UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #4

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my bff... myra.. would come and bite the *advertiser censored* off of anyone who could chew if I were missing. I trust it and know it!

She would shoot you all a a new if she thought it made sense.

So where are these kinds of friends for Josh other than the cursory ones? He doesn't have a friend... not a one.. despite being a REALATOR! that is STRANGE TO ME. not the first strange thing according to Josh... not the last....

bring it on Josh.. show your mettle.. or don't. I bet you don't that is just my bet.

Josh has a friend

AND don't forget Kiirsi or however you spell her name. =2 !!
Am curious about your statement. You think she is more on Josh's side than her best friend Susan?

YES, but I think she is protecting herself (couldn't happen to me) and her LDS church (can't happen here) and is protecting Josh too, big time. Did you read her blog/twitters/book reviews, etc. Oy vey!!

Just google Kiirsi's blog, Kiirsi Hellwell, etc.
my bff... myra.. would come and bite the *advertiser censored* off of anyone who could chew if I were missing. I trust it and know it!

She would shoot you all a a new if she thought it made sense.

So where are these kinds of friends for Josh other than the cursory ones? He doesn't have a friend... not a one.. despite being a REALATOR! that is STRANGE TO ME. not the first strange thing according to Josh... not the last....

bring it on Josh.. show your mettle.. or don't. I bet you don't that is just my bet.


So true! Persons like Josh have no friends. Well if you want to count the guy in the computer club that met twice a month and had never even met Susan a friend....seriously? Guys know that other guys can read them in a hearbeat. Therefore there are none.
Since Josh liked to go camping alot with his boys I would love to know where his favorite spot was ?

me too mystic. asked a long time ago (thread #1) as this is where Josh grew up: ask friends about forts, clubs, secret hideouts. boys would all know of a 'great' place that was just too far for them to hoof it, but was shared. don't give Josh much credit, but wouldn't think he would actually put her exactly in one of those spots. but somewhere close. say a few (>100) miles where he went 'parking' when older, and knew of unreachable places.
are these fair weather friends? I just have a feeling that they both are. And fair weather aint a blowing in Josh's direction. moo

There is ONE thing from puter geek friend to sis, and BIL that seems to be a reoccurring theme. Josh will not speak about Susan, and what happened to her While I give him NO credibility whatsoever: I am examining this.
People were giving him a break as it was "just so painful." But as Tim Peterson said he could speak of new clothes, and phone.

This means that anyone that Josh actually knows he will not even speak about Susan to them. Could this possibly mean that he has the tiniest bit of decency/faith/guilt or whatever that he cannot truly look to those that he cares about/or care about him straight in the eye, and lie. He does not wish that, at least in case he may need their help before this comes to an arrest. He can say "I never lied to you."

...merely a thought
Are we allowed to post Kiirsi's blog? I find it interesting reading, and although she proclaims to be Susan's friend - she is protecting herself and Josh, more than helping Susan.



If Kriisi wants our help, and wants to send the message to the world - why doesn't she tell us the truth? This makes no sense to me. Some helpful friend, eh?


She seems very convincing -- but how does she know this? Give us a bit of information so WE CAN HELP. She could be in San Diego for heaven's sake (for some reason all the perps go to San Diego, including Westerfield, Peterson, and the most recent case of mom/boyfriend/daughter who went missing -- they were just down the road from me).

Is she sending us on a wild goose chase? Does she know Susan is probably in the back yard? Both she and Josh want us all to think that Susan is hundreds of miles away from home. This raises my hinky meter to levels beyond.

Just my opinion.


ETA: she also says:<redacted>

If Josh were my friend, I'd be on him like white on rice, asking every question in the book! Maybe she has, maybe she hasn't....
YES, but I think she is protecting herself (couldn't happen to me) and her LDS church (can't happen here) and is protecting Josh too, big time. Did you read her blog/twitters/book reviews, etc. Oy vey!!

Just google Kiirsi's blog, Kiirsi Hellwell, etc.

yes, I've read what she said. she has said many things on her page at this point. what really caught me though is:


We all can take this anyway we wish, what fits in to our particular scenario, make her part of the murder?, or let's put Kiirsi AND JoVonna into the mix.
I guess they were ALL in on it. Just my itty bitty opinion of course, but I believe this is part LDS, part LE, and much killing her to have to state such. God bless her is my thought for having to keep tight.

Would I chomp the package off anyone I knew did away with my best friend?
(in so many words quoting you NurseBee) you betcha!!! I may look like Ms. Lector before it's over! :)

I'm just saying let's not judge a book by the Facebook cover at this point. I am now feeling as sorry for Kiirsi as I am the Coxs'. She is the Xena warrior up front, and having to take all this. They are staying in the background. When this is over, and done I ask all of you who judge her to take as much care giving her an apology. Bet page will be closed then. And you will be left with the most horrible of statements, and nowhere to give it up too. Unless someone on here would wish (hopefully) to start a "Let me make amends to Susan's best friend page."

NO, I do NOT agree with no searches. Why in God's name she is saying this? I have no clue. What I do know is that I would hate to be named one of her friends from this crowd. Or at least a first name. Have a feeling that--I, too, would be crucified this morning.

Let's be "en guarde" to the person who killed her. Need I give him a name? Only too happy to---
his name is Josh Powell.

just saying it the way i feel. my goal is not to make anyone feel badly, just GO for the person who took her life. ask yourself this:

does he trust anyone?
does anyone trust him?

nuff said
sorry if this has been posted. I think I need to go to bed. Oh well.....


An attorney for The Salt Lake Tribune on Tuesday argued history and the law favor opening search warrants connected to the Susan Powell disappearance case to the public.
"Public access to warrant materials serves as a check on the judiciary because the public can ensure that judges are not merely serving as a rubber stamp for the police," attorney Michael O'Brien wrote in a motion filed in state court.

more to read at link

huh? what does that seriously mean?
My thought is that he would NOT drive with a body in the car for 6 or 7 hours and risk being stopped by a trooper or being seen in a deserted area to be recognized later on, after her disappearance becomes public news.

I still think he didn't venture too far from home, to a place he had already been before.

About he putting 200 miles in the car, I'm surprised LE didn't have a tail on JP (being that he was suspected - the reason why his van was taken in the first place.)

<with hand waving over top> me too me too!
Now that the holiday craziness is mostly over, I have more time to reflect. Wasn't it Kiirsi's husband who drove Josh to get the rental car? If he didn't contact LE about this, why not?

I'm still waiting for a GF to pop up, or as some have suggested a BF aka Wayne. If it's the latter, that's something someone in Josh's shoes wouldn't want his friends in the ward and family to find out about. JMO based on my gay friends here, there are alot of closet gays in Utah because of the unacceptance of that lifestyle. Coming out is a very harsh experience here.

hmm while we cannot be sure until realeased, I think it was his sis/BIL.
only reason I'm saying this is from other pics
Josh's father is helping him now.
Did he help him Dec 6-7?

"Josh spoke to his father on the phone for hours"
"Josh talked to his father more than he talked to Susan"
"Josh's father would send him anti-LDS literature"

And what was the sticky point for the marriage to remain or divorce to happen? THE LDS CHURCH!

Let's look at this from Josh's POV...
Susan was about to destroy him, take everything, take the sons he loves so much.
She had a career, his all careers all faltered, failed.
Susan was loved, he was disliked, thought to be a creep (per Tim Peterson their "friend")

Let's look at this from Steven Powell's POV...
Susan was ruining Josh's life.
She was trying to force that awful (his idea not mine) religion on Josh against his will.
Steven was cruel to his ex-wife Terri Powell, caused her all sorts of grief throughout the divorce process (I wish I knew more about that dynamic)

OK, so? Did Steven Powell help after he got a panicked call from Josh about what happened that night after JoVonna left?

I am thinking this partly because of the cryptic "out of state" reference on Kiirsi's blog, plus-- add in all the why's of how fathers help their sons and sons turn out like their fathers.

I am 99.99999% sure Josh did this, but the answer to where he put her might involve his father.

Can we sleuth?
Josh's father is helping him now.
Did he help him Dec 6-7?

I am 99.99999% sure Josh did this, but the answer to where he put her might involve his father.

By george, I think you're onto something here... good thinking.
Most of them wife-disappearing-and-leaving-purse-and-cell-behind guys had a lady-love on the side, who was waiting for her man to become "unattached."

Most were on the verge of divorce, thus loosing kids, home, and facing child support payments for years to come.

In Susan's case, it seems like the divorce situation was the main motive, but one should never keep the mind closed to other reasons.
Josh's father is helping him now.
Did he help him Dec 6-7?

"Josh spoke to his father on the phone for hours"
"Josh talked to his father more than he talked to Susan"
"Josh's father would send him anti-LDS literature"

And what was the sticky point for the marriage to remain or divorce to happen? THE LDS CHURCH!

Let's look at this from Josh's POV...
Susan was about to destroy him, take everything, take the sons he loves so much.
She had a career, his all careers all faltered, failed.
Susan was loved, he was disliked, thought to be a creep (per Tim Peterson their "friend")

Let's look at this from Steven Powell's POV...
Susan was ruining Josh's life.
She was trying to force that awful (his idea not mine) religion on Josh against his will.
Steven was cruel to his ex-wife Terri Powell, caused her all sorts of grief throughout the divorce process (I wish I knew more about that dynamic)

OK, so? Did Steven Powell help after he got a panicked call from Josh about what happened that night after JoVonna left?

I am thinking this partly because of the cryptic "out of state" reference on Kiirsi's blog, plus-- add in all the why's of how fathers help their sons and sons turn out like their fathers.

I am 99.99999% sure Josh did this, but the answer to where he put her might involve his father.

Can we sleuth?

Do you think it's possible they met halfway with her body? Maybe a route they would be familiar with on the way to Puyallup, but not all the way? Seems logical that the boys would be sleeping and probably not seen "grandpa". I'm off to do a little mapping......
The most logical route from Utah to WA runs straight through Idaho and Oregon on I-84. The you hit I-82 the rest of the trip, according to what I am seeing. I am wondering if there are any places that the Powell family maybe took vacations or went camping back in the day that would be in either Idaho or Oregon.
yes, I've read what she said. she has said many things on her page at this point. what really caught me though is:


We all can take this anyway we wish, what fits in to our particular scenario, make her part of the murder?, or let's put Kiirsi AND JoVonna into the mix.
I guess they were ALL in on it. Just my itty bitty opinion of course, but I believe this is part LDS, part LE, and much killing her to have to state such. God bless her is my thought for having to keep tight.

Would I chomp the package off anyone I knew did away with my best friend?
(in so many words quoting you NurseBee) you betcha!!! I may look like Ms. Lector before it's over! :)

I'm just saying let's not judge a book by the Facebook cover at this point. I am now feeling as sorry for Kiirsi as I am the Coxs'. She is the Xena warrior up front, and having to take all this. They are staying in the background. When this is over, and done I ask all of you who judge her to take as much care giving her an apology. Bet page will be closed then. And you will be left with the most horrible of statements, and nowhere to give it up too. Unless someone on here would wish (hopefully) to start a "Let me make amends to Susan's best friend page."

NO, I do NOT agree with no searches. Why in God's name she is saying this? I have no clue. What I do know is that I would hate to be named one of her friends from this crowd. Or at least a first name. Have a feeling that--I, too, would be crucified this morning.

Let's be "en guarde" to the person who killed her. Need I give him a name? Only too happy to---
his name is Josh Powell.

just saying it the way i feel. my goal is not to make anyone feel badly, just GO for the person who took her life. ask yourself this:

does he trust anyone?
does anyone trust him?

nuff said

new BBM............I really don't think Kiirsi and group want Susan found!
The reason........we will all know the TRUTH!

If my "best" friend, loved one or PET was missing ,
you better believe I would have a search party scheduled ever time I could!
We would be out there...........no way could I just BLOG away!
No way could I allow her body out in the wilderness without trying to find her.
It really makes me suspicious on some of Susans friends!
I live in a very cold, weather bad, mountainess area, we have coal mines and strip mines, wild life and woods, yet we have search parties all the time.
I just do not understand any of these people not wanting a search!
I remember so well Stacy peterson's friend out searching for her and getting money for searches.
Why not for Susan?
Josh's father sent him anti - LDS literature ...interesting, Do we know what religon if any Josh's dad is ?

The other thing that is eating at me is why would Susans friend Kiirsi not want anyone to search for her ? Is it denial or something else ....
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