How Did the Side Door Get Opened?/Door Locks/Use of Cinder Block**REVISITED**

Did Haleigh have a habit of unlocking doors and going outside?

I would have put in a door alarm....they're inexpensive too.
RC never stated the lock was up high - an old tenant from 10 years ago made the comment about the lock up high - since the photos show no holes or lock up high I am assuming at some point during the 10 years they replaced the door.

He was also so concerned about the back door not being secure, he and a friend installed a sliding lock.

"My son was a short 9," Smallwood tells us, "and we put the latch up too high for him to reach."

RC stated he bought two new locks from Walmart and replaced the existing locks.

CUMMINGS: As I believe it is the reverend`s mother and father. And I think they deceased here in the home. I`m not sure. You would have to ask them. But I do know that I personally went to Wal-Mart and bought the deadbolts and the locks that were on there so nobody else had a key to this house.

GRACE: OK, because I believe that he told me, the former owner, the reverend, that he had placed a lock on that back door but you also placed locks as well, correct? Got it.

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, they were there. I took them off and put my own on.

It was actual the Sheffield family that mentioned lock up high initially, and former tenant RC never stated it was and by looking at the door it is obvious there was not a lock up high.

rystal, you have a problem with the door as well. What are your thoughts?

SHEFFIELD: Yes. I just -- it`s just -- if the door was locked like they said it was.

GRIFFIS: By Ronald.

SHEFFIELD: Ronald said he locked that door when he left for work and it`s supposedly high up enough to where Haleigh could not reach it, I just don`t understand how somebody just got in there and nothing was broke on the door.

RC definitely said that he installed the lock himself and he placed it high up so Haleigh couldn't reach it.

It was one of the very first interviews.
Did Haleigh have a habit of unlocking doors and going outside?

I would have put in a door alarm....they're inexpensive too.

I wouldn't think so. Both Ron and Teresa were adamant about her being afraid of the dark and that she would never have gone outside on her own. It's in the interview where he's wearing the blue striped shirt.
RC definitely said that he installed the lock himself and he placed it high up so Haleigh couldn't reach it.

It was one of the very first interviews.

Yes.. it was in one of the interviews that Ron said that he picked up a new lock at the Wal-Mart, and he installed it himself.

Not sure about the realities of the lil munchkin not being able to reach it though... From what I remember, the pictures show that the deadbolt is placed beneath the doorknob. Certainly low enough for a determined toddler to get to. But that's neither here nor there. I don't think she felt the compunction to just wander off in the middle of the night.

I've reinstalled deadbolts on doors before.. It's not all that hard to do... and even your cheaper ones will do the job. If someone wants to get in, they will get in. Sad to say.

I still think it was ninjas.
IIRC it was the pastor who was a long ago tenant who said he put the locks too high for the kids. I'm not sure if it was even the same door anymore because they didn't look unusually high to me in the NG walkthrough and I don't recall any signs of high locks that had been removed. Ron just said he made the door hard to open because he installed it crookedly, or something, I don't think he mentioned high.
RC never stated the lock was up high - an old tenant from 10 years ago made the comment about the lock up high - since the photos show no holes or lock up high I am assuming at some point during the 10 years they replaced the door.

He was also so concerned about the back door not being secure, he and a friend installed a sliding lock.

"My son was a short 9," Smallwood tells us, "and we put the latch up too high for him to reach."

RC stated he bought two new locks from Walmart and replaced the existing locks.

CUMMINGS: As I believe it is the reverend`s mother and father. And I think they deceased here in the home. I`m not sure. You would have to ask them. But I do know that I personally went to Wal-Mart and bought the deadbolts and the locks that were on there so nobody else had a key to this house.

GRACE: OK, because I believe that he told me, the former owner, the reverend, that he had placed a lock on that back door but you also placed locks as well, correct? Got it.

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, they were there. I took them off and put my own on.

It was actual the Sheffield family that mentioned lock up high initially, and former tenant RC never stated it was and by looking at the door it is obvious there was not a lock up high.

rystal, you have a problem with the door as well. What are your thoughts?

SHEFFIELD: Yes. I just -- it`s just -- if the door was locked like they said it was.

GRIFFIS: By Ronald.

SHEFFIELD: Ronald said he locked that door when he left for work and it`s supposedly high up enough to where Haleigh could not reach it, I just don`t understand how somebody just got in there and nothing was broke on the door.

Busy....thanks so much for this post! It's good to finally have a direct source that proves that neither Marie nor Crystal had any kind of knowledge about where those locks were located on the door or how they worked (easy or hard to open), or whether the door was locked or unlocked that night. So, I assume that now we can finally put to rest the whole theory that the two of them scouted out the mobile home, learned how to bump the exact kind of locks that were on that door, and snuck in there on a cold, winter night to use their newly acquired skills!
Busy....thanks so much for this post! It's good to finally have a direct source that proves that neither Marie nor Crystal had any kind of knowledge about where those locks were located on the door or how they worked (easy or hard to open), or whether the door was locked or unlocked that night. So, I assume that now we can finally put to rest the whole theory that the two of them scouted out the mobile home, learned how to bump the exact kind of locks that were on that door, and snuck in there on a cold, winter night to use their newly acquired skills!
Actually, no...we can't rule out that theory. It doesn't prove anything except that Crystal made the statement instead of Ronald. She could have been lying and only saying it to make it appear that Ronald was wrong in some way. I did not see where it would clear Marie either.
I guess I must have imagined what I heard then....just seems like I can see RC sitting there talking about that lock being high up...oh well.
Actually, no...we can't rule out that theory. It doesn't prove anything except that Crystal made the statement instead of Ronald. She could have been lying and only saying it to make it appear that Ronald was wrong in some way. I did not see where it would clear Marie either.

Oh, we can't put this to rest...oh...okay then I will start searching.

Where does Crystal come in to play here? jeez, I was willing to give my ears a break, saying I heard incorrectly, but now I have to change RC into way am I going that far!
RC never stated the lock was up high - an old tenant from 10 years ago made the comment about the lock up high - since the photos show no holes or lock up high I am assuming at some point during the 10 years they replaced the door.

He was also so concerned about the back door not being secure, he and a friend installed a sliding lock.

"My son was a short 9," Smallwood tells us, "and we put the latch up too high for him to reach."

RC stated he bought two new locks from Walmart and replaced the existing locks.
CUMMINGS: As I believe it is the reverend`s mother and father. And I think they deceased here in the home. I`m not sure. You would have to ask them. But I do know that I personally went to Wal-Mart and bought the deadbolts and the locks that were on there so nobody else had a key to this house.

GRACE: OK, because I believe that he told me, the former owner, the reverend, that he had placed a lock on that back door but you also placed locks as well, correct? Got it.

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, they were there. I took them off and put my own on.

It was actual the Sheffield family that mentioned lock up high initially, and former tenant RC never stated it was and by looking at the door it is obvious there was not a lock up high.

rystal, you have a problem with the door as well. What are your thoughts?

SHEFFIELD: Yes. I just -- it`s just -- if the door was locked like they said it was.

GRIFFIS: By Ronald.

SHEFFIELD: Ronald said he locked that door when he left for work and it`s supposedly high up enough to where Haleigh could not reach it, I just don`t understand how somebody just got in there and nothing was broke on the door.
Bolded by me part: So much is discussed about the back door. In this transcript Ron states that he bought locks for both doors. I do not recall if the front door was investigated to see if someone "bumped" this lock to enter and then left out the side door and staged the block holding it open. He also stated that he had the only key to the locks. From the June 29th press release from Ron's attorney, they are insinuating that Crystal was let into the mobile home by Haleigh. I noticed that the attorney is very careful not to identify the doors, it is worded "a" door and "a" was left open. I believe another press release will most likely be issued later insinuating that Haleigh opened the front door
I don't know if he is talking about replacing locks on both doors or just talking about the backdoor since that is the focus of the conversation. There is a deadbolt and then another lock under that on the back door.

Bolded by me part: So much is discussed about the back door. In this transcript Ron states that he bought locks for both doors. I do not recall if the front door was investigated to see if someone "bumped" this lock to enter and then left out the side door and staged the block holding it open. He also stated that he had the only key to the locks. From the June 29th press release from Ron's attorney, they are insinuating that Crystal was let into the mobile home by Haleigh. I noticed that the attorney is very careful not to identify the doors, it is worded "a" door and "a" was left open. I believe another press release will most likely be issued later insinuating that Haleigh opened the front door
If RC installed a sliding lock (with a friend) and that was the lock that was up high...was it still there in the video.?

Bumping locks ( funny how RC knows about that) or not, wouldn't the sliding lock been torn off and the door damaged.

They either secured the door or they didn't.
I don't understand how it puts any theory to rest, but that has never been my theory that Crystal or Marie herself entered the mobile home. Also you don't learn to lock bump based on a specific brand of lock. I am searching for the two conflicting stories from Crystal and Marie with regards to Crystal ever being in the mobile home before ones says she has and one says she hasn't.

Busy....thanks so much for this post! It's good to finally have a direct source that proves that neither Marie nor Crystal had any kind of knowledge about where those locks were located on the door or how they worked (easy or hard to open), or whether the door was locked or unlocked that night. So, I assume that now we can finally put to rest the whole theory that the two of them scouted out the mobile home, learned how to bump the exact kind of locks that were on that door, and snuck in there on a cold, winter night to use their newly acquired skills!
RC didn't install a sliding lock - the former tenant did so his 9 year old son could not get out. Apparently in 10 years the door has been replaced because there is no evidence of a sliding lock on the door.

If RC installed a sliding lock (with a friend) and that was the lock that was up high...was it still there in the video.?

Bumping locks ( funny how RC knows about that) or not, wouldn't the sliding lock been torn off and the door damaged.

They either secured the door or they didn't.
ok, now I am confused....which lock did he say he installed with a friend?
I truly don't understand the out cry of people being upset over the press release because RC lawyer insinuated Sheffield involvement, hasn't KP and her crew been insinuating or actually coming right out and stating RC and Misty are involved in Haleighs disappearance? Its ok for Crystal's attorney to point fingers, but if RC's attorney does that it means RC is guilty and they are placing the blame elsewhere?

Actually, he is placing the blame on HaLeigh opening the door to her own "alleged" abductor. Ii do not for a moment believe this scenario. Defense strategy targeting potential jury pool. I believe that LE started the train on the involvement of Misty with stating MITK. RC put himself there by his own behavior.
I know they always talked about the "back door"....but then again, no reporter asked any questions about the front door....go figure!
I know they always talked about the "back door"....but then again, no reporter asked any questions about the front door....go figure!

Did they have the dogs trace from the front door or just the back?

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