CA-Sandra Cantu, 8 missing 3/27/09 from Tracy,#1

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Thanks for the updates on the presser. My link stopped working and I can't get it back. :-(
-the 12 media delay in receiving news... per the earlier presser... LE sent a fax out at two am (that is still too late in my opinion) and said a lot of the fax numbers for media were bad.. asked them to update them

-Daniel Cantu had a family member drop him off at LE this morning so he could check on the investigation... he was not "brought in and questioned" as reported.. he has done this frequently

-Landfill has been searched everyday this week by volunteers. In is normal sop for a case like this. Will not say if anything of value has been found.

-over 500 leads now

-public may be frustrated and thinking le is spinning their wheels but progress is being made and le is optimistic. The team is very large now. Enc people to continue to call in leads and tips

-yes, le is keeping tabs on pois

-ldts are just one tool le uses to verify alibi, etc...depends on what they need it for

-house of daniel cantu in mexico has not been searched and no investigation going on there that the spokesperson knows of

-there was no new sw for the fourth was processed (sw) at the same time as the other three

-runaway not being ruled out because children have run away for longer...not usually this young...but don't want to be proven wrong on the record

-2yr ago kiss WAS FILED AS A COMPLAINT to LE. The chief will be going back to look at this and find out what happened in the complaint but they are wanting to find Sandra first

-the scope of the investigatory effort includes fbi divisions of polygraph, investigators, computer specialists, behavior analysts and more...spokesperson states the le briefing he attended before the presser was huge

-why was trunk/vehicle searching stopped for a time... spokesperson says the same cars/people were going in and out and it was inconvenient...and adding no new leads after searching 5 and 6 times...they may start it back up again...

**then it cut out...hope someone else caught the last few questions**
IDK, LE's statements are more confusing than anything. I wonder if some evidence has come back from the labs and that prompted a dumpster search?

Or maybe they don't want to wait 12 days like in that other case. Gee maybe they are learning from other LE's mistakes.
aside... I live on a military post and we have our trunks and cars searched every time we go on or off post! I think that just because a car or person was searched 5 times doesn't mean something could be in it the 6th or 7th time... that just doesn't work for me!
aside... I live on a military post and we have our trunks and cars searched every time we go on or off post! I think that just because a car or person was searched 5 times doesn't mean something could be in it the 6th or 7th time... that just doesn't work for me!

just curious, does everyone have to comply with the searching of the cars or can the residents there refuse? what is the law on that one?
Or maybe they don't want to wait 12 days like in that other case. Gee maybe they are learning from other LE's mistakes.
Dude...I seriously don't know. I would think they could get ob. of justice charges...or interfering with an investigation. :confused: I know on post they can shoot you if you run the checkpoints ( is in the ROE..rules of engagement)
-the 12 media delay in receiving news... per the earlier presser... LE sent a fax out at two am (that is still too late in my opinion) and said a lot of the fax numbers for media were bad.. asked them to update them

-Daniel Cantu had a family member drop him off at LE this morning so he could check on the investigation... he was not "brought in and questioned" as reported.. he has done this frequently

-Landfill has been searched everyday this week by volunteers. In is normal sop for a case like this. Will not say if anything of value has been found.

-over 500 leads now

-public may be frustrated and thinking le is spinning their wheels but progress is being made and le is optimistic. The team is very large now. Enc people to continue to call in leads and tips

-yes, le is keeping tabs on pois

-ldts are just one tool le uses to verify alibi, etc...depends on what they need it for

-house of daniel cantu in mexico has not been searched and no investigation going on there that the spokesperson knows of

-there was no new sw for the fourth was processed (sw) at the same time as the other three

-runaway not being ruled out because children have run away for longer...not usually this young...but don't want to be proven wrong on the record

-2yr ago kiss WAS FILED AS A COMPLAINT to LE. The chief will be going back to look at this and find out what happened in the complaint but they are wanting to find Sandra first

-the scope of the investigatory effort includes fbi divisions of polygraph, investigators, computer specialists, behavior analysts and more...spokesperson states the le briefing he attended before the presser was huge

-why was trunk/vehicle searching stopped for a time... spokesperson says the same cars/people were going in and out and it was inconvenient...and adding no new leads after searching 5 and 6 times...they may start it back up again...

**then it cut out...hope someone else caught the last few questions**
I needed to ETA to this and wanted it to stay in one piece:

the video tape will not be released because there is information of evidentuary value on it
Dude...I seriously don't know. I would think they could get ob. of justice charges...or interfering with an investigation. :confused: I know on post they can shoot you if you run the checkpoints ( is in the ROE..rules of engagement)

If LE says the search of the cars was inconvenient....does that mean people were actually complaining? Please tell me people weren't complaining....
just curious, does everyone have to comply with the searching of the cars or can the residents there refuse? what is the law on that one?

If the officer asks to search your car or for you to open your trunk, you can say no. If he TELLS you to do it, you must obey the order. If the search was illegal, any evidence found during the search might be thrown out. I guess in this case, it might depend on what is considered "probable cause" for a search.
If LE says the search of the cars was inconvenient....does that mean people were actually complaining? Please tell me people weren't complaining....

Oh I can see people complaining... it's sad but I'm not surprised
If LE says the search of the cars was inconvenient....does that mean people were actually complaining? Please tell me people weren't complaining....

If it was an inconvenience they could have just parked on the street outside the park, and walked in and out...or would walking inconvenience them also? I'm inconvenienced that I live at the other end of California and can't help search for this sweet-faced little girl - a couple minute delay is NOT an inconvenience!!! :furious:
If the officer asks to search your car or for you to open your trunk, you can say no. If he TELLS you to do it, you must obey the order. If the search was illegal, any evidence found during the search might be thrown out. I guess in this case, it might depend on what is considered "probable cause" for a search.

You still do not have to open your trunk. However, They have a right to detain you until a search warrant is obtained, just plain tow you vehicle if they have probable cause ( they will find something), or just plain get your keys and open the trunk. If they do it that way, it would then become an illegal search UNLESS.....This is when the probable cause thing comes in again. Like they believe that by them waiting someone would be in danger, etc.
And....they could call a dog in to search around your vehicle without a warrant. If they get a hit from the dog, there is your probable cause.
:blowkiss: thank you my fellow sleuthers. You guys are great!!
I keep praying, please Lord let us have this one, when these cases come up.
so what do we have so far.....

Little Sandra....who just turned 8 on march 8th...barely out of her 7s.....comes home on a Friday after Grandpa picks her up from school. She asks to go outside and play and her mom says yes and she kisses her and tells her she loves her. Her two other sisters and one brother, grandparents and mother are in the home. She skips up the road toward the entrance to her little five year old friends house. She swings on the swing, colors, and watches part of a movie....then tells her little friend she is going to run away because she got a bad paper from school her mom had to sign that day and then leaves saying she has some homework to do ((aside...sounds just like something my son would say if he were playing with a five year old and wanted to move on to see if older friends were home)))

She goes home....the camera sees her do this and she goes inside. She talks with her sibs about going to see a movie but is told she doesn't have enough money... this takes under five minutes... she goes back out to play and heads in the other direction away from the front gate and the camera sees her go.

She is gone at four pm.

Dinner time...time to eat....where is Sandra? (we don't know what time they eat).. Mom goes out looking. No Sandra....

a little before 8 mom is really worried and she calls 911 (nurse wonders why 911 tapes have not been released yet)

My thoughts are that someone saw Sandra playing at her friends or when she walked back. When she came back out, this person that she saw before, said something enticing and took her.

I really think that the reason LE is all over this, as well as fbi, is because of the physical layout of this park and the fact that it is, almost like, a gated community. There was one way in and one way out and a small place where people know people. At four pm most people were not home from work yet most likely... so who was home or who had visitors there at that time??? The way this neighborhood is set up it is not like a place you cruise thru or go to. Residents notice strange cars and strangers in general. For example... I live in a similar onpost military housing community and when my neighbor comes home from work I notice his car, I know it. These people know each other and what they drive...

I think someone in that park is good for this.... or perhaps it was a delievery driver... wonder what time ups etc makes deliveries there? Have they checked the mailman? How about the property owner/manager?

Were there any landscapers in there at the time? How about construction or contractors?
:blowkiss: thank you my fellow sleuthers. You guys are great!!
I keep praying, please Lord let us have this one, when these cases come up.

It does get discouraging with all these cases that are not ending with a safe return, and I wish I was closer so I would be able to DO something. It's time for a happy ending! Like you, I just keep praying...and being thankful for Websleuths.
Do we know if the story about the paper from school that she got a bad grade on or whatever is true? That would lend credibility to what the 5 yr. old said. Although she is probably just trying to make the adults feel better about Sandra missing and in her mind saying she told her that makes it better.
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