And WELCOME TO WS!
Bolded by me

I've missed something, she wasn't around for 3 days?

I see some others have answer you on this.
Sorry, Had to go off line for a few.

Right now it is just what I consider a rumor but does make some of the questions we have make more sense. If she was not around and then came back and was doing alot of sleeping because of being up for days then she may not have been paying attention to stuff she should have. Plus it opens things up to a lot more people possible having a potential access to the home or Haleigh.
Leila - did they have the segment on about the layout of the home by the previous tenant?
My new (random) theory (of the day) based on what we've heard today...

Misty has a van; she takes this van and goes on a 3 day drug binge for the weekend; this van has her blanket in it; perhaps she leaves the van somewhere or trades use of it for drugs; her house keys to the trailer are in the van still. {LE won't tell us if she had a vehicle; and she stated that "they" took the van with the blanket in it...}

Come Monday, Ron is late for work after going to get Misty to watch the kids and picking Haleigh up from the bus stop. Ron then leaves for work because he's late.

Misty either leaves again with someone else at some point in the night; or someone delivers her more drugs; or she's passed out and someone has keys to the trailer. {I would love to see her cell phone records!}

Misty wakes up or comes home at some point to find Haleigh missing... and it all goes down hill from there. {But wouldn't Misty tell LE who she was with - surely Ron would if he knew!}
So im hearing now that Haleigh was not wearing the pink shirt because they found,which did not indicate as to where they found it and that MC does not know what Haleigh was wearing?
We do not know where they found the shirt or if MC's account was right or not. It would be entirely reliant upon where they found the shirt and how LE came to the conclusion Haleigh could not have it on now.
Does anyone else see a lengthy hospital stay for "po'widdle Misty"? Every day, she looks a littel weaker, and a little paler.
Think how great it would look at trial...
"Your Honor, my client cared so deeply about these children that after a little over a week, she had to be hospitalized due to the stress of losing one."
Oh, and the added bonus of being protected from the media by doctor's orders.

Does anyone know who lives at 116 Tyler Street?
If Misty left those kids alone that night, I can not imagine Ron staying calm after finding that out?
Unless this was something they both did on a regular basis. Perhaps they left the kids to go to the brother's house on many occasions returning to check on them now n then. (Even the Doctors in Maddy's case did this and thought it was acceptable!)
Misty says on the early show today that she noticed the door open, she ran around the house looking for her, she called her dad, and then called the police.
So, as to the question of her having her own phone, she apparently does. yay
First Coast News is on right now, commenting on the 4:00 press conference. The reporter on scene showed the paternal grandmother at Ron's tent.........showing junior asleep on a cot, saying he feels closer to Haleigh there at his father's tent. It appears that Ron's mother, TN is staying in the tent with Ron and Misty, saying they've got propane heaters but it's still chilly at night.

The reporter said that detectives were at Ron's tent for about an hour this afternoon re-interviewing Ron and Misty. The reporter asked Misty if she had taken a lie-detector test and she said "yeah", but didn't remember when. It was brief, but I thought Misty looked out of it.

At this time with what's known, I have to say poor Ron. Just a young guy at least trying to raise his kids. I wonder if more help from his mother could have prevented this until he could have met someone older and gotten to know her
before.moving in.
:razz:its better than freezing like we are in wisconsin LOL

lol no offense, but I do NOT want to trade you! I like our mildly cold winters! I don't know how you guys do it...
It was stated before that DCFS has been investigating the family.

I would bet that is the reason that they changed mobile homes in November. Part of the DCFS investigation probably found that they were all sleeping together in the same room/bed. A father, a young boy, a young girl and a 17 year old girlfriend in the same room/bed would be a big DCFS no no. They would have made them get a place with seperate rooms for the children.

That may also be why the girlfriend is now changing the part of her story about sleeping from 4 inches to 4 feet and the numerous changes in the sleeping arrangements of that night.

I am sure the dad is very aware that his children could be taken away if DCFS found out they were still all sleeping together. He seems to be the one making sure his girlfriend's story insists that now they were not all in the same bed that night and has interrupted her when she started to state that the girl was sleeping inches from her.

I think there has been a lot of lies going on to protect themselves from DCFS and probably to cover up a whole lot of illegal drug use and questionable parenting.

I keep watching the videos of the girlfriend and I understand her age and lack of schooling but no one can be that "out of it" unless they were faking and/or doing a lot of drugs.
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