cat news

My Khan would heal and sit for short amounts of time. We also got him to say MOOO in stead of mew when he was little. He quit doing it after he was older. He acted insulted and would walk away if we ask him to "say moo" lol. I still miss that kitty.

Thanks for the link PFF. :)
The only tricks our late kitty learned was going to the food bowl :cat:-and trying to escape going to the Vet!! :cat:
The only tricks our late kitty learned was going to the food bowl :cat:-and trying to escape going to the Vet!! :cat:

I hear ya, all our other cats were the same way. The one I have now would open the fridge if she could. :)
I had a cat that liked to play fetch.

The following story is true;

I lived with a woman and we had a cat named Hobbes that was the funniest cat I've ever lived with. We had another cat named Einstein. If a magic fairy came down and offered to turn them into humans Einstein would've looked at her like she was nuts while Hobbes would have jumped at the chance.

Before we start the main attraction I'll tell you this. One time Hobbes was doing something naughty, so I had my left hand held flat with his paws resting on them. My right hand was under his armpits and his paws were sticking straight out while I scolded him. While I was doing this he slapped me in the face with one of his paws. Claws retracted but still a slap. :crazy:

Ok, one night Hobbes was playing with and chasing another of the four total cats we had. I was on the floor watching TV and Hobbes kept chasing Twiggy around our apartment. While chasing her he jumped on my thigh and pushed off in order to try and tackle her, pushed off with claws out that is. The next time he zoomed by I grabbed the little *advertiser censored* and told him if he didn't stop chasing Twiggy I was gonna put him outside. (They were all outside cats.) It was November and a cold night. So of course he didn't heed my warning and I took him down the steps to the front door telling him I hoped the serial killer, who was still not caught (Arthur Shawcross), wouldn't get a hold of him and he'd end up on some Eastman students violin. (Yes, I am cruel. In my defense I was nursing a painful thigh wound.) :angel:

So I took him out and threw him out the front door. (not literally) After an hour my girlfriend told me he had probably learned his lesson and to let him inside. I went down the steps and opened the door and called for him. He emerged from under the porch. He looked at me and walked to the top of the steps turned around, sat down with his back to me. :snooty: I told him I knew what he wanted, he wanted me to apologize to him. I assured him that wasn't going to happen. He wouldn't budge. :snooty: So I went to pick him up and he ran under the porch. :runaway: I told him that if he didn't come in now it would be an allnighter for him and I didn't care if I found a catscicle in the morning ( :angel: ) but he refused to come in.

My girlfriend laughed when I told her this and saying that he was obviously mad at me she'd go get him. She goes down and opens the door and calls for him. He comes up the steps and sees it's her and goes back under the steps. :runaway: She comes up laughing about how he was obviously mad at me and would deal with me only and so we gave him another hour to come to his senses.

After another hour she tells me she doesn't care what I have to do. Just get him in, she doesn't want to worry about him all night. (Neither did I) So I go down to the door and call for him. He comes up the steps and turns around again. :snooty: I plead with him to come in. He sits there. :snooty: I tell him my girlfriend is worried about him. He sits there. :snooty: I tell him I don't want to worry about him either. He sits there. :snooty: Finally I tell him what he wants to hear. "Hobbes, I'm sorry. Now come in." He turns around and runs up to our apartment. :banghead:

His name went from Hobbes to slHobbes and then finally to Slobs. One day my girlfriend and I were eating HOT chicken wings. The cats were all meowing around us because they smelled the chicken. So my girlfriend dips her finger in the hot sauce and holds it down for them. Shadow comes up and sniffs it. He's not dumb enough to lick it. Einstein comes up. He's not dumb enough to lick it. Twiggy comes up. She's not dumb enough to lick it. Hobbes comes up, sniffs it, looks up at us and figures if humans can eat it then he can eat it too. He takes one lick of her finger and BANG ZOOM!!! to the water dish! My girlfriend almost choked on her chicken wing she was laughing so hard.

I know it sounds like I was always annoyed with that cat but that's very far from the truth. I really loved him, as I did all of our cats, and when he was lovey dovey he was a great cat to have in your lap. He was just a :censored: *advertiser censored* cat!! :banghead:

This isn't him but he looked a lot like this cat.

My cat will start walking to the kitchen, look back and make sure you are following her, go to a certain spot every night, roll over and wait for her treat. She also comes when one whistles...That is the extent of the tricks- all food based of course.

The training tips in the article are all food based too. You just move away from the constant treat idea.
The training tips in the article are all food based too. You just move away from the constant treat idea.
My three black cats would never be able to grasp that concept ~ they want the treats left out with their dry food dishes all day. They do know which kitchen cupboard door their moist food and treats are stored behind though!! :D
My three black cats would never be able to grasp that concept ~ they want the treats left out with their dry food dishes all day. They do know which kitchen cupboard door their moist food and treats are stored behind though!! :D

They're crafty critters. They aren't dumb.





Warning this is George Carlin so expect offensive material and don't blame me!




Cats are trainable. I've not tried tricks. But I have taught rules. We have had only 1 cat that refused to learn rules. Who would go out of their way to break them. LOL!

2 weeks ago I was at the pet store and noticed a training kit to teach a cat to use the toliet. I've decided to get one of those for my cat.

It starts with kittie box that looks like a toliet seat, but with litter in the middle. After a couple of weeks, that is moved to the actual toliet. After a couple of weeks, the litter container is replaced with one with a hole in the middle.

Basicly, the cat learns to set on the toleit seat to do it's business.

No litter,no mess.

While the whole process is 'cute'. I'm thinking of the cost of not having to buy litter. AND not having to change the litter. AND not having the smell of litter.
Cats are trainable. I've not tried tricks. But I have taught rules. We have had only 1 cat that refused to learn rules. Who would go out of their way to break them. LOL!

2 weeks ago I was at the pet store and noticed a training kit to teach a cat to use the toliet. I've decided to get one of those for my cat.

It starts with kittie box that looks like a toliet seat, but with litter in the middle. After a couple of weeks, that is moved to the actual toliet. After a couple of weeks, the litter container is replaced with one with a hole in the middle.

Basicly, the cat learns to set on the toleit seat to do it's business.

No litter,no mess.

While the whole process is 'cute'. I'm thinking of the cost of not having to buy litter. AND not having to change the litter. AND not having the smell of litter.
With their natural instinct though to scratch and cover up what's left in the litter box, I'd be afraid of them wanting to do that with the toilet and falling in! :eek:
Cats are trainable. I've not tried tricks. But I have taught rules. We have had only 1 cat that refused to learn rules. Who would go out of their way to break them. LOL!

2 weeks ago I was at the pet store and noticed a training kit to teach a cat to use the toliet. I've decided to get one of those for my cat.

It starts with kittie box that looks like a toliet seat, but with litter in the middle. After a couple of weeks, that is moved to the actual toliet. After a couple of weeks, the litter container is replaced with one with a hole in the middle.

Basicly, the cat learns to set on the toleit seat to do it's business.

No litter,no mess.

While the whole process is 'cute'. I'm thinking of the cost of not having to buy litter. AND not having to change the litter. AND not having the smell of litter.

a cautionary tail

it will be very hard if not impossible for kitty to jump up & balance on a toilet ring when he/she gets older & has arthritis/other health problems

and it will be very stressful for all involved to abruptly change kitty's facility arrangements at that point

kitty will be upset & using the rest of the house as a litterbox

human companion(s) will be even more upset & all the convenience of the earlier years will not have been worth it

a cautionary tail

it will be very hard if not impossible for kitty to jump up & balance on a toilet ring when he/she gets older & has arthritis/other health problems

and it will be very stressful for all involved to abruptly change kitty's facility arrangements at that point

kitty will be upset & using the rest of the house as a litterbox

human companion(s) will be even more upset & all the convenience of the earlier years will not have been worth it

I want to add something else that is much more harmful to the cats ~ the toilet seat falling down onto the cat. This actually happened in my parents' house many years ago, and the cat (bless his heart) didn't survive. He wasn't using the toilet, just curiously looking inside the bowl after my dad had left both the seat and lid up. From that point on my mom made sure both the seat & lid were down, and so I have in my house. We also put blue chemical cleaner in the tank which comes into the bowl and could be toxic if the cats were to get in contact with it. :(
I want to add something else that is much more harmful to the cats ~ the toilet seat falling down onto the cat. This actually happened in my parents' house many years ago, and the cat (bless his heart) didn't survive. He wasn't using the toilet, just curiously looking inside the bowl after my dad had left both the seat and lid up. From that point on my mom made sure both the seat & lid were down, and so I have in my house. We also put blue chemical cleaner in the tank which comes into the bowl and could be toxic if the cats were to get in contact with it. :(

I'm sorry to hear that. The passing of a pet is losing a member of your family like a sibling or parent. Only non pet owners don't get that.
I'm sorry to hear that. The passing of a pet is losing a member of your family like a sibling or parent. Only non pet owners don't get that.
Thank you :) Up until then neither of my parents would've imagined that could've happened. I didn't mean to take away from your happy kitty pictures thread!
Cats are trainable. I've not tried tricks. But I have taught rules. We have had only 1 cat that refused to learn rules. Who would go out of their way to break them. LOL!

2 weeks ago I was at the pet store and noticed a training kit to teach a cat to use the toliet. I've decided to get one of those for my cat.

It starts with kittie box that looks like a toliet seat, but with litter in the middle. After a couple of weeks, that is moved to the actual toliet. After a couple of weeks, the litter container is replaced with one with a hole in the middle.

Basicly, the cat learns to set on the toleit seat to do it's business.

No litter,no mess.

While the whole process is 'cute'. I'm thinking of the cost of not having to buy litter. AND not having to change the litter. AND not having the smell of litter.

My cat uses the toilet. I didn't train her, she just started doing it. I never have to worry about a litter box when she's in the house. She won't use it anyway. I guess she doesn't like the mess or smell. Who does, right? I have tried to get a picture or video of her on the toilet, but she will not allow it. She is private with her "business".

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