Teacher Cuts Off 1st Grader's Braid In Front Of Class


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May 6, 2007
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"Lamya Cannon says the teacher called her up to the front of the class at Congress Elementary, took a classroom scissors and snipped the beaded braid that frames her face.
"I went to my desk and cried. They was laughing. She threw it away." Cannon said."

I would be furious, if I were that child's mom! :furious:
What in the world? My gosh! Sounds like she is closer in mentality to the students.
I'd probably be in jail...that's all I can say about this one.
i would have waited til there was a teacher's meeting and walked into it and cut off her damn hair...and it seems i wouldn't get in trouble for it either. what an idiot.
When the District Attorney's Office said there were not grounds for criminal charges, police issued the teacher a $175 dollar ticket for disorderly conduct. http://www.wkowtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=11677405

Oh, there would have certainly been some disorderly conduct if this would have been my child! I have little to no patience when it comes to complete idiots!
Sounds like an ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON to me! I would demand that she be charged and fired! Wonder how much time I would get for holding the witch down and shaving her head?
I'm with you Mom....I would be in jail ! That woman needs to be pulled out of the classroom like yesterday....what kind of teacher does such a thing ?
I am sending this one to my mom...lol She is a teacher, I can see her jaw now, on the floor...
Not grounds for criminal charges?

I'd call it assault (and I consider scissors a deadly weapon)!

Unbelievable. :banghead:
This is surely assault and that teacher should lose her licence.
I would raise merry hell if that happened to my girls:furious:
Hopefully Momtective and MysticRose would hold a cell for me...
I agree. MAY face disciplinary action? :furious:
What's next? I can't imagine she wasn't fired then and there. Heck, if any one did that to a coworker they'd be escorted out the door.

And to do this to a child?

This woman has no business being around children.

Ok, and who said they were going to the next school board meeting to hold her down and shave her head? I'll hold her down for ya! And it would be one rather eratic hair cut. Pass the razor!

If anyone did that to my child, sorry but their would be a law suit. I'm not generally not pro law suits, but think of how this teachers frustration will impact this childs trust of teachers, interest in learning, interaction with her peers....... I hope this mother is doing what she can to get this child into a different school.
as an internet junkie, over the years i've sent hundreds of 'comment' letters to various police chiefs, terrorists and school principals etc.

here's an email address i dug up, in case you want to make a comment to the school district.


(thats the parent teacher dispute section, giving out of office reply, probably from the spam storm, but send email anyway !!)

Not removed from the classroom??? Are they crazy? LAWSUIT!!!!
Not removed from the classroom??? Are they crazy? LAWSUIT!!!!

God help her students next time she is frustrated. This woman is not mentally mature enough to teach little kids. If that was MY daughter, I would guarantee that teacher would be served with a lawsuit. No way would "I'm sorry." cover it.
All I can say is if a teacher cut off my daughter's braid without my permission, there would hell to pay.

I would be furious.
It's not assault, but it is a terrible boundary violation and I am glad they were able to charge disorderly conduct.

More concerning to me than this teacher's actions is the fact that she is still in the classroom with 1st graders. IMHO, what she did is offensive enough that she should not be allowed a second chance.
This saddens me because of the vulnerability of 1st graders. For some, this is their first introduction to (hopefully) 12 years of school and this is what this poor child will remember. To be called to the front of her class and have an audience of her peers witness this and laugh at her! How horrible.

I understand frustration with young children, being a mother of 3 young boys myself. But, this woman needs to find another career because this is not the one for her!
Poor baby must have been beyond devistated that this crazy woman did this in front of her classmates. This isn't even about the hair, this was done to embarrass this child. What kinda 1st grade teacher would even think to do ths?

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