GUILTY CO - Richard & Mayumi Heene charged in Balloon Boy Hoax, Fort Collins, 2009 - #2

Good! Any other wing nuts that want to try something like this might think twice.

I know, right? On Friday my out of town son called to tell me that another balloon had been launched and was heading my way-- I thought OMG, here we go. He was joking-- got a rise out of me too. :crazy:

The point being, this is ripe for copycats and no matter what charges are leveled, they MUST discourage this type of "balloony" in the future.
The parents really sicken me. Before Falcon blows his parent's cover, they repeat, "didn't you hear us calling you?" and you can see the mom nodding her head vigorously at Falcon as the question is asked. She's cuing him on how to respond. After he makes his "you told me to do it" comment, his mom utters, "Nooo?" Like a kid saying "uh uh". Then, later, you can see Falcon is not sure whether he did the right thing so he climbs on dad's lap. Watch as dad then carefully but purposefully shoves Falcon off him. You can tell the dad's upset.
Even these kids, who have been brought up with no rules and a disrespect for authority, felt very uncomfortable with the whole thing. You can read it on the older two's faces. Children have an inherent sense of fairness and justice and I'm sure when they saw the ruckus caused by this stunt and the concern of LE, the media and neighbors, their inner radar told them what was happening was wrong. Yet, their role models continue to forge ahead with the hoax. What kind of twisted message is that?
What really creeps me out is how the children had to witness their mother crying and upset during the 911 call and then how the dad smothered Falcon with hugs and kisses and fake cried with "relief", all the while knowing their dad was faking. I can't imagine what message that sends. It's telling these kids that the ones in charge of them, their parents, are liars and cannot be trusted and that even their apparent concern for the welfare of their kids is false. (Well, I guess I can imagine what message it's sending!) I think these boys will likely feel very insecure with their parents from now on.
I truly do believe this is emotional abuse and neglect. They taught these kids to lie to the very people who they are supposed to go to for help. While the rest of the world's children are taught the boy who cried wolf story, these kids are taught the very opposite. And they are not old enough to rationalize, like we are, that their parents are wacko, narcissistic and immature. All they know is that they are mom and dad, the people the boys need to rely on to survive.
It's horrible and the ramifications are many - not viewing LE with respect and as an entity that you turn to for help and safety, not learning that telling tales can create dangerous situations if later, you really need help, but no one will believe you, and learning that the love of one's own family is not necessarily real.
Poor kids. I really hope there is some serious intervention here, with mandatory family counseling, individual counseling for the parents with a therapist who won't let them get away with it and parenting classes, at the least. I do think the family should be put in the juvenile dependency court system and be forced to go to court where the boys can listen as a judge reads their parents the riot act and explains to the boys that what their parents did was a very dangerous and bad mistake and that they are now getting help to learn to be better parents. What creeps those two are.

Not to get off topic, but you are so right about children. I do believe they know right from wrong, at a very early age. I learned it first hand when I asked my son to tell a vendor he was younger than he really was (so I could get a cheaper rate). BAD mommy - and I deserved the embarassment when he said "my mom told me to tell you I was 8, not 10). He even cried about it. When I saw Falcon throwing up, I said "that child isn't sick - he's nerve stricken". The parents are not consoling him, they're blaming him. He's going to need a lot of therapy to get through this!

I was telling the hubby about this before I knew it was a hoax and was getting teary-eyed because I was so upset. These people are freaks. I can't imagine what this has done to that little boy.

I know -- we were all frantic, glued to the television, praying, etc. To find out it's a hoax and the damage it will cause to little Falcon is heartbreaking. And to see how the dad treated him on TV? I can only imagine how he's being blamed at every turn for "screwing it up". I hope they both get a good ol cavity search when they're arrested!

Bad example of grown parenting.
Sorry, I have absoluetly NO RESPECT for these people at all!
I watched, prayed and worried .............for nothing!
Glad Falcon is fine, but he will be a nervous wreck.........
look how he vomitted 2 times that night on TV.
Ummm... they would not be prosecuted on the word of a six year old, but on the video of them launching the balloon and their own lies (and maybe what was found on the compuer). The six year old has not said - at least not on television - that he was told to lie. He said "we did it for the show". I do not need to assume the parents are guilty because it is quite obvious - the kid was NEVER in that balloon and the parents knew it all along. They are a couple of fruit loops and I think they should pay for what this cost, including diverting airplanes.

And don't forget a family may have lost their livelihood because rescuers rushed to the balloon and in doing so destroyed their wheat crop.

I just pray the family has crop insurance :(

This hoax has extended it's hand to so many people unnecessarily.

Not to get off topic, but you are so right about children. I do believe they know right from wrong, at a very early age. I learned it first hand when I asked my son to tell a vendor he was younger than he really was (so I could get a cheaper rate). BAD mommy - and I deserved the embarassment when he said "my mom told me to tell you I was 8, not 10). He even cried about it. When I saw Falcon throwing up, I said "that child isn't sick - he's nerve stricken". The parents are not consoling him, they're blaming him. He's going to need a lot of therapy to get through this!


I thought the exact same thing. It makes to sick to see what these parents are putting the kids through. It's child abuse, IMO.
Rule 3.6 and Rule 3.8

I think these are the rules the sheriff was referencing. Except they seem like they have more to do with the lawyers involved in the case ... I suppose LE is considered an investigator in the case?
Ummm... they would not be prosecuted on the word of a six year old, but on the video of them launching the balloon and their own lies (and maybe what was found on the compuer). The six year old has not said - at least not on television - that he was told to lie. He said "we did it for the show". I do not need to assume the parents are guilty because it is quite obvious - the kid was NEVER in that balloon and the parents knew it all along. They are a couple of fruit loops and I think they should pay for what this cost, including diverting airplanes.

I agree miimaa. Plus the Sheriff said they have evidence it was a hoax.
The lawyer was on the Today Show this morning also. Doesn't want the parents arrested in front of the children saying it would be child abuse, but what about all the things the parents did which didn't seem to put the children first. For one, teaching their children to lie among many other things. Doesn't want it to be a media circus.....I thought that's what this family thrived on....a media circus.

frankly, i think the children SHOULD see the parents get arrested, they need to start learning soon that lying to the police is not OK. call me harsh, but i think it would be a valuable and much-needed lesson for them. and then they should get foster parents and a ton of counseling.
I hope they throw the book at this idiot and his wife. Some people will argue I am sure that oh its a harmless stunt... but enough is enough. I am tired of people doing crap (dangerous, reckless, illegal, etc.) and then getting off with just a half hearted apology (Chris Brown for example). Make these goobs into examples... villify them, fine them, jail them. take their kids and give them to a family that will take better care of them...
As distasteful as I found "that guy" and "that guy's wife," I agree that there is no reason to arrest them in front of their children.

Reality sucks, Heenes, doesn't it?
Hey, Heene family! Looks like you got your publicity now... enjoy!

Poor kids.....
Thank You ----I too am worried about the fathers temper. I am very concerned for Falcons safety since he will probably take the blame for his "slip-up" (on t.v.) and drawing suspicion to the case. (I hope police are watching that house very closely)

I actually watched a part of the wife swap involving Heene. It was a clip, but the other vids were taken off due to ABC rights.
When he threw milk at the woman who was the swap wife, it really showed this man in his true colors. You can see that he is immature and abusive. I cannot imagine Falcon not getting the brunt of his anger for blowing their cover. I agree with you on this. That man has anger issues.
I wonder, aren't there any grandparents who might be able to step in and help, during this. I know the family moved only a year or so ago to the Colo area from Calif, but I'm hoping if there are any, now'd be the time to come for a friendly family visit, for the sake of the kids at least.
I wonder, aren't there any grandparents who might be able to step in and help, during this. I know the family moved only a year or so ago to the Colo area from Calif, but I'm hoping if there are any, now'd be the time to come for a friendly family visit, for the sake of the kids at least.

I have not heard one peep about family members from either the mom or dad's side.....kinda odd. Makes me wonder if their lifestyle and behavior has alienated anyone close to them. (no pun intended) Has anyone heard anything? Maybe they really are from another planet? Just sayin.....
I have a feeling Mr. Heene has alienated everyone. Does anyone know where his wife is from originally. Not that it matters,but she has an interesting look.
I hope they throw the book at this idiot and his wife. Some people will argue I am sure that oh its a harmless stunt... but enough is enough. I am tired of people doing crap (dangerous, reckless, illegal, etc.) and then getting off with just a half hearted apology (Chris Brown for example). Make these goobs into examples... villify them, fine them, jail them. take their kids and give them to a family that will take better care of them...

I hope they throw the book at them just for what they put me through! Not to mention all the resources they wasted.

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