Stain in Trunk May Show Outline of Child**REVISIT FOR READING*

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I haven't seen a VFA analysis either, but I haven't been through but about half of the doc releases.

The problem with this line of thinking (pool water=stain and orange cleaner) is that it doesn't account for the odor. But honestly, nothing we've seen so far does. I wonder if there is a reservoir of some sort in the underbelly of the car - maybe created by a manufacturing mold-release hole?

ETA: thanks Harmony2

Excellent thinking. There had to be a place that held something that held the odor for so long and that continues to hold the odor.

What I know about the paranormal you could put in a thimble and still have room!

What I have felt that had no other explanation, IDK, I lost count. Someone back last fall said they felt the odor in the car was Caylee refusing not to be acknowledged. At that point LE really doubted she was going to be found. Tim M was still holding on to GOD's time not man's time.

For as little "physical evidence" as that car has given up the person who made the comment didn't feel there was enough left in the car for the amount of odor that just didn't want to dissipate. I would love to know if the reek has gotten less after Caylee's remains were found!!??

Regardless of what they find/found in that car I agree with you and the person who made that observation last fall.

I hope the odor remains until the day that witch is found guilty and sentenced for the last time, to be juiced.
I hope the DA brings the jury out to see the car and Oh my, whatever could that be? Leftover pizza anyone ???


Yes, I hope they take the jury on a field trip to see the Pontiac for themselves and to get a whiff of the noxious odor. It probably isn't as bad but it isn't good either.
Hopefully they will do that on a day it rains... the smell will be more pungent then.
My car smells OK until it rains, then you can tell that I have wet dogs in there a lot..:laugh:
I think I remember reading something about them stripping the car, but I don't think any lab results or even submissions to the FBI of car parts for testing, other than the trunk liner and spare tire cover, were released. Maybe investigators could view everything while it was on the rack, and saw nothing to collect.
I haven't seen a VFA analysis either, but I haven't been through but about half of the doc releases.

The problem with this line of thinking (pool water=stain and orange cleaner) is that it doesn't account for the odor. But honestly, nothing we've seen so far does. I wonder if there is a reservoir of some sort in the underbelly of the car - maybe created by a manufacturing mold-release hole?

ETA: thanks Harmony2

The only VFA analysis was reported in the following on p.6562:

There is one little paragraph stating the only VFA detectable in the trunk was Butyric Acid which is detectable very early in decomposition which moved the PMI to a range of 0.7 - 2.6 days.
I did an invert image thinking maybe something would come up... but I didnt see anything

Same here. An inverted, a negative, a sepia, lightened, darkened, sharpened, blurred, removed 'dust', enlarged. You name it, I tried it.
Only thing I could see a bit differently was a slight darker 'shaped' area almost center, towards trunk opening.
my concerns about this stain are great. So far, I think RobotDog is on to something. I swear I recall reading that the gasoline amount found in the air sampling was much too large to have been caused by simply an open container. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I might have read that? I know it was a previous doc dump, not todays if that helps at all? And AZ Lawyer, I too need more clarification on bodily fluids vs blood evidence. I didnt seem to read that part correctly either I guess. TIA WSers

Please forgive me if this has been answered already, I am jut beginning this thread. It makes sense to me that the gas spilled out in the car, possibly through the little air hole, or purposely. We know she had the cans in the car for how long when George reported them missing until the time he got them back from her in a huff? I remember she told Annie that she had lots of cleaning supplies in the trunk when Annie at the sleepover asked her about the smell. I think Casey poured every combo of gas, cloriform and whatever else she could possibly find in there, having watched enough TV to know that DNA can be found, she tried to remove any trace, then she abandoned the car hoping it would be stolen. Remember too she grew up watching George "Detail cars" with amonia and strong chemicals that he learned of in his years when he and his dad owned a car lot. I bet she triple bagged the baby and poured anything and everything in the car trunk first as she had the car backed in to the garage.
Please forgive me if this has been answered already, I am jut beginning this thread. It makes sense to me that the gas spilled out in the car, possibly through the little air hole, or purposely. We know she had the cans in the car for how long when George reported them missing until the time he got them back from her in a huff? I remember she told Annie that she had lots of cleaning supplies in the trunk when Annie at the sleepover asked her about the smell. I think Casey poured every combo of gas, cloriform and whatever else she could possibly find in there, having watched enough TV to know that DNA can be found, she tried to remove any trace, then she abandoned the car hoping it would be stolen. Remember too she grew up watching George "Detail cars" with amonia and strong chemicals that he learned of in his years when he and his dad owned a car lot. I bet she triple bagged the baby and poured anything and everything in the car trunk first as she had the car backed in to the garage.

I agree (except for the hoping she got her car stolen...I don't think she hoped for that at all!).

I think KC backed into the garage and tried to clean the stain with anything she could get her hands on.

The problem is, the decomp probaby seeped into the lining and all the way underneath of it and there wasn't anyway she was going to get at it without removing the trunk liner all together.

I'm praying they found more decomp evidence under the liner pooling on the metal of the trunk.
I agree (except for the hoping she got her car stolen...I don't think she hoped for that at all!).

I think KC backed into the garage and tried to clean the stain with anything she could get her hands on.

The problem is, the decomp probaby seeped into the lining and all the way underneath of it and there wasn't anyway she was going to get at it without removing the trunk liner all together.

I'm praying they found more decomp evidence under the liner pooling on the metal of the trunk.

I think she for sure hoped her car would be stolen, and that's why her purse was left there in plain sight, as an enticement. I believe she hoped someone would steal the car so that they would leave fingerprints inside. Unidentifiable fingerprints, or even better, fingerprints of an ex con. Someone, anyone, she could blame for this. She just didn't get that lucky, karma just doesn't work like that.
I think she for sure hoped her car would be stolen, and that's why her purse was left there in plain sight, as an enticement. I believe she hoped someone would steal the car so that they would leave fingerprints inside. Unidentifiable fingerprints, or even better, fingerprints of an ex con. Someone, anyone, she could blame for this. She just didn't get that lucky, karma just doesn't work like that.

I'm conflicted on this. One half of me says - yeah, she was hoping that the car would be stolen. On the other hand, when she arrived on the 30th to put gas in the car, and the car was missing, logic would have it (if her plot was to report the car and Caylee "missing") that she would immediatley report the car missing. She didn't do that. It makes the theory not make sense at that point.

Not to mention, I believe the car was locked wasn't it?
I'm going to follow up to drive the point home. IF this was an accidental death (no matter what the cause), and EVEN IF IT WASN'T and she just wanted to get out of it, in that first 24 hours all she had to do was say "she accidental drowned" or "she fell and hit her head" or "I gave her some medicine and I guess I gave her too much". I don't care. And my point is - with KC being an aficionado of lies - even if what she was saying was untrue, it would have given her a defense that at this time would have some pretty strong legs.

And this is where one of two things come into play: 1. Either it's KC's psychosis (i.e. she establishes a delusion/fantasy in her mind and that is the story that is going to become real if she states it and sticks with it), or 2. THERE WAS TOO MUCH INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE WITH THE BODY AT THAT TIME to pull off an accident.

An example of such incriminating evidence would be: duct tape over the baby's mouth. If she had said Caylee accidentally died upfront, she would still have to explain why there is duct tape over her daughter's mouth. I have contended that the duct tape was placed after the body started decomposing to prevent fluids that definitely would have started issuing from doing so...but when you look at her inability to take the accidental death excuse (even as a lie) - you have to start wondering if there was something about that body she knew damned well could not be explained as accidental. Was it that there was chloroform in the baby lungs? Or that the baby died of suffocation (i.e. taped mouth and nose prior to death)? SOMETHING prevented her from taking this out.

P.S. I just realized I placed this in the wrong thread! MY APOLOGIES!!! *blush*
This is a 23yr old who complains that her "whole life has been taken away" from her. If she had any semblance of a reasonable explanation for the charges brought against her she would not be willing to sit in jail for two years before the trial.
I think she for sure hoped her car would be stolen, and that's why her purse was left there in plain sight, as an enticement. I believe she hoped someone would steal the car so that they would leave fingerprints inside. Unidentifiable fingerprints, or even better, fingerprints of an ex con. Someone, anyone, she could blame for this. She just didn't get that lucky, karma just doesn't work like that.

Obviously OT as this isn't the "do we think she wanted the car stolen" thread....

I don't think KC would have run her car out of gas either on purpose or accidentally (as BJB has suggested and backed up with some excellent analysis) and left a Pontiac Sunfire on the corner of a busy intersection in hopes of a thief taking it. (a thief would have gotten within 2 feet of it and probably ran the other way due to the smell!)

How was someone going to steal a car with no gas? Wouldn't she have left some in the tank for the possible thief?

Also, it has been discussed before, but it wasn't her purse but a big bag full of papers and cd's. in plain view sight.

Most of all, what in the world was KC (KC who didn't have money for gas) going to do without a car? She certainly didn't have means of purchasing a new one and that car was basically her only source of freedom.

If it was stolen, it may have been stripped for parts (are Pontiacs a big target for theft??), wouldn't the authorities have found it and possibly alerted the registered owner......Cyndi?

I do see your point, though. If it was magically stolen, she could say it was with Caylee inside...ala Susan Smith. But, as Valhall said above, she must have known she wouldn't have gotten away with it because there was too much evidence linking back to her and she would have ditched the car on day one....not the few days before finally being caught by Cyndi a month later.

"Casey lives her life ten minutes at a time" Leonard said once and that explains all the things that don't make good sense to rational folks. LOL!
"Casey lives her life ten minutes at a time" Leonard said once and that explains all the things that don't make good sense to rational folks. LOL!

Kinda/sorta like "ya can't use/apply normal logic with an illogical personality :bang:". :doh:
I have seen the picture but cant see image of childs body.

However,I, do believe she was in that trunk :(
Respectfully snipped from Valhall:

I'm going to follow up to drive the point home. IF this was an accidental death (no matter what the cause), and EVEN IF IT WASN'T and she just wanted to get out of it, in that first 24 hours all she had to do was say "she accidental drowned" or "she fell and hit her head" or "I gave her some medicine and I guess I gave her too much". I don't care. And my point is - with KC being an aficionado of lies - even if what she was saying was untrue, it would have given her a defense that at this time would have some pretty strong legs.

My sympathic, understanding self thinks maybe KC didn't want to face her mother's wrath over allowing Caylee to have a fatal accident, so she staged a kidnapping.

My more suspicious self thinks maybe she covered an accident to prevent interruptions with her new boy interest and fake life, given that even an accident can result in charges.

My truly cynical self has wondered if it occured to her she could capitalize on Caylee's death, hence her "script", that was half-baked and poorly executed. The fact that she didn't tell anyone for a month kind of rules this out, but I do wonder if the media blitz didn't encourage her and her parents to carry on so long.

Shocking developments: 1,000 of pages of documents just released in the death penalty case against Casey Anthony, the mother accused of murdering her child last year. In a stunning development, the discovery reveals FBI e-mails regarding a picture taken of a large stain in the trunk of Casey Anthony’s car - an Agent writing that the stain appears to be the outline of a silhouette of a child in the fetal position. The photo allegedly shows what may be the back, bottom and legs of a small child! Is the stain in the trunk of tot mom’s car the outline of little Caylee’s body?

Geraldo report's its a blood stain.

[ame=""]YouTube - Geraldo with Jose Baez 10/4/09 Part 2[/ame]
Obviously OT as this isn't the "do we think she wanted the car stolen" thread....

I don't think KC would have run her car out of gas either on purpose or accidentally (as BJB has suggested and backed up with some excellent analysis) and left a Pontiac Sunfire on the corner of a busy intersection in hopes of a thief taking it. (a thief would have gotten within 2 feet of it and probably ran the other way due to the smell!)

How was someone going to steal a car with no gas? Wouldn't she have left some in the tank for the possible thief?

Do we have absolute confirmation that the car was out of gas? I know that George showed up with a Gas can when he went to pick it up, but was there something, other than Casey mentioning she was out of gas, to confirm this?

My point is, is it possible that truly running out of gas gave her the idea that she could use that as an excuse to abandon it? For whatever reason, AL never came with a gas can to fill it up again, he just picked her up...
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