NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #23

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They happened at different times. Might have been the night before or the weeks before that she sold her.

That would make sense. The problem there would be if she isn't charged with it in regards to the MAM incident, then she won't be charged with murder. If LE is saying that she there is proof that she did so in the past, they will be looking to arrest the individuals that AD "handed" her to before.
Unfortunately, if LE is charging MAM with kidnapping and AD did not willingly hand her over that morning, she did not commit a felony and therefore can not be charged as equally culpable for her murder.
It is sickening, There was no way for you mom to keep them, even if she threatened to notify them about her drugs?

I spoke with an elderly women one day, she had her grand kids legally because she did not want them with her druggie daughter, she said her daughter is NO good....
So how is it she got them and your Mom could not? I imagine you have to know how to work the system...but that would make me mad because your Mom only wanted to do good, why cant the system do for her what that elderly lady had done?????

You are so right, that people have to know how to work the system, and those systems can vary from county to county in the same state. It is such a quagmire. In any of these situations, when drugs are in the mix, all bets are off .. everyone tries to fly under the radar, and kids are just a welfare check to feed the habit.
Knowingly sending this child into this horrific pit is beyond any understanding . . .he had to know the filth & danger she would face . . and burns on her body??? God and the angels hold that child in Peace now.
I watched the Today Show interview and I know BL had a total lapse of judgment and made a really negligent mistake, but my heart still goes out to him. He really loved her (I know...if he really loved her he would have done a better job of ensuring her safety) but I truly believe that he loved her and this situation is weighing heavy on his shoulders. Sorry...but my heart really goes out to him.
As for the case itself, the recap of the case before the interview did state the MAM is charged with kidnapping, murder, and rape...this disturbs me for the simple fact that if he is charged with kidnapping, how are they going to prove that AD willingly handed her over?

My heart goes out to any parent that loses a child as well,but BL isn't making it no easier by saying bullcaca like he didn't know it was a issue,CLD didn't let him know.Obilvious to the whole situation :waitasec:,but neighbor saw?He doesn't see what he could have done.His child is dead!:furious:Come on,we all see what could have been done.GET YOUR BUTT OVER THERE AND SEE HOW YOUR CHILD IS LIVING!!!:furious:Also did anyone notice CLD went to a entire different network?Maybe now CLD can speak more freely since she no longer has nothing held against her,JMO.Not trying to offend just my opinions.
Sheesh, where did that come from, other than the total speculation of a few prolific posters who seem determined to slam this father regardless of how little is actually known with any acceptable degree of certainty regarding this whole situation?

It comes from my following the case and the history of his parenting choices so closely.

He could have applied for custody, but he chose to hand her over to AD.

I'm not slamming anyone without an acceptable degree of certainty, and I think most posters here are good people who put children's safety first and deserve more credit and less chastising for holding parents to a higher standard of behavior.
That would make sense. The problem there would be if she isn't charged with it in regards to the MAM incident, then she won't be charged with murder. If LE is saying that she there is proof that she did so in the past, they will be looking to arrest the individuals that AD "handed" her to before.
Unfortunately, if LE is charging MAM with kidnapping and AD did not willingly hand her over that morning, she did not commit a felony and therefore can not be charged as equally culpable for her murder.

ITA - I just went back and looked at the search warrant for AD (Thanks Dr Fessell) and I think (hope) LE must have some evidence; as it reads, "on or about 11/10/09...." for AD's charges and for MAM's charges.
Don't they usually do that when there are murder charges?...maybe some pending??

Per a reporter at Fayetteville Observer, It is not uncommon for murder suspects to be housed in Raleigh. This was his response when I questioned McNeill being transferred to Central Prison.
That would make sense. The problem there would be if she isn't charged with it in regards to the MAM incident, then she won't be charged with murder. If LE is saying that she there is proof that she did so in the past, they will be looking to arrest the individuals that AD "handed" her to before.
Unfortunately, if LE is charging MAM with kidnapping and AD did not willingly hand her over that morning, she did not commit a felony and therefore can not be charged as equally culpable for her murder.

I hope they can connect the two. I would think maybe they can call her whole existence at that trailer sexual servitude therefore a continous felony going on.
If you followed things closely, then you are aware that he and AD worked together informally to arrange custody regarding Shaniya. He encouraged AD to maintain a presence in Shaniya's life, and I think he did that with the very best of intentions.

AD asked BL for a chance to be a mother to Shaniya, and care for her full time, and BL gave her that chance. Nothing I have seen shows that BL made it clear that he didn't want the responsibility of custody, or that it would be necessary to force him to care for his child.

He fought for custody of his 3 children with his now deceased wife. There is no reason to think he would not have done the same for Shaniya had that been necessary. However, since he and AD were able to work cooperatively to share custody of Shaniya, that apparently wasn't necessary.
I'm not caught up in this thread, but I have read 2 pages since the Today show interview was posted, and so far no one has mentioned that BL's new attorney is very familiar....Isn't he the same attorney that Somer's mom, Diena has? Hmmmmm. :waitasec:
BL seems to be careful about placing himself in the trailer. Tells his daughter goodbye from the truck.
I'm not caught up in this thread, but I have read 2 pages since the Today show interview was posted, and so far no one has mentioned that BL's new attorney is very familiar....Isn't he the same attorney that Somer's mom, Diena has? Hmmmmm. :waitasec:
Keep reading. LOL
My heart goes out to any parent that loses a child as well,but BL isn't making it no easier by saying bullcaca like he didn't know it was a issue,CLD didn't let him know.Obilvious to the whole situation :waitasec:,but neighbor saw?He doesn't see what he could have done.His child is dead!:furious:Come on,we all see what could have been done.GET YOUR BUTT OVER THERE AND SEE HOW YOUR CHILD IS LIVING!!!:furious:Also did anyone notice CLD went to a entire different network?Maybe now CLD can speak more freely since she no longer has nothing held against her,JMO.Not trying to offend just my opinions.

You're correct. I think my heart is going out to him as a parent and my mind is doing a WTF were you thinking. I think that if it had happened within a couple days and that he dropped her off for the weekend and she was reported missing a few days later, although people would have still questioned the living conditions, he wouldn't be getting blasted as much. I think the thing that is really pissing people off is that he "allegedly" made no contact or did any kind of checking on her well being for a month.
I'm not sure what neighbors said they saw....the manager interviewed that she had never seen the little girl.
BL sure is on TV a lot. It seems he's not allowing himself the oppportunity to grieve privately. I can't help but think the reason he is giving all these interviews is because he is concerned about what people think. I am sure he is grieving for his daughter and that he has regrets, but on the other hand, he doesn't seem to want to be depicted as the bad guy. I think it's interesting that he has a lawyer now.

At the funeral, when that one female read some lines, as though they were being said by Shaniya, I felt that the content of her speech was an effort to imply that BL had no blame, and that he was aware of the accusations floating around regarding his fathering abilities, and this speech was an attempt as a cover for him. In other words, My daughter loved me sooooo much that I couldn't have done anything wrong. (BL's thoughts)...anyone agree?
HLN is reporting DCFS did investigat both Shaniya and her brother at the mothers home.
If you followed things closely, then you are aware that he and AD worked together informally to arrange custody regarding Shaniya. He encouraged AD to maintain a presence in Shaniya's life, and I think he did that with the very best of intentions.

AD asked BL for a chance to be a mother to Shaniya, and care for her full time, and BL gave her that chance. Nothing I have seen shows that BL made it clear that he didn't want the responsibility of custody, or that it would be necessary to force him to care for his child.

He fought for custody of his 3 children with his now deceased wife. There is no reason to think he would not have done the same for Shaniya had that been necessary. However, since he and AD were able to work cooperatively to share custody of Shaniya, that apparently wasn't necessary.

Then we obviously see and interpret things differently. I respect your right to post your interpretations without being personally attacked for them. :)
Anyone remember these two?



Creepy! Can't stand MAM's smirk, and AD looks so cold and hard.
BL seems to be careful about placing himself in the trailer. Tells his daughter goodbye from the truck.

I can't in a million years imagine driving into that trailer park, up to that trailer, letting my five year old little girl out, and then driving off.

Someone would literally have to give me a court order and even then, I'd likely keep on driving to Canada or something. N.O. W.A.Y. I.N. H.E.L.L.
Diena T and Brad L have the same lawyer??????? WTH!?

Ahhhh....should have read one more page! LOL!

Well, Diena did say she could provide a shoulder for BL. :rolleyes:
I'm not caught up in this thread, but I have read 2 pages since the Today show interview was posted, and so far no one has mentioned that BL's new attorney is very familiar....Isn't he the same attorney that Somer's mom, Diena has? Hmmmmm. :waitasec:

That is covered fully!
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